Chapter 160

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If you don't have anything nice to say, please don't. Also, it is clearly mentioned that this is a discipline book of brothers then if you have problems with punishments getting to the max or anything of that sort then you are free to leave. Next time, check the genre before reading and be mindful of the author before commenting! If it continues I might stop updating!

Jin was shook. He couldn't move, he couldn't think, he couldn't do anything. Yoongi was guilty, he ignored Jimin's words about Taehyung and then punished him, ignored him and neglected him. He had taken things to the max. Jimin, was not surprised but he was surely upset by the turn of events. Hoseok was shocked by Taehyung's confession. He regretted that day, he regretted his actions of scolding Taehyung but the deed was already done. Namjoon never realised he was so rude always and dismissed Taehyung just because he didn't have time to teach him a few things from basic. He couldn't digest the words he heard. Jungkook was in guilt too, for punishing him. For just blaming him for ignoring him that night.

They were all guilty, but what would the guilt do now. What hurt more was the fact that their brother had lost trust too, he no longer believed them. Guess they messed up bad, guess things slipped out of hand.

Their consciousness was broken apart by hurtful sobs of Taehyung who was still clutching on his blanket and trying his best to silence his worries.

Jin didn't think a second more, as he immediately hugged the younger the best he could. He whispered sweet nothing and held him in his arms strongly as Taehyung pulsated to move away and free himself.

Jin managed to hold him until Taehyung gave up and cried to sleep. Jin still held on as much as he could and by then the other three had also reached the hospital.

'H.....hyung' called Yoongi when he witnessed Jin blankly holding Taehyung while tears flowed through his face.

Jin seemed to have gained his consciousness and properly tucked the younger. He looked around to find sad and upset faces of everyone. He needed to be strong, he needed to make things right. This won't be an easy process but he will do it at any cost.

He wiped his tears and faced his younger brothers.

'Guys......listen. No one is going to blame yourself for whatever happened. Things happen and we intentionally or unintentionally neglect him. Yes, he is right on each thing. We never spoke to him about dad's chain after he lost it even though we knew that he loved dad the most. Yes, we were angry when we called Taehyung for leaving Kook, not realising that he  needed love and care too. We were wrong in each and every thing he said and there is no excuses for it. Blaming ourselves won't help anyone and we have to be strong, we have to be strong for him. If we have to make things right and earn forgiveness then we will. But, we won't seek forgiveness anymore we will prove it. So, please do not blame yourselves. Please..
' pleaded Jin as he opened his arms for everyone to dive in.

Jimin was the first to hug his brother followed by Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi. He gazed at Namjoon and moved further towards his bed and took him in a group hug too. He made sure to reassure each one of them and pecked their heads and left claiming to bring dinner for them.

They were met with silence and only Taehyung's slight raise and fall of the chest could be heard.

Jin drove towards the mansion and reminded himself it wasn't the time to breakdown. He made his way towards the kitchen and packed the essentials and drove back. It was tiring but, he knew it was everything he could do.

Yoongi rechecked about the deal which bought Taehyung here in the first place and he was slapped with reality as Taehyung had completed it just as he claimed and still accepted to pitch his new ideas just because he asked. He couldn't understand and he dreaded his actions towards him. He was at fault now, forever and always!

Jin was back and as usual he gave everyone their share of food and fed Namjoon lovingly while indulging him in a conversation to distract him from the bland tats of the soup.

Once done, he slightly jerked Taehyung to wake him up. Taehyung, woke up with a throbbing headache groaned in annoyance. If it was some other time he would have teased Taehyung, but not now.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes and looked towards the source to find Jin smiling at him softly. Taehyung was confused if everything that happened was a dream or in reality but was soon confirmed when he found his bunny guilty and terrified.

Taehyung sighed and called Jungkook over and the second Taehyung pulled him towards him Jungkook abruptly cried apologising as Taehyung comforted him and assured him he was never angry at his bunny. Never ever.

Jungkook clinged on Taehyung and Jin used it as an opportunity to bring the spoon of soup to Taehyung's mouth but Taehyung just shook his head and spoke with Jungkook. Jungkook, took hold of the soup and tried his best to feed the younger and Taehyung accepted the messy way of eating to assure his maknae.

Jin tired, sat in the couch and closed his eyes for a second to catch a breathe.

'Hyung, get up. Hobi will treat your leg. It's swollen' Yoongi mentioned and Jin just shrugged away but Hoseok bent down to check on it and the second he touched his ankle Jin howled in pain taking everyone's attention towards him.

Taehyung's face fell in guilt as Jin's face leaked tears of pain. He tried to silence the screambut it wasn't useful when Hoseok was repeatedly touching and applying something which was burning and he couldn't help but scream.

Yoongi side hugged Jin to calm him but it was of no use at all. Finally, the dreadful procedure was done and Hoseok had left.

'Everyone can't stay for the night. Jungkook, Jimin, Hobi, Yoongi head back. You guys have works and college for tomorrow' Jin said and pushed all of them out.

'Yoon, Alex's food is in the refrigerator. Pre heat it once he arrives' said Jin and closed the door.

He limped towards his sick babies and sat on between them.

In matter of seconds Namjoon had dozed off by the medications and Taehyung was tossing and turning, not able to find the proper position to sleep.


Hey guys! A filler chapter I guess!! But tell me wat more you wanna see and how they should make up to Tae!

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