Chapter 127

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Jungkook's words left an imprint on Taehyung's mind that he failed to sleep the entire night. Jimin was immersed in Jungkook's wellbeing that he failed to register the words Jungkook uttered. Jason was long gone worrying for his love.

Jin had managed to settle Yoongi on the bed and put him to sleep as Jin informed about the decision of Alex to Jason. Jason, immediately seemed to realise what the entire problem was about, it wasn't about Hoseok it was about Alex's insecurity towards Yoongi's love for his brothers. Jason had gone through that too and he decided to have a talk with Alex and make him understand very important things.

Jason and Jin slept off waiting for what the morning held. Jimin crashed with Jungkook.

Namjoon on the other hand was not able to sleep. Unknowingly, as soon as he closed eyes he was taken back to the scene years ago. The car crash, the yellings of the people,.the siren of the ambulance and the police vehicles. It was like a repeating hell.

He sighed and made his way towards Jin and Jason's room. He knocked on that and waited for someone to open it. Jason, with sleepy eyes opened the door. Namjoon immediately gasped as Jason was shirtless. Jin peaked through the blanket and once he found Namjoon standing there like a kicked puppy he switched on the lights and called him over.

Jason closed the door as Jin pulled Namjoon inbetween himself and Jason.

'Can't sleep?' asked Jin in his sleepy voice as Namjoon nodded.

Jin hugged the younger as Jason hugged both of them and before Namjoon knew he was asleep in the warmth of his hyung and there was no accident to scare him anymore.

Jin looked at Jason and pecked his lips.

'Are you okay with Joonie' sleeping here?' asked Jin softly, worried about the answer.

'Yes baby. Don't worry, I know by now that the way to your heart is through your brothers. If I push Namjoon away you will not be able to sleep and then my world wide handsome husband will have dark circles' playfully explained Jason assign husband purposefully as Jin got all shy and hid his face. Jason chuckled at that and pecked the younger's forehead.

Jason then switched off the lamp and dozed off as Jin did too.

The next morning was heavy on the dining table. Taehyung was upset as Jungkook was just angry at his immediate eldest. Alex and Yoongi were far away. Hoseok could sense the tension and was worried. Namjoon was happily settled on Jason's lap.

Well rewing to that, as Namjoon was walking towards the dining room he didn't wanted to settle on any of the chairs as he wanted someone to assure him that everything was well. Unknowingly, he was shaken by the vivid images his mind was displaying. With a heavy heart he settled on the chair and as Jin came back he witnessed the pouty face of Namjoon

He sighed and scooped Namjoon up and settled him on Jason as Jason looked at him with shocked eyes.

'My mafia husband should know by now that spoiling my brothers is a way to get me' whispered Jin in the older's ears playful and giggly. Jason smirked at the husband part but nevertheless fed Namjoon as Jin gestured him too. No wonder Jin loves all his brothers, they are just so lovable.

Jimin was trying to coax Jungkook to eating as the younger refused to eat. Jimin looked at Taehyung for help but Taehyung himself looked so upset that Jimin sighed.

Jungkook then stomped towards Taehyung angrily with a plate in his hand as he settled it down next to the older's plate and claimed his seat on Taehyung's lap.

'What? Feed me!' spoke Jungkook with an attitude in his voice.

'You don't hate me?' questioned Taehyung so low that Jungkook would have missed it.

'Why will I hate you?' questioned back Jungkook confused and then the last night's words made his way.

'Ohhh! That, hyung. I was just angry, I still am but I don't hate you. I love you' explained Jungkook as he hugged Taehyung tighter. Taehyung felt a bundle of rock lifted from his shoulders as he pecked the youngers head.

He then started feeding the younger listening to the younger's rants about his trip. Jimin just smiled at his dongasaengs.

He observed Jungkook on Taehyung's lap, Namjoon on Jason's lap and all of a sudden he wanted some love too. He looked around, Hoseok? Nah, Yoongi, his favourite? Nah. Then his eyes on fell on Alex his doctor. Oh man, he loved Alex.

He put on his ever charming pout and walked towards Alex as Alex blinked at him in curiousity and then slowly settled himself on his lap. Alex found the younger's antics cute and chuckled at that. He fed the younger as Yoongi glared at Jimin. How come, Jimin was successful in making a special place in both his hyungs lovers heart? Well, he was The Jimin!

Alex finished the food silently after feeding Jimin. Namjoon loved Jason's company and Jason understood why Jin made Namjoon sit on his lap. Apparently, Jin was just trying to make some bonding between the two. As known, Jason is close to Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok but others were still a bit far from being too close and comfortable. Jason smiled at Jin's thoughts.

'You are buying me an ice cream tonight!' ordered Jungkook showing his index finger to Taehyung for which Taehyung just nodded and pecked Jungkook's forehead with a sad smile. Jungkook seemed confused and hugged him instantly.

'Hyungie? Why sad sad? Hyungie, don't be sad na' spoke Jungkook. He really didn't like Taehyung upset over anything. As much as he was scared of Taehyung he always loved Taehyung the most.

'I will even let you have one tiny bite of my ice cream okay? Now, don't be sad sad please' whined Jungkook to which Taehyung chuckled and nodded.

'Yes. I am very honoured to taste a bit of your ice cream my commander'  playfully spoke Taehyung to which the younger giggled.

'Alex, I would like to talk to you after breakfast' said Jason as Alex just nodded his head.

Hey guys!!!!! Double update today! Comment down your thought, I love to read it 🥺 Also, of u gimme long long comments I mma triple update 💜

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