Chapter 43

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Jimin was awake and was in slight pain. Yoongi was tending to his needs while Jimin tried to get away from Yoongi. Jimin was straight up ignoring Yoongi and Yoongi didn't know why was Jimin doing that.

Jungkook's words pierced through Jimin's heart and he wasn't able to shake off the feeling of him not being upto the mark in the company. He truly believed Jungkook's words and somewhere upset with Yoongi that he would back talk about him with the maknae.

Finally, Hoseok arrived and Yoongi left due to some issues in the company. Hoseok checked on Jimin's nose and sighed.

'Hyung, where is Jin hyung?' asked Jimin.

'Baby, he is with Jason Hyung' said Hoseok.

'I want Jin hyung' cried out Jimin.

'Buddy, hyung will be back' said Hoseok and embraced Jimin. Jimin sobbed holding onto Hoseok's shirt.

'I want Jin hyung, call him now. I want him' Jimin threw a tantrum like he was a kid asking for chocolates when he already had a dozen.

'Baby.... Shh!!' tried Hoseok.

'No! I want Jin hyung' whined Jimin and pushed Hoseok away and grabbed his phone grumbling and calling Jin. Jin didn't respond.

Jimin was feeling like he was the unwanted guy in there. He needed Jin at any cost.

He ran out even though he didn't know where Jin was. All of a sudden he remembered that all of them shared each other's location with each other and he immediately looked through it.

As the bell rang, Jin and Jason looked at each other with confusion as they were not expect any guests.

Jason opened the door only to find Jimin with a bandaged nose as he ran straight to Jin and hugged him. Jimin broke down in tears holding onto Jin and trying to get closer to Jin as much as he could even though physically it wasn't possible anymore.

Jin was startled, he was worried not knowing what was wrong. Heck, how did Jimin even find him? Jin and Jason shared a confused look.

Jin walked towards the couch and sat on it with Jimin in his hold as Jimin wasn't letting him go.

'Chim... What happened baby?' cooed Jin while backing away from the hug to get a clean look of his dongsaeng.

Jimin resisted but still backed away, only to hear his hyung coo loudly and gently wipe away his tears and peck his forehead lovingly.

'Hyung, you th..think I..I sl...slack off' stuttered Jimin. Jin wasn't surprised at the question rather angry at Yoongi, he knew the incident before and cursed himself that he let it go before but now he will not at any cost. Little did Jin know that it wasn't Yoongi and Yoongi didn't even have any idea about it, but it was their maknae Jungkook.

'Buddy, no you are wrong you are the best worker in there' assured Jin but Jimin didn't believe it. Jin was tired himself and Jason was worried for Jin. Jin tried consoling Jimin but to no use.

'Jin, go to the room' ordered Jason all of a sudden which startled both of them. Jin gave a pleading look to Jason. Jason stayed stern.

'NOW' commanded Jason and Jin immediately stood up causing to let go of Jimin. Jimin felt even his hyung didn't want him and he only gave a begging look for Jin but Jin silently walked away to his room.

Normally, Jin wouldn't leave his younger one like that but he was exhausted himself that he needed time for himself.

Jason sat in front of Jimin and Jimin was scared because he didn't know who Jason was actually.

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