Chapter 80

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Taehyung entered the mansion with tiredness emitting from his face and barely being able to hold onto his office bag. He dragged his feet all the way to the living hall and abandoned his bag on the floor. He plopped himself on the couch and sighed a relief.

None of them observed the younger so tired. They thought that Taehyung was acting up. Now, that he was ignoring everyone, they thought Taehyung was just taking advantage of the situation.

Yoongi came in search of his cake and found Taehyung in his office clothes with shoes on the couch as his bag was thrown on the floor.

'Kim.Taehyung' roared Yoongi in anger. He wasn't going to accept Taehyung's disobedience in the mansion. Taehyung though slightly lift his head to take a look at his fuming hyung but paid no heed to that as he turned back and tried sleeping.

Everyone gathered listening to Yoongi's angry yell. Jason gave up on talking to Jimin at the moment and ran downstairs. Jimin also ran down.

They were met with Yoongi angrily scolding Taehyung while Taehyung remained sleeping on the couch. It seemed like the younger was disrespecting the older but in reality Taehyung was tired. Yoongi had enough.

It was supposed to be an awesome night with everyone apologizing to Taehyung and making up with him. But, the situation had turned 180 there.

Yoongi raised his arms and bought it forcefully on the younger's bottom. Taehyung screamed in immense pain. Yoongi continued for another 5 times when he was held back by Namjoon. Taehyung was already crying and he could barely move.

'Hyung, calm down. Tae isn't responding normally' said Namjoon.

'Because, he is being a brat' mumbled Yoongi but stopped himself from spanking Taehyung again.

'Taehyung, just because we let you ignore us and give you the freedom to do whatever you want, that doesn't mean you can be disobedient here. You respond to your elders when they are talking to you. You don't throw away your bag after returning. And, you take off your shoes before entering the mansion and freshen up' lectured Yoongi as Taehyung was barely holding onto his consciousness.

His head was spinning and he clutched his head in utter pain but no one seemed to notice that.

'Ahh!' groaned Taehyung in utter pain. That was when he caught everyone's attention.

'Oh! Now, you want to act like you are ill? Just stop the act, Kim Taehyung. We have plenty of work to do than waste our precious time on you who have trouble moving on from one single incident'. Yoongi was harsh with his words and Taehyung was broken to hear that. Was he a burden?

He didn't want to stay at that place any longer. He slowly woke up and held onto the couch for support.

'Ugh! You are still acting' scoffed Yoongi. Taehyung tried answering to his hyung but he just couldn't help feel dizzy. Jimin moved towards the younger to take his side but before he could, Taehyung fell straight on the couch not being able to balance himself. In no time, he fainted.

Everyone's eyes widened at that and they rushed towards Taehyung. Yoongi, took a step to get closer to the younger but he just couldn't. Call him a coward, but he ran away from there. How could he?

'Yoongi!' yelled Jin only for him to not respond back.

'I will go' said Jason and ran after Yoongi.

Jin managed to get the younger's head on his lap as Namjoon sprinkled some cold water for Taehyung to wake up. Jimin was kneeling down, cupping the younger's face with a bit of teary eyes.

Taehyung slowly regained consciousness and clutched his head in pain.

'Hobi hyung, is on the way' informed Namjoon as he just got off the call from the older.

'I wil go behind Yoongi hyung' said Namjoon and hurried off calling someone probably Jason to know which way he went.

Hoseok came rushing in to find Taehyung sipping on water. He checked Taehyung and Hoseok fumed in anger.

'When was the last time you ate?' asked Hoseok barely managing to hide his anger. Taehyung shuddered in fear thinking that everyone was against him. He was already in tears.

'Mo..morning' uttered Taehyung. Taehyung held onto Jimin's hand and clutched it in pain and fear. Jimin realised the younger was getting scared.

'And when did you take your medicines?' asked Hoseok in clenched teeth.

'At evening' answered Taehyung.

'Hyung, you are scaring him' intervened Jimin to receive a glare in return.

'On empty stomach?' asked Hoseok as Taehyung managed to nod.

Hoseok was stressed, back to back major surgeries after cooking was no joke. He threw his mobile angrily and Taehyung flinched. It was very rare for Hoseok to lose his patience but when he would, everyone was afraid of him.

Taehyung tightened his hold on Jimin's hand.

'When will you learn to take care of your fu_king health'. Hoseok was cursing which meant something was seriously wrong.

'Hobi stop' said Jin still trying to hold on to Taehyung who was whimpering and trying to break free.

'No hyung, I am fed up. Each day a new person gets ill because they just don't know how to eat three course meal and take-' He was cut short by a push. Jimin had pushed him in anger.

'Jimin!' called Jin clearly a threat lying in his tone.

'You don't get to speak to us like that. Taehyung is afraid because of you' yelled Jimin.

Jin managed to lay Taehyung on the couch and approached his other brothers.

'Both of you, it's enough!' yelled Jin which silenced both of them.

'Now, Jimin, carry Taehyung upstairs and Hoseok go to your room.' ordered Jin and left to the kitchen.

Jimin carried Taehyung to his room and laid him down as Taehyung cried.

'Shhh!! Buddy. Everything is fine. Hobi hyung' was just stressed that's all. He didn't mean any of it' softly consoled Jimin.

'Mi..Minnie scwared' mumbled Taehyung and snuggled closer to Jimin.

'No need to be scared baby' said Jin entering the room with soup. Jimin made the younger sit on his lap and slowly fed him the soup.

'Hyung, it's okay. I will take care of him and put him to sleep' said Jimin and Jin left knowing Jimin would take care of Taehyung.

He straight went to Hoseok's room to find Hoseok still angry.

'WHAT WAS THAT?' spoke Jin in clenched teeth and anger as Hoseok shuddered witnessing Jin so angry.

Hey guys!!!! What do you think is going on with Hoseok and Jimin?

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