Chapter 133

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Taehyung helped Jungkook through his assignments and stared at the clock waiting for all his hyungs to return. He wanted reassurance. He expected Yoongi to spoil him once the meeting was over but it never came as he was immediately sent home to help the maknae.

His eyes longed as the hands moved slowly and Jungkook was getting more and more frustrated as Taehyung wasn't paying any attention to him. It was just like Jungkook was doing his thing and Taehyung was just sitting next to him.

'Hyung!' whined Jungkook as Taehyung just let him be. He wasn't interested in teaching Jungkook and for sure he didn't want to at the moment.

'Taehyung HYUNG!' yelled Jungkook and Taehyung just lost himself.

'Kim Jungkook, shut up! First you don't do your work and bother us to help you. You are old enou-' Taehyung was cut short by Yoongi's presence who was glaring at him.

'Hyung, I was jus-' Yoongi raised his hand to stop Taehyung as Taehyung just looked down ashamed at his actions.

'Aww bunny! Don't cry, hyung will take care of your Take Tae hyung shh baby' consoled Yoongi as Jungkook just nodded while sniffing.

'Jimin will help you Kook' said Yoongi loud enough for Jimin to understand his work and Jimin sighed moving closer towards Jungkook and trying to understand what the assignment was of.

'And you follow me' said Yoongi and walked towards his room as Taehyung waddled behind him with tiny steps and stopped once they reached Yoongi's room.

'Sit down till I am back' said Yoongi as Taehyung didn't argue and did as said.

Yoongi came back and looked at Taehyung sitting motionless and deep in thoughts. Yoongi chuckled at his brother and cleared his throat to gain attention.

'Go open my wardrobe and get me the thing' said Yoongi as Taehyung gulped knowing that Yoongi was asking him to get his thick leather belt.

Taehyung's eyes leaked just by imagining the pain and started uttering no no but one strict glance from Yoongi got him moving. He moved towards the wardrobe and with trembling hands opened the door and was confused when r couldn't find the belt.

He searched but he could only find a white envelope. He sighed and decided on taking it to Yoongi. He walked and showed it to his hyung who gestured for him to open it.

Taehyung, confused opened it and looked through the papers and gasped in joy.

'Hyung!' yelled Taehyung and launched himself on Yoongi as Yoongi chuckled

'Congratulations Mr.Kim you will be leading the project on your own' wished Yoongi as happy tears made its way down Taehyung's cheek.

'But, Jimin hyung?' asked Taehyung now feeling bad.

'I believe you can take over this on your own. I feel that this closure will let Jimin see that you are a grown up man and not just his younger one whom he wants to protect all the time. Make sure you don't disregard my belief in you' said Yoongi as Taehyung nodded with a new set of determination in him to prove that his hyung was right.

In the next second Yoongi pulled him on his lap and laid 3 harsh spanks on the younger's clothes bottom

'And, young man no shouting on Kook' warned Yoongi and pulled up his baby and hugged him as Taehyung enjoyed the warmth he was getting.

Their sweet moment was disturbed by Alex who walked in. Taehyung just faced Alex and blew his tongue out as Alex chuckled and Yoongi landed another spank on him.

Nevertheless Yoongi held him close letting Taehyung soak in all the comfort he needed. Finally, Taehyung was ready to let go and Yoongi let him, knowing that he had to take care of Alex too.

Taehyung bid a bye to both of them and walked out in search of his bunny who was currently about to finish his assignment as Jimin helped.

Taehyung sat next to them and Jungkook finally beamed in happiness as he closed the laptop in victory. Before the younger could utter anything Jimin walked away with sullened shoulders.

Taehyung stretched his arms towards Jungkook but Jungkook turned his face to the other side.



'Baby please'

'Hyungie meanie, no!'

'Baby bun pweaseeeeeeeee'

Jungkook chuckled at the cute whine and launched on his hyung as Taehyung hugged him too.

'Hyungie wanna eat cake' uttered Jungkook as Taehyung nodded.

'Hyungs, I am taking bun out!' screamed Taehyung to let the others know that he was heading out. He didn't wait for any answer as the duo sprinted out to have some cake.

Jimin lied on the bed thinking of ways to get his hyung talk to him. With much exhaustion he dosed off on the bed.

'Alex baby, what's wrong?' asked Yoongi as Alex sighed.

'Hoseok and Dale' said Alex as Yoongi raised his brow trying to figure out why Alex was so worries about them.

'I guess they both are umm you know dating?' uttered Alex worries about the outburst but it never came rather he could hear Yoongi's chuckle and a peck ok his head.

'Dale's sister died so Hobi is with him. Dale do like Hobi but Hoseok doesn't know about it yet' said Yoongi to which Alex looked at him with shocked eyes.

'How??' Yoongi just chuckled at his cute lover and dipped down on the bed with the younger on top of him.

'Come on sweetheart. Get some rest now' uttered Yoongi and tu ked the younger in as he slowly patted him down so that Alex could have a peaceful sleep.

Yoongi then left once he was sure that the younger was asleep. He sighed and walked towards Jimin's room knowing that he should talk it out before Jimin feels too left out and alone.

He softly knocked on the door and waited until Jimin opened it. Jimin was half asleep and when he saw Yoongi standing in front of him his sleep flew away.


Hey guys! How is it????? Long comments and how do you think will Jimin get punished??????

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