Chapter 163

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Jin was fast enough to pull Yoongi apart from Namjoon and Namjoon was drugged to sleep. Jin wasn't happy with Yoongi and his behaviour. First it was Taehyung and now Namjoon. He was conflicted but wanted to know Yoongi's reason for his actions.

Namjoon's discharge went smoothly but the only turn of events was expecting Namjoon to be happy to be back home but in reality he was asleep with the pressure of medicines.

Namjoon was lied down on the bed and all others gathered in the living room. Jin took the head of the couch and sat down maintaining a cold glare towards Yoongi while all others adjusted on the couch.

Jin was conflicted, he didn't know what and how to take the further course of actions. He looked around to meet all anxious eyes looking at him while the culprit was gazing at the luxurious floor in aww.

He sighed.

'Kneel down'

That was a shock. Jin himself didn't expect his words and everyone else's reaction justified their feelings too. He still maintained a sharp glare and looked at Yoongi who wordlessly dropped on ground on his knees with a soft hiss and still looked down ashamed of his younger brothers staring at him too.

He waited for the further command but he didn't expect Jin's next actions. He called someone.

'Jason, be here asap' was all Jin uttered as he met the shocked faces of his brothers. He slightly assured them.that everything is well.

Yoongi on the other hand, shivered at the mention of Jason. Shit! Jin had already warned him last time and he just dig the grave deeper. It was inevitable now, he surely was going to be sent with Jason, the cruel monster as Yoongi loved to whine.

His thoughts were cut short off when it was pin drop silence and heard Jin greeting the person he was afraid of the most.

'Jin!' Jason uttered with a hint of anger and worry as his eyes were fixed on Yoongi's kneeled figure.

'He deserves it!' Jin spoke back and Yoongi knew no one was gonna save him anymore. Why! Just why!

'Ask him, what did he do' Jin spar in anger as Yoongi could sense all the states again on him.

'Heads up!' commanded Jason which was sure scary as Jungkook was close to tears at the voice.

Yoongi, unwillingly raised his head up and looked at Jason with all the puppy eyes he could muster.

'What did you do?' Yoongi hesitated to answer the question posed at him, but he had to answer it there was no backing out.

With a lot of contemplation he uttered all the truth starting from his curiousity of asking the question which wasn't supposed to be asked, to learning how Nancy was behind all this and how he ended up reacting.

To say the least, Jason wasn't impressed.

His gaze then fell on Taehyung who was seated on the love seat with gaping eyes at the new found information.

Jason dismissed Yoongi with no words, intentionally ignoring him more.

'Taehyung, come here please' Jason spoke softly as others watched in surprise while Jin just smiled already knowing his boyfriend, I mean his ex's actions.

Taehyung, nevertheless, confused walked towards Jason and found himself seated comfortably on Jason's lap.

'Where is Namjoon?' softly asked Jason to not scare the maknaes who were scattered in there

'He is asleep in the room. We are waiting for him to wake up' Jin answered and looked away as his presence still haunted him. Jason who noticed this, was utterly guilty but knew this wasn't the time for this.

'Lets talk, when he wakes up. Till then why don't you prepare something, I am sure all of them are hungry. It's already noon' spoke Jason and Jin who understood the inner meaning in it just walked away giving a glance to everything.

'Hands up' ordered Jason and Yoongi unwillingly put his hands up, hated being treated like a stupid teenager in front of everyone.

Jason adjusted Taehyung in a much comfortable position and looked at him who was looking at him with curiousity, nervousness and what not.

Jason just cooed at that.

'Jungkook' called Jason and Jungkook immediately perked up at his unfruitful attempt to hide.

'Come here' called Jason as softly as possible and Jungkook followed the suit.

'H-hyung, that.......please don't kill me! I w..was just-'

Jungkook's pleas were broken by a soft laughter which resonated in the living room and was soon met with laughter by everyone even Yoongi who chuckled at his brother.

'Jungkook, thank you! I deserved that and don't worry I won't kill you. Let alone killing, even if I touch your hair your brother is gonna eat me alive' joked Jason as Jungkook finally smiled after pouting for long enough.

Hoseok pulled Jungkook on his lap who snuggled immediately and whined embarrassed.

Jason then looked at Taehyung who was just pouting occassionally and relaxing his features. Jason pecked his crown, taking the attention of the second maknae.

'I am here, Taehyung. I know you don't know much about me but I also hope that you consider me your hyung. So in future if you ever feel neglected then just call me, I will be right there next to you serving your orders. But also know buddy, your hyungs loves you a lot. I know you felt ignored and neglected but sometimes we humans forget a few things, that doesn't mean you are wrong, or your anger is. But, make sure to notice the world around you. Jin and others are definitely at fault but have you ever asked, how much do you know about them? Caring and sharing goes either way sweetheart so give them a chance, a genuine chance from your heart and let them try once again to make sure you are one of the king who can rule them. I might be a bit confusing right now but don't worry, I will talk to you soon once again, hopefully and then will explain a lot more things. For now I have an angry brat to handle'

Jasonw ended looking at Yoongi which caused Taehyung to laugh out loud at his hyung. As if one time, Jin announces that the lunch was ready and all of them gathered around to eat except Yoongi, who was now maintaining the position of the squat with thick books on his lap to increase the proximity. He wanted to cry badly and Namjoon was still asleep.

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the scare! Love you, I will make sure it won't happen again. For all those confused, I unpublished the book and published it back again! Make sure you leave comments and your thoughts on this chapter! Love ya!!! 

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