Chapter 41

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It had been a day since Jin's stay at the hospital. Yoongi had not returned and Hoseok was left with a lot confusion. Yoongi had informed others about Jin's health and everyone were worried.

They insisted on meeting Jin but Jason was not letting anyone other than Hoseok to enter the room. Others tried to use other methods to meet Jin but Yoongi had forbade them.

Jason was getting everything packed up to return as Jin's fever was down and he was discharged from the hospital. Hoseok was giving Jin puppy eyes and Jin couldn't help but melt at that.

Jin extended his arms and Hoseok didn't take a second to run in and hug him. Jason just playfully glared at Jin while he felt relieved on the inside. Hoseok held onto Jin and Jin let him be, but after a few minutes he backed away.

Jin pecked Hoseok's forehead and pulled back.

'Hyung, why can't you come back home?' innocently asked Hoseok. Jin's heart clenched at that question. Trust him, that he really wants to go back to be with his brothers, but the anger in Yoongi's eyes held him back from returning. Jason's body visibly tensed at that question, he knew Jin was sensitive to that. He really wanted to make things right between Jin and Yoongi because somewhere he also had a part in breaking their beautiful bond.

'Hyung will be back before you know' slowly voiced out Jin giving him an assuring smile which didn't hold any assurance in it.

'Hyung, who is Jason Hyung' silently asked Hoseok hoping that Jason didn't hear him, but Jason did hear him and acted like he didn't.

'Hobi-ah Jason is friend' said Jin and Hoseok seemed to nod at that. Jason heard Jin and couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Jin noticed how harshly Jason seemed to react to those words even though it was very minute thing like closing the zip of the bag.

'Hobi, you should leave. Hyung will take care don't worry. Say I miss everyone. Okay buddy?' softly said Jin to which Hoseok nodded and walked outside.

Jin could suddenly feel the tension in the room and he just wanted to get out. Jason picked up the bag and walked out expecting Jin to follow him. Jin did but while looking down. They both entered Jason's apartment silently. No conversing took place between them since they left the hospital.

Jin felt like crying. First, his parents left him. Now his brother is angry and others are just too oblivious to the situation and the only one whom he loved the most was now disappointed. Jin couldn't help but condemn himself about everything going around.

Jason hadn't spoken a word and went straight to the washroom. Jason came back only to find Jin staring at nothing in his room. Jason didn't feel like speaking and headed out to the kitchen to prepare something.

He was hurt. He didn't know how to express it, but he didn't want to believe that he was just a school friend to Jin. Jin's words replayed in his mind and he couldn't help but throw the glass he was holding. The glass fell with a sound and broke, the parts going everywhere.

Jin who was in the room flinched and ran out only to witness Jason angry and smashing and throwing anything his hands fell on.

Jin immediately ran towards Jason and back hugged him. That seemed to calm Jason and the sudden wetness on his shoulders bought him back to reality. His love was crying again, because of him.

'Please stop, d... don't d.. don't' stuttered Jin. Jason couldn't bring himself to console Jin when he was hurt himself.

Jason felt like his strength was lessing and he dropped down to his knees with tears flowing freely. While, Jason silently cried, Jin wailed. Two broken hearts were trying to heal each other.

Jin's wailings increased and Jin was speaking rubbish while crying his heart out. Jason got worried. Jin had just came back from the hospital. Jin was weak. He wasn't fully healed.

Jason immediately bought Jin into his embrace and carressed his head.

'Jinnie, stop baby stop. I am right here nothing will happen. Baby look at me' desperately pleaded Jason while harshly wiping his tears.

Jin looked at Jason and Jason pecked Jin's entire face and hugged him.

Jason managed to bring Jin and himself to the room and made Jin straddle his lap as Jin's head rested on Jason's shoulders and Jason held onto him protectively.

Jin was sniffling once in a while.

'Jin, love talk to me please' begged Jason.

'How sh..shall I..I make Y..yoon under....understand th..that I..I didn't break a..any pro..promise and I...I am not you. I...I didn't kill parents' confessed Jin and cried out.

Jason was quick to comfort Jin and wanted to end everything as quickly as possible.

'I...I didn't k..Kill eo..EOMMA' struggled Jin.

'Yes baby, I believe you, you didn't kill eomma' said Jason and repeated it until Jin fainted in his hold being tired and exhausted.

Jason knew he had to take things under his control now or he would never be able to put back everything to its place.
On the other side.

'Kim Jungkook, to my room NOW'

'Tae, go easy on him please' cried Jimin.

'Chim come to Hyung' called Namjoon.

'Hyung please come out' yelled Hoseok banging the closed door of Yoongi's bedroom.

'Just, get lost Hoseok' screamed Yoongi in agony.

Hey guys!!! Thank you for making this book reach 30k. As promised I will give you an double update today. Borahae💜

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