Chapter 14

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            Yoongi woke up in the middle of the night to check on Namjoon. He sighed in relief when Namjoon was asleep peacefully. He would never be able to forgive himself, if he had not checked up on Namjoon, as he was angry at him. Well, in reality he wasn't angry he was disappointed. His hyung didn't deserve such hurtful words from the younger.  He was also scared where Namjoon would have nightmares. But, his happiness was short lived as Namjoon woke up with a gasp and started taking huge breaths.

Yoongi gasped in horror and immediately took hold of the younger who was thrashing around and mumbling some stuff which Yoongi was not able to figure out.

'Kim Namjoon' yelled Yoongi as loud as he possibly could. Namjoon's gaze then settled on his hyung and his thrashing came to a stop.

'Take three deep breaths' sternly said Yoongi, voice calm and authoritative. Namjoon in his dazed state took three deep breaths and was able to normalise his breathing to a certain extent.

Namjoon's tears never stopped. Yoongi gently wiped his tears and took him on his lap holding onto him. Namjoon was still whimpering in fear and shaking violently. Yoongi tightened his hold on the younger but to no avail. The younger was crying continuously and Yoongi was not able to  console the younger. He felt like crying looking at the younger suffering.

As if his mind glowed like a bulb, he settled the younger on the bed and violently looked for the younger's phone and dialled Jin's number.

'Pick up, pick up, pick up Hyung' cried out Yoongi.

Jin on the other hand was working non-stop from the time he came back to the company. He had not allowed himself to cry or breakdown. He had to be strong for his family. He was completely dependent on caffeine. His secretary was worried when she bought up the 11th cup of coffee. She had left a long time ago. His gaze flickered when his phone lightened up with Namjoon's Nick name, 'Clumsy baby'. Jin took a second to decide whether to pick the call or not and he was glad he did.

'Hello' answered Jin, voice cold and professional.

'Hyung' cried out Yoongi, and Jin was able to hear the sobbing of someone.

'What happened Yoonie, Yoon' panicked Jin.

'Hyung, hyung Nam.. Namjoon he ha..had a nightmare' cried Yoongi. Jin who was able to figure out the situation stormed out of his cabin and ran off to his car. He sped towards the mansion. Traffic rules? Heck with that. His baby was important.

'Yoongi, calm down. I am coming. Guide his breathing baby' softly encouraged Jin. Yoongi let out a nod not realising that Jin couldn't see him. When, Jin wasn't able to hear any answer he was scared of the worst.

'Words, baby' said Jin, voice calm but he was internally thinking of the worst.

'Yes Hyung. I will take care of his breathing' said Yoongi somewhat calm than before.

In no time Jin had arrived. He left his car door opened and key inserted. He didn't even care about his car anymore. He rushed towards the younger's door. He witnessed Namjoon on Yoongi's lap whimpering and Yoongi looked like he would break down any second but he was trying his best to calm the younger down.

Jin gently took Namjoon on his lap from Yoongi's. He made Namjoon straddle on his lap so that they can be face to face with each other.  He took a moment to analyse the younger and panicked, Namjoon was so dazed and scared that whatever he was trying to do Namjoon wasn't responding.

'Yoongi call Hoseok to get the shots' said Jin. Yoongi who had just relieved a bit again panicked hearing to the panic in his hyungs voice. He ran yelling for hobi not even caring anymore if the maknae line would wake up.

Jin was struggling to get any reaction from the younger. Namjoon was staring at something and was just crying. No noise, nothing. Atleast when he heard Namjoon on the call he could hear to his sobs but right now there was nothing. The younger was sitting like a statue.

Hoseok who woke up with a jolt rushed to get his brothers shots which was prescribed by his then doctor. The maknae line woke up hearing to the commotion. Jimin hissed and wore his pants struggling all the way up. They then went out to figure out what was wrong. The light from Namjoon's room took their attention and they sleepily walked there. They froze when they saw the situation infront of them. They stood at the door step and looked at the scene.

Hoseok and Yoongi pushed the maknae's away and stormed inside. Jin immediately lowered Namjoon's pants a bit and Hoseok cleansed the area and injected the medicine. Jin observed Namjoon and made a mental note that the younger didn't react to the shots. He saw as slowly Namjoon's eyes closed and he dozed off in his hold.

The hyung line sighed a relief but was caught up when Jungkook started crying hysterically.

'Hyung, what happened to Joonie Hyung' asked Jungkook. Jin layed Namjoon down and calmly called Jungkook towards himself. Jungkook waddled towards his eldest hyung. Jin held onto Jungkook's hands and softly smiled.

'Kookie, Joonie Hyung had a nightmare baby. He was scared that's all. Joonie Hyung will be fine tomorrow' reassured Jin. Kookie nodded in return. Hoseok took Taehyung with him assuring him and tucking him back to sleep. Yoongi glanced at Jimin who was hissing and was standing with the help of wall.

Yoongi picked Jimin up and walked off to his room. He slowly took off Jimin's pant and cuddled him to sleep. Jungkook had dozed off in Jin's lap. Jin picked him up and took to his own room and tucked him to sleep. He didn't want Jungkook to sleep in Namjoon's room as there was chances Namjoon might wake up again.

Jin sighed and went back to Namjoon and layed beside him. Jin made a mental note to talk with Yoongi and Hoseok to take Namjoon to the therapist. Jin then dozed off holding onto Namjoon protectively.

Hey guys!!!!

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