Chapter 35

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Jungkook gulped looking at his hyungs staring at him. Jungkook couldn't control himself and tears fell down from his eyes. Jin who would always go soft looking at him like that just looked like he would lose his patience in a minute.

'Stop crying' coldly said Jin which made a shiver run down everyone's spine and Jungkook's tears just filled his eyes and didn't flow down as if his tears could understand his hyung's words.

'I said speak, which means speak Jungkook.' stormed Jin.

'I..I.I' stuttered Jungkook.

'Stop stuttering for god's sake Jungkook' snapped Jin. Jungkook looked at his hyungs helplessly and looked at Taehyung with pleading eyes.

Even though, Taehyung was always strict with Jungkook he was kinda a lot possessive of the younger. He had this policy, he could be as strict as he want with him but he couldn't control himself if anyone else was, even though that anyone was their own hyung.

'Hyun-' Taehyung tried, but stopped once Yoongi gave him a stern look.

'Does anyone of us interfere when you deal with Jungkook, Kim Taehyung?' coldly stated Jin boring holes at Jungkook who was looking down.

Taehyung didn't answer, he just stayed silent.

'A month without me, and you have started disrespecting your elders? Is this how you take care Yoongi?' Jin stormed at everyone. Yoongi looked away ashamed not being able to take care.

Hoseok nudged at Taehyung to speak.

'S.sorry hyung. None o..of you interfere Hyung' answered Taehyung.

'Namjoon take care of Taehyung and make sure  he doesn't disrespect anyone' calmly stated Jin. Everyone's eyes opened in shock hearing his hyungs words. Namjoon looked at his both hyungs in question to what to do.

'Namjoon' warned Jin.

'Taehyung, to my room' stated Namjoon. Taehyung didn't argue and went towards his room and Namjoon followed.

Namjoon didn't let his guard down. None of them knew what was going on but they didn't want to cross their hyungs words.

'Turn around face the wall, roll your pants, hands up' ordered Namjoon. Taehyung followed but shivered while standing like that. Namjoon's face softened at that. He gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

'Hyung will take care' assured Namjoon, Taehyung visibly relaxed and Namjoon laid the first hit from the belt on Taehyung's calves.

'Ahh!!' screamed Taehyung. Namjoon didn't stop and laid 5 hits on his right calf.

'Ahh!! stop...stop hyung, stop' Taehyung cried out.  Namjoon sighed.

Namjoon laid another 4 strikes on his left calf.

'Hy..hyung stop!!' yelled Taehyung in agony.

'Last one Taehyung, I want you to say what you will not do after the last hit.' stated Namjoon. He then laid the final hit and that was the hardest than every other hits.

'Ahh!' screamed Taehyung and moved out of his position and started rubbing his calf.

'Taehyung' warned Namjoon.

'I..i will a..answer w..when asked and no..not rude' cried out Taehyung in agony. Namjoon's face softened and he dropped the belt.

Namjoon gently picked Taehyung up and sat on the bed with Taehyung on his lap. Namjoon wiped Taehyung's tears and started rubbing his calves while constantly kissing his palms.

'Tae, it's fine baby. You are forgiven. Stop crying buddy. It's okay' gently whispered Namjoon and changed their positions and laid down on the bed with Taehyung. Taehyung was still sobbing continuously. Namjoon was getting worried.

Namjoon slowly moved and took a glass of water from his bedside table and urged Taehyung to drink a sip. That calmed Taehyung a bit. Namjoon patted Taehyung's head softly and forced Taehyung to close his eyes and in a few minutes Taehyung was fast asleep.

Namjoon applied a cooling cream on Taehyung's calf and gently tucked him in. He pecked Taehyung's forehead and walked out to the living room closing the room door to let the younger sleep.
While Namjoon and Taehyung walked up Jin turned his gaze to the youngest.

'Jungkook, speak before I make you' threatened Jin. Jungkook was visibly panicking and his breathing rate was getting fast than the normal heart beat. Everyone was observing Jungkook and was getting worried and the fact that Jungkook fainted the last day wasn't letting them settle down.

'Hyung, he is not in a state to speak' boldly said Hoseok talking from the doctor's point of view and he started walking towards Jungkook.

'Hoseok stop right there' ordered Jin. Hoseok argued back and everyone was indulged in watching the argument that they failed to notice Jungkook.

Namjoon had finished Taehyung's punishment and come downstairs only to witness Jungkook having a very hard time breathing. By the time Namjoon could react Jungkook fell down with a thud and fainted.

Jin looked at Jungkook in shock and backed away two steps while others ran towards the younger. Hoseok checked his pulse and immediately called Jungkook's therapist as others carried him towards his room.

Hoseok kept the call and informed others that they had to take Jungkook to see the therapist the next day.

Yoongi was standing in front of Jin glaring at him and looking at him with dissappointment and betrayal in his eyes. Jin knew that look  but acted oblivious.

Jin made an effort to walk towards Jungkook's room.

'Didn't expect you to go back' coldly stated Yoongi. 'And, don't you dare come towards Jungkook's room because YOU clearly is not MY Hyung' stated Yoongi with venom in his voice and made his way towards Jungkook's room.

'Chim, be with Tae' softly spoke Namjoon and Jimin ran towards his soulmate.

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the wait. I will really try my best to update everyday like before. Thank you for reading it and supporting this book.

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