Chapter 116

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Hoseok tried speaking but he couldn't as he couldn't take in the air and was really struggling to breathe but Yoongi just shook to believe his nonsense.

That was when, Hoseok's realised the heights of his actions. He was always held, cradles when he would have any panick attack or even just when he couldn't breathe or was just nervous but this was the first time he was really having trouble breathing but no one came forward.

Hoseok was not entirely alone as Jin stepped forward and held him slowly guiding him down to be able to breathe properly while Yoongi still showed a disinterested look.

Alex moved forward too and helped him to comprehend things.

'Enough, enough of this utter nonsense. If you want to stay so bad in here then I and Alex will leave on our own' announced Yoongi and walked towards Alex who was kneeling down beside Hoseok and pulled him up.

He held onto Alex's hands in his and started walking out as Hoseok tried comprehending the situation.

With barely any strength he crawled, pulling himself from Jin's warmth and held onto Alex's legs. Yoongi sighed and glared at him.

Hoseok, took help of Alex and stood up.

'H..hyung, you stay I...I w..will g..go' rasped Hoseok trying to level his breathing and staggered outside once and for all.

Jin just gave a betrayed gaze at Yoongi and walked out followed by all others.

Hoseok didn't know where to go. He decided on crashing at his friends place but all his friends turned their back on him and with no destination, Hoseok just walked where his legs took.

With each step he felt himself breaking, with each step he knew how grave mistake he had committed, with each step he knew he was alone, with each step he wanted to kill himself more and more for all the past deeds he committed.

By the end of the night, he arrived at the hospital which was his hours ago but it belonged to Alex now. He slowly walked in and the security who saluted always gave him a sympathetic gaze and asked for I.D.

Hoseok was shocked and tears poured at the genuine request. Was this what Alex felt? Damn, it hurt directly where it ached.

Hoseok meekly showed his ID and the security let him enter as Hoseok walked towards his room to fin sit locked. He sighed and walked towards the employee rest and popped down on the bed.

With tears soaking his pillow he stared at the bunk bed above his and tried recalling all the things that happened. Yoongi kicked him out, he was no longer staying in Kim Mansion, he was demoted as an intern under Alex, he lost his hospital and he lost almost everything.

His stomach growled with hunger as Hoseok chuckled sarcastically. Every time, he was hungry and way before he was hungry his hyung would have prepared food and kept it ready and now he had nothing else than his hospital ID and cards.

His stomach growled loudly which reminded him that all his brothers would now be happily having dinner without him. It made him left out. He was shook with the silence and craved nothing more than the peaceful chaos in his mansion where he no longer belonged.

On the other hand everyone skipped dinner and for the first time Jin himself didn't have the strength to force the dinner down their throats. He was tired too. He couldn't understand why Yoongi punished Hoseok so brutally and why Hoseok did things he did.

Namjoon and Taehyung came home as soon as the meeting ended and when they got to know the truth they were utterly shocked.

To such a extent that Taehyung had ran above the stairs, entered Yoongi's room and started punching him repeatedly while Alex was startled about the situation. Others stood out waiting for the outburst from Yoongi but the scene they saw shocked them more.

It wasn't just Taehyung crying, it was Yoongi too. Yoongi too had tears in his eyes as he slowly caught Taehyung fists in his and pulled Taehyung to his chest. He hugged Taehyung tightly and let out heart wrenching sobs. His sobs hurt so much that Taehyung had stopped crying and was worried for the older.

'Hyung, don't cry. I am sorry , Hyung don't cry, don't cry' uttered Taehyung trying his best to calm the older down but Yoongi was not having it.

Jimin came forward and pulled Taehyung away from the tight grasp from Yoongi and Alex replaced Taehyung as everyone left to give the couple their space.

Alex held Yoongi as Yoongi cried. Alex had never seen Yoongi cry ever, even when he spoke about their parents it was always Yoongi holding a poker facade and Alex just staying there with no questions or words to console him

This was new but oddly familiar and Alex felt responsible for Yoongi. For once, he had the higher hand in their relationship and a chance to take care of the one who always was there for him.

Yoongi sank to the floor with Alex and Alex didn't even utter a word except whispering comforting words as Yoongi fell asleep in Alex's safe embrace as Alex gently with a bit difficulty lift him and made him comfortable on the bed.

As Alex and others tended to Yoongi there laid Hoseok on the cold bed in the hospital and just let his tears flow as slowly darkness sucked in him letting him not differ between reality and nightmare anymore as the demons cut him even in his closed world and it was safe to say he didn't have a good night sleep.

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