Chapter 119

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Yoongi was the first to wake up and he looked around to witness Hoseok's mouth adorned in a pout and the hoodie drowning him completely as he had Yoongi's T-shirt clutched in his right hand. Yoongi softly smiled at the cute figure next to him.

He then looked up to find Alex moving around and in an instant he knew that Alex was about to wake up. Yoongi gently moved Hoseok from him and replaced him with a pillow and walked towards Alex waiting for the letter to open his pretty, beautiful eyes.

Once he did, Yoongi pecked his lips and took the younger by surprise. Yoongi gently picked up Alex, bridal style and walked towards the washroom closing the door slowly not to wake the younger up. Alex was still drowsy and he didn't mind anything as he tried getting comfortable in Yoongi's hold and doze off.

Yoongi had other plans though. He softly shook Alex up again and an awesome shower with so many dirty deeds between the two. It was safe to say that, Yoongi wasn't joking last night when he said the younger, to not start what he couldn't complete.

At the end, Alex was blown out of energy as Yoongi made sure to take very good care of Alex. An hour in the comforting bath tub seemed to do the magic as Alex was surprisingly fine by the end.

Yoongi still continued to carry the younger around. They walked out of the washroom to find Hoseok sweating a lot and groaning with eyes closed. Yoongi slowly took off the hood to get a clear look at the younger and almost gasped at how sweaty and pale the younger looked.

Alex, checked on him again.

'Hyungie, pass me the thermometer. It seems his fever has shot up' said Alex as Yoongi was quick to give what the younger wanted. Indeed, Hoseok was burning a lot.

'Hyung, I will wake him up and get him something to eat. Then I can give him the medicines, if his fever doesn't go down then we can shift him back to the hospital hyungie' informed Alex and Yoongi sadly accepted the situation and walked downstairs to inform all others and get something for the younger.

Alex softly shook Hoseok's figure and woke him up. Hoseok felt weird from within and he could feel himself that his body wasn't in the best shape. He wanted the tiredness to leave and to lower his body temperature but he could barely move his hands because of the tiredness.

Yoongi and others walked inside to witness Hoseok struggling to even sit upright and open his eyes. Yoongi took it upon himself and softly sttled the younger on his lap in such a way that Hoseok's back was facing his chest.

Jin gently fed two to three spoons of the food but Hoseok shook his head and turned around with his entire strength and hid himself in Yoongi's shoulders.

'Hobi, baby you gotta eat bud. Come on open up' softly coaxed Yoongi but it went in vain when Hoseok let out a frustrated cry.

'Hyung, it's okay. I will just give him shots it will reduce the fever better than the medicines and also help him' spoke Alex as both Jin and Yoongi nodded. Alex prepared the injection and moved towards Hoseok who barely acknowledged anything going on.

He could feel his hands moved and that just irritated him a lot but he stayed quiet too lethargic to even point out his irritability. He could feel something being dabbed and before he could realise Alex had already injected the shot and a hiss was all given by Hoseok.

New set of hot steaming tears rolled down Hoseok's eyes and he hid himself more and more into Yoongi as Yoongi rubbed his back softly and calmly whispering lots of sweet things.

'Hyung, I and Alex will take care don't worry. You go attend the broadcast with Joonie' said Yoongi as Jin sighed. He didn't want to leave Hoseok alone but he knew that the broadcast was really very important for the company. He promises to get back as soon as possible and left the mansion with Namjoon. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook left for their works too.

'Hyung, you take rest too. You just came back from the mission' voiced out Yoongi as Jason smiled at the concern.

Jason walked towards Yoongi and pecked his forehead and walked out. Yoongi poured into entire attention to the whining little one in his arms who was complaining about the pain in his hand and many more.

Yoongi adjusted Hoseok who was silently crying and Yoongi continued whispering sweet nothings and calm the younger down.

'Hyungie' whispered Alex as Yoongi whipped his head towards Alex who was looking at them with strange eyes.

Yoongi smiled and called Alex over.

'Baby, don't think like that baby. I love you the most in the entire world sweetheart' sincerely stated Yoongi looking at Alex who failed to maintain eye contact and looked away at the words directed to him.

'I am going to the hospital, I am already late' mumbled Alex and before Yoongi could protest Alex was already in his legs as he limped out of the room closing the door. Yoongi tried getting up but Hoseok whined stopped him. He sighed and gave his entire attention to Hoseok.

Strangely, Hoseok shook off the sleep in him as he fought to stay awake scared that if he sleep his Yoongi hyung would leave him. Yoongi knew Hoseok well and he also knew that whatever he say wouldn't make the younger sleep and he just let the younger have his way. Talking to him, replying to his strange questions, tending to his needs and everything but his mind was roaming around stuck at Alex who seemed so upset. He had to take care of Alex and he was stuck with Hoseok. The inner turmoil of Yoongi was straining him and he exactly knew what to do when Hoseok slipped to his dreamland after much fight.

Hey guys! How is it? Also what do you think will Yoongi do about Alex and Hoseok who are so attached to him that both of them want him just for themselves?? Comment down your thoughts! Also, wish me luck I hav exams tomorrow! Love ya! 💜

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