Chapter 10

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       It was 7 in the morning. The maknae line was tangled among each other and was sound asleep. Jin didn't even get a wink of sleep the entire night. Namjoon was repeatedly screaming and sobbing which led Jin to stay awake and take care of Namjoon.
         Jin started preparing their breakfast. Hoseok and Yoongi was up. Hoseok headed towards Jimin's room to wake them up. All three of them groaned and surprisingly woke up the first time. Hoseok ruffled all their hair and told them to come down for breakfast.
        Everyone were eating their breakfast silently. Jin looked exhausted which made Yoongi worried as hell. Jungkook finished his breakfast and left with Hoseok to his school. Jimin and Taehyung finished their breakfast, bid their hyungs bye and went towards their company. No one questioned about Namjoon knowing that he was still asleep.
       'Yoongi, come to my room after breakfast' said Jin as he got up and walked towards his room. Yoongi was afraid. He was trying to figure out for what Jin was calling him. His thoughts were racing. 'Is it because of Jimin's punishment' thought Yoongi and gulped. He then cleaned up the table and went to Jin's room. He saw Jin working something. Jin signed Yoongi to sit. Yoongi was scared.
         'Hy..Hyung, you called' whispered Yoongi.
         'It's been days you called me Hyung  Yoongi' replied Jin. Both of their faces fell at that statement. Yoongi remained quiet.
          'I called you to discuss about Namjoon'
        'What about him, h...Hyung'
          'I think we should get him a therapist' mentioned Jin. Yoongi wasn't shocked at that because Namjoon had been seeing therapist before but now he had stopped going.
     'Why all of a sudden hyung?' questioned Yoongi to which Jin sighed and rubbed his eyes with his hand and let out a yawn. Yoongi was concerned because Jin was getting home late and leaving very early and he was always busy with the work. Yoongi again didn't mention anything about it.
        'I want to know your opinion about yesterday Yoongi' stated Jin.
        'We can talk to Joon and then decide Hyung'
        'You know he won't accept for a therapist'
      'How about, we talk to him and punish him as Hobi didn't. Then we will observe him for a few days and then if his nightmares continues we can hire a therapist'
      'No punishment, Yoongi, he is already stressed. I will handle him by myself. Once he is awake tell Hobi to check on him and feed him. Also, inform everyone that today's meeting is cancelled'
    Yoongi nodded at Jin's instructions and headed out. He checked on Namjoon. Hoseok was back and took Yoongi's place to stay with Namjoon as he had taken a day off as per their initial plan of spending time together, but not everything goes according to the plan, right? Yoongi instructed Hoseok and left towards the company.

        'Taehyung did you meet Mr Choi?' asked Jimin sternly with a glare on his face. Taehyung face fell at his hyungs questions. Taehyung slowly shook his head as no.
         'Tae, I am tired of covering up your mistakes. Go inform any of the hyung and let them take care of you. I am done' said Jimin and went out slamming Taehyung's cabin door startling Taehyung's secretary in the process.

          Jimin entered his cabin and called his secretary.
      'Fix a meeting with Mr.Choi asap' ordered Jimin. The secretary nodded her head and noted it down. She walked out.

             Taehyung on the other side couldn't believe how he could forget such an important meeting. He was dead for sure and this time even Jimin wouldn't save him from his hyungs wrath. He sighed and decided to accept his fate. His secretary walked in trying to know what was wrong.

        'Why didn't you remember me about Mr.Choi' yelled Taehyung angry and scared.
        'I did sir. I reminded you twice but you dismissed me. You were busy with your games sir' innocently said his secretary. Taehyung grumbled and cursed at his games.
         'Is anything wrong sir' asked the secretary.
         'Nothing is wrong, just, just get out' yelled out Taehyung frustrated.

        He knew that Jimin was angry at him, and he had to follow his orders. The most difficult part was for which hyung to inform. Namjoon was not well so he he couldn't go to Namjoon. Yoongi, he is scared of Yoongi but is still better than Jin. He really didn't want to go to Jin.

        Jin informed Hoseok that he was leaving the mansion and to call him once Namjoon wakes up. Hoseok gave out a nod.

           Jimin immediately left to catch up with Mr.Choi who was at the airport. Too bad, halfway through the path his secretary informed him that Mr.Choi's plane took off an hour earlier than it was scheduled. Jimin grumbled and asked his driver to drive back to the company. Once he reached, he made his way towards Yoongi's cabin to let him know about Mr.Choi and take the blame on himself knowing that Taehyung will not be able to handle his hyungs knowing Taehyung was still stuck about the incident.

        Taehyung slowly walked towards Yoongi's cabin. Yoongi's secretary gave him a small smile which Taehyung failed to return.

       'It's going to be okay Mr.Kim' assured the secretary. Taehyung knocked on the door.

     'Come in' answered Yoongi. Taehyung took a deep breath and entered his hyungs cabin. He was shocked and scared a lot more than before when he noticed that Yoongi was not alone rather he was with Jin. He mentally cursed and tears already made its way down looking at both of his hyungs.

        'Tae, why are you crying' softly asked Jin.
       'Hyung, I...I' and Taehyung broke into a huge sob. Both of them were concerned looking at the younger. Jin passed on the file he was reading to Yoongi and embraced Taehyung. He sat down with Taehyung on his lap facing Yoongi.
        'Tae, baby if you don't tell us what's wrong we can't help you' softly approached Yoongi. Taehyung ended up confessing about Mr.Choi. He was a lot calmer now.

         'Where was Jimin?' questioned Yoongi sternly, the softness now gone.
      'He..he' stuttered Taehyung and was cut short when Jimin opened the door panting as if he had ran a mile.
         'Hyung, I forgot to meet Mr.Choi on our assigned time. When I realised it was too late and tried meeting him at the airport but the plane already took off. I am sorry hyung. I am sorry' apologized Jimin still not looking at the three faces. He just covered up Taehyung's mistake making it his own.

      'Jimin' called Jin strictly. Jimin immediately raised his head when he realised it wasn't Yoongi's voice. He was shocked to witness all three of them looking at him. Jin and Yoongi were able to analyse what is going on while Taehyung looked guilty still sitting on Jin's lap.

        'Is it, What I am thinking Kim Jimin' roared Yoongi to which Jimin looked down like a kicked puppy. Jin made Taehyung stand and glared at him. Taehyung felt bad knowing that because of him Jimin was also in trouble.

        At the right time Hoseok call buzzed on Jin's phone. Jin just let out a 'hmm' and 'I am coming'.

         'Both of you head back to your office and complete your works. We will talk about this at home' ordered Jin. Both of them ran out, to their cabin.
       'I will head home. Joonie woke up and is stable. I will talk to him' said Jin and left the company. Yoongi nodded at his words and continued looking through the file.


  Hey guys!!!! Comment down if you have any ideas. I will try to add that up. No promises though😅

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