Chapter 22

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     It was the next morning. Taehyung had successfully woken Jungkook up for the morning study session. Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting at Taehyung's room desk. Jungkook had one of the books open in front of him but he couldn't concentrate.

Jungkook felt light headed. His head was beating in constant pain. His breath felt hot. He was feeling tired a lot. He had already drank a bottle of water and still he couldn't get rid of the sour taste in his mouth.

'Jungkook! concentrate' rasped Taehyung in his strict voice. Jungkook looked up at the voice in daze and nodded his head biting his lips with it.

'What have I said about biting your lips' roared Taehyung. Jungkook didn't answer but he stopped biting his lips. It had been an hour since they started the session and Taehyung was running low on his patience.

From last one hour they were stuck at the same page. He had already explained it more than 8 times and Jungkook just stared at the book. Taehyung had enough.

'That's enough Jungkook. Where is your mind. Concentrate here' yelled Taehyung in fury. Jungkook clutched his head in pain from the sudden sound. Taehyung poked his tongue in his mouth annoyed.

'Stop the act Jungkook. I am not buying it. I want you to concentrate' yelled Taehyung again. Jungkook didn't react and Taehyung hit Jungkook's head twice. Which made Jungkook's eyes fill with tears and finally concentrate on his book.

It had been another 15 minutes when Taehyung asked a question and Jungkook failed to answer and just looked down.

'Thats enough Kim Jungkook. Hands at the front' roared Taehyung. When Jungkook didn't do as said, Taehyung angrily took hold of the younger's hand and laid three hard hits on his palm. Jungkook hissed in pain. Taehyung felt the younger's hands a bit warm but shrugged it off.

It had passed a few more minutes and it was the same. Taehyung stood up in frustration with his hands ruffling his own hair. He took a sip of water to calm down.

'Jungkook' he yelled to start another scolding but was cut short when the younger retched all over the table. Tears leaked down the younger's eyes as sick flowed through the younger's mouth. His books were covered in sick.

Taehyung ran towards the younger and rubbed his back letting out soft words to calm the younger down. Taehyung took hold of the younger's head when Jungkook was too tired to hold up. Taehyung gently wiped the younger's face with a tissue and pushed his head towards his body. Holding him carressing him.

'Hyung!!! Hyung!!!' Taehyung yelled. In a matter of seconds all the others had come to Taehyung's room to know what is the commotion about.

Hoseok's sleep flew away looking at the younger. Hoseok picked the younger and layed him on the bed.

'Wa...water' weakly rasped Jungkook. Jin was quick enough to give him water. Jungkook just took a few sips and layed down. Hoseok checked on the younger and managed to give some pills to knock the younger into a much needed sleep.

'How is he?' questioned Yoongi.

'He has fever. I need to check that out. Maybe a stomach infection. I am not sure. We need to get him to the hospital' calmly spoke Hoseok as he held the thermometer and checked to have the reading of 103°F.

'Hyung he has a high fever. I need to hook an I.V. We need to take him now' said Hoseok with a slight panick.

'Joon, Jimin and Tae stay back and head towards the company. We have an important meeting today. We can't miss that. Yoongi bring Jungkook down. I will drive. Hobi inform the hospital' instructed Jin.

'No Hyung. I will be with Jungkook' argued Taehyung.

'Tae don't' warned Yoongi.

'Hyung the meeting is important. We need one of you, so either of you stay back. Send Tae with Kookie. You know Kookie only listens to him and not to mention Koo gets clingy and stubborn when ill' pointed out Jimin.

'I will stay back. Tae go with them' said Yoongi leaving no place for arguments. Jin sighed and headed towards the car as Taehyung picked the younger and Hoseok followed them.

After the check up. The doctors concluded that it was the flu and the stomach bug. Jungkook was hooked an I.V and was sleeping peacefully. Jin was on edge. He was worried. He had cried very badly thinking of the worse.

'Hyung, head to the company. I and Tae will take care' softly mentioned Hoseok.

'But' argued Jin.

'No Buts hyung. We will take care' assured Hoseok and practically pushed Jin out of the room.

Hoseok was called to attend another surgery.

'Inform me when he wakes up' instructed Hoseok and rushed towards the O.T theatre.

Taehyung sat there carressing the younger's forehead and playing with his hair. He couldn't help but condemn himself for not noticing the signs earlier. Only if he had observed the younger. The younger had clutched his head in pain but still he paid no heed to that. He had felt the younger's hand warm but still he shrugged it off.

The slight moments of the younger took Taehyung away from his thoughts. Jungkook woke up with a groan and clutched his head in pain. He blinked a few times to adjust to the light.

Taehyung helped Jungkook to sit and held a glass of water towards his lips. Jungkook gladly finished the glass. Taehyung sent a word to Hoseok that the younger was awake and another doctor checked him.

Jimin had come back with some food for both of them. He forced Taehyung to eat and fed Jungkook as Jungkook whined not wanting to eat the soup.

'Tae, head back. I will stay with Koo. You need to complete the files. It is important for the meeting' stated Jimin. Taehyung didn't want to leave but one look from Jimin got him moving.

The nurse had injected another dose of his medicines through the I.V which made the younger sleep yet again. Hoseok was back from the surgery. Jimin and Hoseok were having a small talk when he was called again for another emergency.

Hey guys! This one is for  @arisha786icloudcom. Thanks for the idea. I will make sure to use the ideas of others too but it will take some while. Thank you for your amajin ideas.

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