Chapter 44

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Jungkook was guilty. He was too guilty that he couldn't come out to face any of his hyung. After getting to know that Jimin was taken immediately to the hospital and he needed to stay in there for a day just increased the guilt he was feeling. He really didn't mean any of the thing he said.

Taehyung's words were an eye opener for him. He really messed up big this time. Namjoon had come up to give him food. Namjoon had given the breakfast and headed to the company warning Taehyung to not go too far. Jungkook had not even touched the breakfast.

Taehyung came up to check on Jungkook knowing very well that Jungkook tends to overthink when he is left alone. Taehyung sighed looking at the breakfast lying on the table as it was.

'He really needs another reminder' grumbled Taehyung angrily. That anger washed away when he saw Jungkook limping from the bathroom holding onto the wall for support. He was wearing shorts and the marks from the cane really littered his entire leg.

Jungkook slipped on nothing and Taehyung ran to hold him. Jungkook startled at the sudden touch. Taehyung silently picked Jungkook and sat him down on the bed. Jungkook just looked down in shame.

Taehyung didn't speak and moved a spoon of food to his mouth and Jungkook just ate without any tantrums. Taehyung fed him the entire plate and got up to leave.

'H..hyung...hyungie' whispered Jungkook. Taehyung stopped walking and turned back raising his right eyebrow as to ask what.

Jungkook seemed to have second thoughts and just shook his head.

'No..nothing' whispered Jungkook. Taehyung sighed and headed out. He was back with a cooling cream.

'Jungkook' called Taehyung and Jungkook hummed in response not wanting to show his face as it was streaked with tears.

'Turn around' commanded Taehyung. Jungkook unwillingly turned and layed on his stomach. Taehyung gently applied the soothing cream all over his legs.

Jungkook turned back and Taehyung noticed his teary eyes.

'Crying, doesn't help Jungkook. Make sure you make the things right' said Taehyung and walked out without giving a second glance to his dongsaeng.

Jungkook seemed to think over and decided that he will make things right at any cost. For the starters he needs to find Jimin.

Jungkook waited until Taehyung came to give his lunch.

'Hyung, ......I want meet Jimin Hyung' said Jungkook sincerely with a new found confidence. Taehyung just analysed the younger's face.

'He will be back tomorrow. You can meet him then' said Taehyung as he fed Jungkook.

The next day Jimin was back and his nose was no longer paining but it still needed some time to heal.

'Chim, is home' informed Taehyung as Jungkook walked out of his room. Taehyung led him to Jimin's room.

Jungkook knocked and opened the door to witness Jimin leaning against the headboard as he was going through some files.

'Hyung' called Jungkook with a tiny bit of confidence but that confidence faded instantly as he saw his hyungs face which was cold.

'Yes Jungkook. Do you need something?' asked Jimin professionally and that completely broke Jungkook down.

'Hyung' whined Jungkook.

'Yes, Jungkook. You are wasting my time, if there is nothing you need. The door is there' motioned Jimin through his eyes. Jungkook felt  completely lost there. He didn't ever think that his most loving hyung could be so cold when needed.

Jungkook didn't know what to do and he just walked out.

'You thought it would be easy?' sarcastically questioned Taehyung. Jungkook looked down as a tear slipped from his eyes. He didn't speak anything and walked towards his room and closed the door.

After two days Taehyung allowed Jungkook out of the room as he had to go to school and other stuffs. Jimin was healed and was back to working.

Everyone were busy and Namjoon had asked Jimin to pick Jungkook from school. Jimin didn't really wanted to go but he did. Jimin got late to school as he had to deal with some client.

Jungkook was the only one left and he silently climbed the car.

'Hyung, you are late' whined Jungkook trying to make amends with his hyung.

'Didn't want to slack off work' replied Jimin with sarcasm coated in his words. Jungkook pouted and looked down, but he wasn't going to back down.

'Hyung, I am hungry' sang Jungkook hoping Jimin would give him more importance.

'We will be home in another 10 minutes hold on. You can eat something there' coldly replied Jimin. Jungkook just let a tear slip silently as he remembered how Jimin used to spoil him with his favourite foods.

It was night and they had just finished their dinner when Taehyung questioned him about his tests. Jungkook gulped as he had got a F in it. He slowly showed his test papers and Taehyung was dissappointed.

'To my room' ordered Taehyung and Jungkook slowly headed there. He missed how Jimin would always warn Taehyung to not go far with the punishment. He really did miss his Jimin hyung, and he knew that he did a great mistake and didn't know how to solve it.

Taehyung didn't really punish Jungkook. He just made Jungkook write the answer to the test questions 5 times and retaught him the entire lesson.

Jungkook managed to concentrate and listen to the lesson completely. Taehyung yawned and got up as they finished their study session for the day.

'Hyung' voiced out Jungkook

'Yes?' asked Taehyung.

'How can I....I make up w..with Chim Hyung' asked Jungkook.

'You are the one to mess up the situation and you will have to find a way for that' stated Taehyung and walked out.

Hey guys!!!

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