Chapter 100

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'Bend over Jungkook' ordered Hoseok as Jungkook shook his head and made a run out of the room to nowhere in particular. Hoseok was left shook and Jungkook himself didn't know why he was escaping from Hoseok and the punishment. If it was Taehyung then that would be a different story, but Hoseok always gave away to the maknae once the maknae started crying.

As Jungkook was running he collided with Taehyung and both fell. Taehyung was first to get up to find Jungkook screaming in agony holding his hand with all his might.

Taehyung was quick enough to examine the younger's arm.

'Hyung, Hobi hyung' screamed Taehyung as Hoseok approached immediately and checked the younger's arm as Jungkook was crying non stop and hissed each time Hoseok touched him.

'He fractured his arm. Tae, pick him up, let's head to the hospital' instructed Hoseok while running towards the table to get his mobile and keys.

Taehyung sat at the back with Jungkook who was crying his heart out at the unbearable pain as Taehyung tried his best to shush him. 

Hoseok had already informed the hospital and they were waiting for Hoseok to arrive. Hoseok thoroughly checked Jungkook and did the necessary things to treat his actually fractured arm.

Jungkook had calmed down because of the painkillers and was asleep in the hospital bed as Hoseok wished to keep Jungkook in the hospital for a day to thoroughly observe him. Taehyung decided to stay with Hoseok and Jungkook.

Hoseok was walking on the corridor when he came across a wallet. He picked it up and looked inside to find the owner of the wallet and he found a picture of himself, Yoongi and Alex.

He immediately knew who it was and tears gathered his eyes as he tried his best to stop it. It was Alex's wallet. What was his wallet doing there on the hospital floor? Was he back?

Hoseok had so many questions running in his head and a note keenly kept inside caught his eye. He slowly opened it up to find it to be the note which he had written years ago about how great Alex was and how he wanted to be just like him when he grows up. Hoseok was very guilty that he did know what was right and what was wrong he wanted to make things right but it was too late. He was guilty but he didn't want to accept it.

Jin was able to calm Jimin down with thousands of reassurance and sweet nothing. After much effort Jin had gotten Jimin to sleep, but he was hesitant to leave Jimin alone and decided to stay with him for some time more completely forgetting about something very important.

Jason was searching for Jin and hoped that he had finished punishing Yoongi. After all, it had been 2 hours since Jin was gone and 2 hours since Yoongi was ordered to kneel and face the corner which was unbearable.

Jason made towards Jin's room and decided against knocking as he thought Yoongi would be asleep by then and he would just disturb by knocking, so he directly entered inside.

He didn't find Jin and he looked around wondering where else he would be and that is when his gaze halted at a shaking figure in the corner.

He was shocked to find Yoongi kneeling while facing the corner still. His legs, thighs were shaking badly. His raised hands were shivering uncontrollably as he failed to maintain that position but still didn't give up.

Jason didn't care if Jin would scold him for interfering in between his punishment. He slowly walked towards Yoongi and there were no signs of any marks. That's when the realisation set in that Jin never came back to check on Yoongi.

Jason immediately scooped Yoongi in his hands as Yoongi was silently crying and his hands still remained raised. Jason gently laid him on the bed and pushed his hand down gently. He ran towards Yoongi's room and brought his pills and made Yoongi take it and stayed until the younger slept.

Jason was disappointed in Jin. He covered him with blanket and went out in search of Jin and finally he found Jin stroking Jimin's cheek with loving gaze.

'Jin, come out' called Jason as Jin took his time to peck the youngers head and bid a good night as he made out to meet disappointing gaze from Jason.

'Whats wrong?' asked Jin sensing something wrong.

'Where is Yoongi?' asked Jason and Jin's face instantly fell at the realisation. He made a run to his room to find Yoongi lying on the bed and asleep. Jin sighed a relief.

'I found him scared, terrified and shaking while staring at the corner Jin. He was scared! How could you forget about him?' asked Jason and Jin sat down on the bed completely exausted and covered with guilt.

Jin looked down at his lap and back at Yoongi's figure and couldn't comprehend anything going on. How could he forget about Yoongi? His Yoongi! Heck, how could he neglect Yoongi?

He was covered with guilt, and he looked up at Jason but Jason just looked away.

'Dont look at me Jin. You could have asked someone else to stay with Jimin, feed him or heck you could have dealt with Yoongi later. Is it just me, or have you really taken Yoongi for granted? Don't forget out of everyone Yoongi is the most insecure and you think he hasn't noticed the difference between how you treat others and him? Be careful before you lose him Jin' warned Jason and walked out leaving Jin.

Jin was guilty and a crying mess trying to control himself for everything and trying to make everything back to normal. In midsts of trying to make things better he was unknowingly shattering a few things.

Namjoon on the other hand gasped in surprise when he finally found something interesting after two days of continuos search and he finally found it! Finally, things were about to take a turn...

Hey guys! Double update because of someone who had been whining about wanting it! How was it?? Comment please 🥺 and, it's 100th chapter. I couldn't have gotten here without you guys, so Thank you loads!!💜

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