Chapter 104

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The next morning, Jason was the first to wake up to find himself cuddled next To Jimin as he looked at Jin with love. Jin's hair was a mess as drool slipped out of his mouth while he held Jimin securely in his arms. Jason cooed at his lovers state and bent down to peck his forehead not realising someone was awake.

Jin woke up and smiled at Jason when he found Jason looking at him all while Jason was calming his heart down from being caught by his love. Luckily Jin was too sleepy to notice it, but someone else surely did.

Jin woke up and went to freshen up and Jason took a deep breath to calm himself as he was shy like a love sick puppy.

'When are you going to propose him?' Asked Jimin and Jason got startled at the sudden question. He looked at Jimin with shocked eyes while Jimin let out a sly, teasing smirk. Jason walked out of the bed but he couldn't get away from the question Jimin asked.

He wanted to propose to Jin as fast as he could and wanted to make him his. He wanted to get married to Jin and live a happy life. His sister in law was back too and finally things were getting right for him and he was just too scared to believe all the good things happening to him.

Jin prepared breakfast for everyone as everyone munched on their food. Even Jimin was getting better and they were happy for that.

Taehyung fed Jungkook as his arms still hurt but on the other side it was healing.

'Jungkook to my room after you finish eating and Yoongi after Jungkook' announced Jin and walked out after completing his breakfast.

Jungkook's face saddened knowing what was coming towards him.

'H...hyung' mumbled Jungkook looking down as Taehyung just gave him a look which clearly told him to behave. Jungkook just whimpered in response and shook his head when Taehyung bought another spoon of food near his mouth.

'You are already in trouble Jungkook, wanna meet me in my room too before going to Jin hyung?' Whispered Taehyung to his ear as Jungkook's eyes filled with tears and simply ate without any tantrums again.

'Tae let him breathe' chuckled Namjoon as he was interrupted by a call and he got up leaving his food half finished as he immediately rushed to the office.

Yoongi on the other hand left his food half eaten wondering what his hyung had in store for him. He wanted to cry but he also didn't want to.

After food, Jungkook waddled towards Jin's room and knocked as Jin let him enter. Jungkook was already in tears and Jin just mentally cooed at his maknae.

Jin pulled Jungkook on his lap and gently wiped his tears.

'Bunny, you know why you are here right?' Asked Jin and Jungkook nodded his head.

'Then bunny, explain why did you fail and decided to pretend you had a fractured arm?'

'I read hyung, I read everything but I couldn't remember anything there. I got nervous while I was writing and I couldn't write. I am sorry hyung' explained Jungkook stopping his cries as he was getting comfortable on his hyungs embrace.

'So, bunny why didn't you tell any one of us? Or even your tata hyung?' Asked Jin.

'I don't know. You were busy with Jimin hyung' said Jungkook as Jin took him in a hug.

'Aw, I am sorry bun-bun. But, from next time you should talk to any one of us bun. No hiding things. We always have time for you buddy' explained Jin and Jungkook nodded his head and dived into his hyung.

'Why did you pretend to have a broken arm?' Questioned Jin as Jungkook looked away embarrassed.

'Because, me scwared of punishment' said Jungkook as Jin shook his head.

'You had all of us worried you know bud. You think what you did was good?' Asked Jin and Jungkook again shook his head.

'Also, you ran away from Hobi hyung'?' Asked Jin and Jungkook nodded his head.

'Sowwy' mumbled out Jungkook.

'You need a punishment you know right?' asked Jin and Jungkook nodded again as he bit his lips in nervousness.

'I know your arm still hurts but you can't go around lying, escaping from punishments Kook' warned Jin and Jungkook's tears poured again.

'So baby, go lean against the wall' ordered Jin and Jungkook tightened his hold on Jin as he whimpered and shook his head.

'Jungkook!' Stormed Jin and Jungkook slowly walked towards the wall and leaned against it.

Jin took hold of the cane and gently rolled up Jungkook's pants as Jungkook leaned more on the wall.

Jin lift his hand high and bought it down harshly on Jungkook calves and Jungkook screamed at the hit. Jin continued again and Jungkook screamed with his might. Jin kept going without faltering and Jungkook was sobbing his heart out.

'Last 5, count' stated Jin and Jungkook didn't answer but Jin kept quiet.


'' stuttered Jungkook.


'Tw..two' Jungkook cried.

'F..Five' cried out Jungkook and Jin immediately scooped him up in his hands.

Jin held him walked around while whispering small nothings to his ears as Jungkook slowly calmed down.

Jin called Taehyung to be with Jungkook and Taehyung was more than ready to take care of his brother.

'Call Yoongi' said Jin as Taehyung nodded carrying the now sad Jungkook with him.

'Yoongie hyung, Jin hyung is calling you' informed Taehyung as Yoongi nodded and walked towards Jin's room with thousand different thoughts in his head.

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