Chapter 165

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It was completely silent after Namjoon explained the whole ordeal. He himself was confused about how everyone was reacting, he did know that it was one of the unexpected twists but silence was nothing he expected. He looked around, there were guilty ridden, regretted, relieved faces but he was confused on what to conclude everyone's expression as.

Before he knew, he was pulled in a hug by Jason, who thanked him a lot for taking care of his brother and apologised profusely for punishing him without knowing the entire truth. He boiled in anger, towards Nancy but his hands were tied. If she was able to pull such a big thing then dealing with her would be difficult, he had to make sure to conceal the truth and trap her in her own game, but Namjoon had already planned off poisoning her, so he had to stop that for now.

"Namjoon, please inform the maid to stop the plan. I will be visiting them tomorrow and will handle this the way it should be handled"

"But.." Namjoon tried but he was cut short by Jin.

"Yeah, you have done enough, and now let's handle this from here. Do  as Jason said, and don't worry, All of us will be fine."

Namjoon hesitantly dialed the maid and asked her to abort the plan and informed Jason's hyung of the same too. Jason's hyung, sighed knowing the things are going get dirty from now on.

Jason called Nancy and informed that he would be staying the night, and has a few things to talk to his hyung. Nancy, agreed not knowing the whole ordeal was to trap her wholly.

Jason promised on treating Namjoon right and to make up for the crucial days he tortured him and Namjoon agreed knowing that he couldn't blame Jason completely for how he reacted, obviously his emotions were high, who wouldn't when the person whom you love the most was declared dead and then weren't dead but just held hostage?

Deciding on ending the whole discussion, Jin got up and ushered everyone to go rest as it would be a long day tomorrow. And who were they kidding cause everyone surrounded Namjoon and followed him and squeezed in a single bed close to their brother.

Taehyung, silently looked at everyone being so lovely with Namjoon and sighed. With year filled eyes, he walked towards his room. Obviously, Jin, Yoongi and Jason observed it as they were still seated on the couch and sighed. Yoongi was beating himself for being a complete idiot to act on his stress and frustration.

Nevertheless, his heart raced as he realised that both Jason and Jin were glaring at him. He knew he was in trouble, he knew he was going to end up in a bad shape but he also knew that he deserved that, for scaring Namjoon and as well humiliating Taehyung.

"So, young man. What would you like to say for yourself?" Jason's question remained hanging in the air as Yoongi squeezed his fingers to be calm and composed.

"Yoongi, didn't I warn you that no one will speak to Namjoon about the matter until I talk to him?" Yoongi didn't have an answer for it, what would he say that he was curious so he asked.

Yoongi's eyes fell on Alex who was staring at him, scared at how Jin and Jason were interrogating him. Yoongi's gaze softened and took a deep breath and called Alex over. Jin and Jason sighed as Alex hesitantly walked over to the trio.

"Did we scare you baby?" questioned Yoongi as Alex just gave a small nod and Yoongi was quick enough to pull him on his lap and peck him several times assuring him that he was all fine and his hyungs were not hurting him in any way.

Alex, still doubtful clenched on Yoongi's shirt and looked at both the elders with betrayed and angry gaze. But, soon fell asleep as Yoongi's fingers worked magic on his hair.

"I will tuck him in and be back" said Yoongi and got up with Alex in his hold but immediately stumbled as his leg hurt a lot. Jason and Jin instantly got up, Jason took Alex from Yoongi's hold and Jin made the younger sit down.

"I will lie him down" said Jason and walked towards Yoongi's room and lied him down.

He then walked towards Jin and Yoongi and found Jin brutally scolding Yoongi about everything and Yoongi who was silently crying.

Jason took a seat next to Jin as Yoongi looked at him with pleading eyes. Jason softly rested his hand on Jin's thighs and spoke, "Jin ket him speak" Jin sighed and the next second recoiled away from Jason with betrayed and scared gaze. Jason's eyes flickered with guilt and disappointment, and he unacknowledged Jins actions and concentrated on Yoongi.

" Go pack your bags, you will be living with Jason for the time being" Jin said in a cold tone and Yoongi cried more.

", please n..nooo" sobbed Yoongi but his siblings were a futile attempt to conceal himself as Jin was already down with Yoongi's essentials and Jason was taking him towards his car.

As much as Yoongi resisted it, the grip on his wrist got tighter and he was harshly pulled and locked inside the car as Jason child locked it.

Jason took the wheel and drove towards his apartment to rest and to leave the following day to end Nancy. Yoongi was still sobbing and Jason was losing his patience.

Once they reached the parking lot, Jason asked Yoongi to get down but Yoongi refused and that was it. Jason angrily stomped towards Yoongi's side and opened the door and slapped him hardly as Yoongi chocked on his tears and abruptly stopped.

Jason then, carried him towards the apartment and put him on the couch, as Yoongi was still in utter shock about the slap. How could he forget, it was Jason not Jin!!!!!

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