Chapter 64

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It had been a few days since Jason had been living with the Kim brothers. Jason was in a state of daze. He did nothing other than staring at the ceiling in his room. He blamed himself for everything that took place.

He stared at his cell phone as a message popped up as their revenge was taken. Jason wasn't at ease. He felt wrong. He felt his brothers death was his fault. He really did feel that.

He didn't think twice before running into the attached bathroom and cutting his wrist. He was heavily bleeding but he just stared at the red blood which flowed from his hands. It was peace for him.

None of them knew, Jason would do something like that. That night, Jin entered the room to serve Jason, dinner and when he wasn't able to find Jason. He panicked. He searched the entire room and lastly he broke the washroom door. To find Jason lying unconscious on the bathroom floor with bleeding hand.

He screamed in horror and others rushed in. Jimin broke down in heavy sobs while Jin stared at Jason in utter shock with so many memories playing inside his head. Hoseok was quick enough to give the first aid and was relieved when he found out that Jason wasn't in a serious condition. Yes, he was bleeding profusely but he would survive given to all the trainings and stuff.

Jason was taken to the hospital and Jin was back to his senses. Namjoon was assigned to get the maknae line back to the mansion while Jimin clung to Yoongi and cried river. Jin, had to be strong. His Jason will be perfectly fine.

Jin took his own time to calm himself as Hoseok and other doctors treated Jason. Jin looked at his brothers and sighed as Jimin refused to go back to the mansion and held onto Yoongi as Yoongi was clueless of how to handle him.

'Yoon, get me some coffee' said Jin clearly making an excuse which Yoongi seemed to play along and left with much difficulty.

Jimin didn't want to be with Jin alone but he was stuck with him.

'Jimin' softly called Jin. Jimin just tried to wipe his tears as he looked at Jin with those hurtful teary eyes. Jin immediately cooed and pulled Jimin to his embrace.

Jimin, himself didn't know that, all this while he just wanted to be in his hyungs embrace. Jimin suddenly felt safe and just clung on. Jin had moved Jimin on his lap so that both were comfortable. Jin took out a tissue and wiped Jimin's face cleanly and made him look somewhat better.

'Minnie, Jason Hyung will be completely fine. Nothing will happen to him' said Jin as Jimin had now stopped crying and was just sniffling. Jimin sniffled and slumped against Jin.

'Hyung, I...I him' uttered Jimin in a barely audible voice but Jin caught on to those words which directly pierced his heart into number of pieces. Jin continued stroking Jimin's hairs

'I Know' sadly spoke Jin holding onto his afraid heart.

'Hyung, do you still love him?' finally asked Jimin making himself as small as he could in his hyungs hold. Jin trembled at that question. He didn't know what to answer and just rubbed the younger's back and was thankful as Hoseok made out of the operation theatre with a happy face.

'How is he??' desperately asked Jin with a look of worry as Jimin got up to witness his worried face. Hoseok smiled brighter.

'He is fine. He needs a lot of rest and he is stressed. He should atleast take a week full of bed rest Hyung' said Hoseok.

'Can I meet him' both Jin and Jimin asked at the same time. One held worry, concern and a lot of other things while other just wanted to witness Jason first.

Hoseok nervously smiled and nodded at that question. Jin and Jimin went in to look at Jason's hand wrapped in bandage and an I.V attached to the other one.

Jimin was caught off when Jin sighed in relief and made his way towards Jason with pure love and carressed his hands and cheek. Jin totally forgot about Jimin being in the same room. Jin proceeded to leave a peck on Jason's forehead and held onto his hand until he dozed off.

Jimin who witnessed everything had a very mixed feeling. He didn't know how to solve the biggest confusion in his heart and mind. It hurt when his hyung held his crush's hand, It hurt when his hyung looked at his crush with so much love, It hurt when his hyung carressed his crush's hands and cheek. And it definitely hurted a lot when his own hyung pecked his crush on his forehead right in front him.

Jimin turned around with a new set of tears and for a complete different reason as he witnessed Yoongi looking at the scene with loving as well as painful eyes. Yoongi extended his arms as Jimin ran into that and let out a harsh sob.

Yoongi manage to shush and bring him outside not wanting either of the two to wake up. Hoseok looked at Yoongi and Jimin in confusion but he could guess what was happening. He ruffled Jimin's hairs and left as a nurse approached him.

Yoongi held onto Jimin until Jimin slept.They made to the mansion and put the younger into a much needed sleep. He proceeded to send Namjoon over to help Jin and Hoseok as he decided to stay at home not wanting to be seperated by Jimin when the younger was in such a vulnerable state.

Jungkook and Taehyung were asleep as it was already too late. It was freaking 1 in the mid night. Yoongi dozed off and Namjoon reached the hospital to find guards guarding the entire hospital with their own strength.

Namjoon had to go through thousands of checking to enter Jason's room where Jin was asleep. Namjoon sighed and draped a blanket around Jin and made himself comfortable on the couch as he was too tired and exhausted. Hoseok joined Namjoon after his work.

Hey guys!! I had my exams going on, so couldn't upload the story.
Also, I would love to have you guys check out this amajin story of JINKOOK 'Worth My Life' by @Crystaline77. The story is currently at haitus but the author promises to be back once they finished their exams.


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