Chapter 26

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Jungkook was nowhere found. Everyone were going mad and their fear was increasing as the time passed. They had called each and every person they knew to ask about the younger's whereabouts.

They had visited everyone they knew. They had the cops working for them trying to track down the car but without knowing the car number plate it was an impossible task. They had checked the CC TV's all over the city but none of them had captured the black Mercedes. That was when they were starting to fear for the youngest's life.

The cops had forcefully sent them back home. They were all in tears doing everything they could. Jin woke up and came downstairs mentally preparing himself to talk with everyone about the company. But he was shocked to find the gloomy environment in the living hall.

There sat Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon in tears barking on their phones. Jimin had Taehyung in his embrace as the younger was crying his heart out. He couldn't figure out what was going on but he couldn't find Jungkook, his maknae. As if sensing what was wrong he scaredly spoke out.

'Where is Jungkook' Everyone's eyes fell on Jin who stood at the end of the stairs. As soon as he voiced out the question Yoongi and Namjoon cut the call giving their attention to their hyung. Jimin held onto Taehyung tighter controlling his tears as Taehyung broke out in another fit of tears.

Jin slowly made his way towards Taehyung and took him in his embrace. Taehyung still sat on Jimin but his face was buried in Jin's stomach as his hands snaked around Jin's waist. Jin consoled the younger and Taehyung slept due to all the fatigue and exhaustion.

He laid Taehyung on the couch and took a scan of everyone in the room.

'I asked, where is Jungkook'. calmly asked Jin dreading the answer. No one replied.

'Where is Kook? Answer my question damnit. Yoongi speak out' spat Jin. Everyone feared Jin right now.

'I don't know' replied Yoongi.

'What do you mean by that'

'Hyung, Jungkook is missing' slowly voiced out Namjoon. As expected Jin was shocked, too shocked to even talk.

'Hyung, we were late to pick him up from school and by the time we reached he was nowhere found.' Hoseok explained. Jimin pulled out the CC TV footage and showed it to Jin. Jin identified the car. He knew whose car it was. It looked exactly like theirs but a scartch on the right side of the car door was noticable. Jin grumbled and ran like a mad man in search of his phone. He couldn't digest the fact that his maknae was kidnapped. No one could.

Finally, he found and called the CEO they were having a deal with. He was anticipating his guess was wrong.

'Hello' answered the CEO.

'Hello' whispered out Jin not able to contain his emotions. He had put the call on speaker by now. They could hear a scary laugh through the phone.

'Took long enough for you to figure out. If you want your brother back sign the deal tomorrow' the person spoke and cut call. Hoseok looked confused not having an idea about anything but he knew it was because of some deal.

Everyone was bewildered they were worried for the younger. That person was capable of fooling them into signing the deal and now he had their maknae with him. Their maknae was too innocent. But, Yoongi lost it completely.

'Is it your new way of making us sign the deal Kim Seokjin. Couldn't believe you would stoop' so low to kidnap your own brother for money ready to sell our company and then pretend like you had no idea of anything. Wow Just wow' sarcastically roared Yoongi clutching onto the elders collar in a violent way.

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