Chapter 137

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'Jason, your brother wasn't a good person. The truth he held from you was that he isn't your brother. He was adopted by your father when your parents struggled to get pregnant. After his adoption by some miracle you were born and your brother got insecure. He started competing with you for everything. He hatched the plan to kill your father when he passed on the mafia kings title to you and not him. I didn't know he would carry on with the plan but he did it. He killed your father'

'But, hyung was never interested in mafia works'

'That's a lie Jason. He craved power and your father discussed that he would name you as the mafia king. He was jealous. So he hatched the plan and killed him. I discussed it with RM and he helped me trick him into leaving you and moving farther away. So, by default you got the title'

'You knew RM?'

'Thats a story for another time. I was able to stop him for all these years by manipulating him in the name of myself and my daughter. But, then he wanted to kill you and take up the title. RM was able to somehow capture him and have him in the hostage. We then decided to fake his death and that is what we did in order to take away the intending danger which relied on you'

'We have kept him till then with us. I wasnt able to kill him because I still love him....'

Nancy sobbed at the end as Jason and Jin were left with lots of questions and doubts. They decided to clear that up later as the only thing they could understand is that Jason's brother is adopted and he Jason's father and was trying to kill Jason.

It was a lot to take in for Jason. He unknowingly slid down to his knees as he couldn't understand anything. Jin immediately embraced the vulnerable soul and held him against his chest as Jason just let betrayed tears flow.

He couldn't just go and kill his brother whom he has looked up his entire life. He just can't beat him mercilessly because everything he know still the date was taught by his brother. He can't ignore his brother when he stood with him for his ambitions. He just can't let is brother go knowing well that if his brother wasn't there he would have been killed long ago by their father during his training.

'Bring him here' uttered Jason as Nancy and RM was a bit confused. Nevertheless they accepted his plead and asked one of the guard to bring him back.

'Wake him up' softly spoke Jason as he saw his brother lying unconscious on the chair.

Once Jason's brother was woken up, he shot anger glares at both Nancy and RM. But, when his gaze landed on Jason there was something that was stopping him. He was scared that Jason knew his truth. He was scared to meet eyes with his dongsaeng. He was scared to be judged on by his brother.

Before, anyone could react Jason moved forward and laid his head on his brothers lap as he asked RM to free his hyung from all the rope he was tied.

Jason let his tears flow on his hyungs lap as his hyung softly ruffled his hair.

'Is it true?' asked Jason looking up at his hyung with big gaping eyes hoping that it isn't. His hyung slowly nodded his head in acceptance.

The very next second, Jason moved away from his hyung breaking everyone's heart. But, Jason removed the bracelet he had in his hand which was descended down from person to person on who took the mafia king's spot.

He softly held his hyungs hand and clasped the bracelet on it, as everyone's eyes widened in shock.

'Hyung, of this is what you want. You can have it. All my empire, my guards everyone is yours. They will all listen to you from now on. No one will utter a word against you, but please just be my hyung'

The sorrow plead from Jason shook his hyung to the core. He couldn't believe he was trying to snatch things from his younger one, whom he loved genuinely. He hated that their parents made differences in them but Jason always relied on him.

'Dont worry about me hyung, I know my Jinnie, he  will embrace me even if I have nothing with me. I know cause he loves me for me not for my power or status'

No one expected this turn of events. They thought Jason would kill his brother, make him beg for mercy but little did they know the adoration Jason had for his hyung went miles.

Jason's hyung was left ashamed of his actions as Jason left with Jin.

Jason's hyung slowly got up from the chair and walked towards Nancy as RM came in between worried that he would hurt Nancy.

The very next second, Jason's hyung fell on his knees and held onto Nancy's foot spitting thousands of apologies as Nancy lowered down to embrace the man she loved.

'Why! Why! Why!!!! You forgot our angel? You forgot our daughter? Is this greed more important than our daughter? Why!!!!!!' screamed Nancy as Jason's brother held her close.

Jason's actions was a wake up call to everyone. Jason's hyung knew he had to make things right, and to start with he had to mend his relationship with Nancy and his daughter. Hopefully, Jason could wait. Hopefully!

Hey guys!!!! How was the revelation of truth???? Well comment down your thoughts else no update!

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