Chapter 3

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             Jin immediately ran towards Taehyung's room and opened it only to be met with Jungkook who was sobbing very hard. His raised hands were trembling and his knuckles were beat red. Even though his pants were rolled he didn't have any marks which showed that Taehyung didn't punish as he thought. Why? was the question lingered in Jin's mind. But he could think about that later. Right? Now he need to take care of his baby bunny. If Taehyung told he punished Jungkook that meant he did punish him.
          Jin slowly walked upto Jungkook and lowered his hand and immediately embraced him. As soon as Jungkook realised who it was, he wasted no time in hugging his hyung as hard as he could and let out broken sobs. Jin picked Jungkook and sat with him on the bed. Jin waited patiently until Jungkook calmed down. Jin slowly caressed Juungkook's hair in an up and down motion knowing that it calms Jungkook a lot.
          By then everyone else had come to look at their bunny sobbing. One thing about Jungkook is that after his punishment he would only seek for the one who punished him for comfort. It's his way of knowing that, that person is no longer upset with him. And right now he was seeking comfort from Taehyung. But where was Taehyung? Did anyone know? No, no one knew.
              Jungkook's sobs were a bit stable but he wasn't at peace. He was anxious. He looked around to be met with all the concerned faces of his hyungs but Taehyung was not there. Jimin immediately hugged the younger cooing and diverting him knowing that the younger was searching for Taehyung. Yoongi came with some milk to sooth Jungkook's throat. He handed it to Jimin who held the glass to Jungkook's mouth but Jungkook shook his head. Everyone tried convincing Jungkook but to no avail. Jungkook still latched on to Jin and cried to sleep in his hyungs hold. Jin laid him down and covered him with a blanket.
             Hoseok came with a first aid kit. He looked over at Jungkook's knuckles and treated it to which Jungkook whimpered in his sleep only to make Jimin shushh him back to sleep.
        'I'll stay here'. said Hoseok, as others nodded and exit the room. Jimin immediately called Taehyung only for it to directly go towards the voicemail. It ended up with each and every member calling and texting Taehyung only for Taehyung to not answer. Where was Taehyung?
          'Chim, it's fine. He will come back'  assured Yoongi as Jimin was stressing over the situation .
           'But hyung, I am worried'  cried Jimin in worry. As much as he was angry at Taehyung for not comforting Jungkook after his punishment, now he was more worried about Taehyung. Taehyung is not the one to ignore calls or messages.
         Jin had busied himself in the kitchen making all types of Jungkook's favourite, while Namjoon was called urgently to the office. Yoongi had assured Jimin and locked himself in his room sleeping. Jimin was worried. He couldn't sit or stand, he wanted to visually look at Taehyung. He had this bad feeling in his stomach which he was hoping that it's just his nervousness and nothing else.

          Taehyung directly walked towards his car and drove towards the highway. It wasn't much busy like usual. He was listening to his favourite playlist trying to divert his attention somewhere else. How much ever he tried he just couldn't shake off the face of the younger when he told no for his question. It looked like the younger was scared and wasn't comfortable to talk to Taehyung about his worries. It hurt Taehyung because Taehyung wanted Jungkook to feel comfortable and happiness with him. He was doubting himself if he had scared the younger too much by being too strict.
               He couldn't think staright. He was overwhelmed by all the negative thoughts to the extent that he started thinking that Jungkook hates him. He needed to calm down and think rationally. It was already the evening. He had left home approximately at 3:00pm. He stopped the car when he came across a small dhaba. He wanted to have something to set himself straight.
        He switched on his mobile only to receive tons and tons of notification by all his hyungs. There was 53 missed calls from Jimin. 47 missed calls from Jin. 36 missed calls from Yoongi. He knew he was dead because he missed his Yoongi hyung's call. His hyung was not gonna let him go. There was 15 to 30 missed calls from each of Hoseok, Namjoon.
              That is when he remembered Jungkook, his only younger brother needs him. How could he forget about Jungkook in his own inner turmoil. He let out a few curse words as he immediately turned his car and stepped on the accelerator and sped back towards his mansion.  He was not worried about himself anymore, he was more worried about Jungkook.
        In his own worries he failed to recognise that he was being followed by a van and there were almost no other car other than the two in the entire highway. Strange right?. Just like that the car overtook and abruptly stopped Taehyung's car. Taehyung honked in worry to go back as soon as possible. The man from the other car got down and came towards Taehyung and knocked at his window door. Great mistake, Taehyung rolled down the window annoyed only to get his gold chain pulled from his neck harshly.
           Before, Taehyung could register anymore he was pulled out of his car and beaten by the men. While other men looked through his car and took all the valuable things including his mobile, watch, wallet and even his sunglasses. They then left Taehyung on the ground and went back towards their car.
            Taehyung was unconscious for 15 whole minutes. Once he registered what happened he got in his car and drove as fast as he could towards his mansion. Well he was too late. It was already 9:30.
      As he stepped in the mansion he noticed that no one were there in the hall. He could hear noises from Jungkook's room. He ran towards the makhnae's room to see Jungkook sobbing on Yoongi's lap as Yoongi was desperately trying to shush the bunny. Jimin and Namjoon were busy on their phones. One texting relentlessly and the other calling someone. Hoseok was nowhere to be found. Jin was trying to feed Jungkook as he just pushed away the spoon.
        'Hyung's leave!!... I will take care' yelled Taehyung as everyone turned towards him. Jimin and Namjoon stopped looking into their mobile. Jimin ran to hug Taehyung only for Taehyung to not hug back. Jin kept the soup he was feeding Jungkook on the table and walked out pulling Jimin and Namjoon with him. Yoongi gently lowered the maknae on the bed and sighed in relief and walked off giving a warning glare towards Taehyung.
                 Taehyung turned around and locked the room door.
        'Hyung!.....I am sorry.....hyung!......hyung......'  cried out Jungkook hysterically making himself almost impossible to breathe. Taehyung took in a deep breath and approached the younger. He slowly pulled Jungkook in his embrace and rubbed his back. He gently took Jungkook's hand and kept it on his own heart and encouraged the younger to take in deep breaths as he followed.
       'Baby breath in.. and out. Bunny breathe in and....out. Follow hyungs heartbeat baby. Bunny calm down. Kookie you are doing great. Keep doing it. Koo, yes baby good you are fine. Hyung has you baby. Hyung isn't angry.' Taehyung repeated a few times until Jungkook calmed down. Jungkook then hugged Taehyung as tight as he possibly could. Taehyung let Jungkook seek comfort as he hummed a light tone to comfort the younger. He still continued praising the younger and rubbed his back.
             After few minutes when Taehyung confirmed that Jungkook was fine, he slowly pulled apart the hug and wiped the younger's tears. He leaned back and took Jungkook on his lap. He took the soup and started feeding the younger. Jungkook, who was pushing away when Jin was feeding him was now eating as if he hasn't eaten in days. Taehyung lightly chuckled at his foody baby. He texted Jimin to bring up some more food as Jungkook was busy playing with his fingers.
          Jimin immediately bought up a plate full of food and knocked on the door. Taehyung slid Jungkook of his lap and opened the door. He thanked Jimin and closed the door not latching it. He again bought Jungkook on his lap and continued feeding him. Once Jungkook signed he was full Taehyung stopped and both of them sat in a comfortable silence.
        Taehyung started humming a song, a habit he learned from Jin. He could see Jungkook slowly falling asleep and also could see that the younger was fighting it.
          'Hyung will be right here when you get up koo, go ahead close your eyes. Hmmm...'  said Taehyung softly and in no time Jungkook was asleep.
           Now that Taehyung was sure that Jungkook is fine his adrenaline got down and he could register pain in his whole body. He remembered the incident and started crying silently. He layed Jungkook and tucked him. He  slowly freed himself from Jungkook's fist where Jungkook had fisted his shirt limply. He pecked Jungkook's forehead and uttered a 'sleep tight bunny' and slowly walked out.
       He wiped his tears and walked down the stairs where all his hyung gave him a cold, stern look. He started feeling dizzy and blurry. In no time he fainted on the ground. Namjoon was a bit late to catch his younger brother. The last Taehyung heard before going complete blank was 'Tae!!!'.....

Happiest Birthday Jimin.🥳🥳

                      Happiest birthday Mochi

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       Happiest birthday Mochi.🥳

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