Chapter 94

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Jin drove Jimin to the hospital with Jason leaving Namjoon to keep Hoseok busy. Yoongi woke Alex up and glared at him to behave while Alex looked down hurt.

Jimin didn't want to get down when he realised he was in front of the hospital. Jin tried forcing him but it wasn't useful. Jin was worried sick. Jason was calm enough to let Jin go in promising him that he will bring Jimin with him.

Jason, closed the door and sat beside Jimin.

'Jimin' called Jason and Jimin looked at him a second and turned away.

'Jimin, buddy. Who don't you come inside. There is someone waiting for you' tried persuading Jason and Jimin shook his head.

He was about to talk again but there was a knock on the window. He rolled it down to witness Jin, Yoongi and another guy standing beside Yoongi. He opened the door and Alex took that as a clue to start his work.

He went in the car and noticed how uncomfortable Jimin got.

'Can one of you come in' whispered Alex, too scared of Yoongi. Yoongi nodded and entered the car. Jimin was quick enough to climb on Yoongi and hide himself in his embrace.

'Hey there, I am Alex' introduced Alex and waited for Jimin to respond but Jimin just hid himself more into Yoongi as Yoongi protectively held him and soothed.

'Jimin' softly called Alex and Jimin turned around. Alex cooed witnessing the younger's teary eyes.

'Hey buddy. I won't hurt you. Here look at me I am so far away from you' said Alex in a soothing tone and Jimin actually listened.

'You don't wanna speak?' asked Alex and Jimin just stared at nothing.

'That's okay. How about you just shake your head to tell me yes or no?' softly asked Alex and Jimin responded with a nod.

'You know I had the worst lunch ever. The hospital food isn't nice at all. I feel bad for the patients. They gave us porridge and there was no rice and was filled with water. Absolutely, tasteless' rambled Alex, making weird sounds and actions. Jimin listened to him carefully.

'What did you eat?' asked Alex, hoping to just start a conversation.

Jimin looked around and stared at Yoongi hoping he would answer but Yoongi just smiled.

'I bet you had some yummy dish' fake cried Alex and Jimin pouted.

'How about we close our eyes and tell the thing we first see?' asked Alex and counted still 3 to close their eyes and Jimin followed. But, immediately after, he started struggling and violently thrashed around. Tears flowed through his eyes and Yoongi struggled to hold him.

Alex, was calm enough knowing panicking would only increase the situation. He looked around and asked one of them to run in and bring a medication he said. He loaded up in the syringe and injected straight to Jimin who fell asleep in Yoongi's arms.

Yoongi passed Jimin to Jin and punched Alex in the face. Everyone were just shocked to witness Yoongi punching Alex as Alex's nose instantly started bleeding and Jason was quick to pull Yoongi away from Alex.

'What did you do to him?' yelled Yoongi. And Alex just touched his wound and tried to stop the bleeding and the pain he was feeling.

'Enough!' yelled Jin and Yoongi halted. Jason left him knowing that Jin would handle the situation.

'Jason take Jimin home' spoke Jin glaring at Yoongi. Yoongi was furious.

Jin made his way towards Alex and looked at his nose and took him back to the hospital followed by Yoongi. The nurse was quick to react and called a doctor who checked on him and treated the wound. Jin helped Alex to his room and stayed till Alex was knocked out with the influence of his medicines.

'Yoon, come here' calmly called Jin and Yoongi waddled towards him.

'Baby, is punching someone good?' asked Jin softly yet sternly and Yoongi shook his head.

Jin smacked his thighs and sternly said "Words".

Yoongi looked down and sighed.

'No' answered Yoongi and Jin pulled him to his embrace.

'What is bothering you baby. Tell hyung or else hyung won't know bub.' softly said Jin and Yoongi couldn't control his tears.

'Hy..hyung, h...he hurt Hobi. But, I..I love u..him. I..I shou..should h..hate him right?' asked Yoongi innocently and looked at Jin with wide eyes. Jin cooed and bopped his nose. He proceeded to wipe his tears and pecked his forehead.

'Yoon, I will talk to Alex. Trust hyung, please' said Jin and Yoongi nodded.

'Go to the company, with Namjoon and look into the company who is copying us' said Jin and Yoongi nodded.

'I will ask one of Jason's men to keep an eye on Alex' continued Jin noticing the hesitation in Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi sighed and left to the company knowing that he needed a breather.

Jin headed back to the mansion and noticed Taehyung and Jungkook playing video games.

' Koo, go study. You have exams coming up and Tae, it's your work hours' reminded Jin and both of them grumbled and left to do their work.

Dinner table was pin drop silent as all of them played with their foods. Their attention carried towards Jimin who was standing at the last step of the stairs and looking at them with teary eyes.

Jin was quick to react and embrace Jimin carefully not to scare the younger as Jimin clinged onto Jin and pointed towards Jason. Jin carried him towards Jason but Jimin pointed at the couch.

'You want us to come to the couch?' asked Taehyung in confusion and Jimin nodded. They were quick to leave their dinner aside and sit on the couch.

Jimin settled himself on Jason's lap and pointed at a book on the tea table. Jungkook picked it and gave it to him with pen and Jimin started to write as everyone looked at him.
with curiousity.

Jimin then held the book and showed it to them, 'I need to confess'....

Hey guys!!! The truth is gonna be revealed. How did Jimin end up in that brutal situation??? Also 20 comments for next chapter!! And shoutout for Bhavishya9 for being the first to comment!!!

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