Chapter 120

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Once Hoseok slipped into a deep sleep, Yoongi gently left his side and headed towards the hospital to take a look at his beloved sulking lover. He knew the younger very well, in fact he knew both of them and he was sure that it would be a bit difficult to draw boundaries with each other. He would have to handle the situation with maturity and he was more than ready to do it.

He knocked and entered Alex's cabin where he found Alex getting ready to take a look at his patients.

'Leave' coldly stated Alex trying to busy himself with work.

'Sir, shall I send the next patient?' formally asked the nurse as Alex nodded but was immediately cut off by Yoongi.

'Please apply for a sick leave for Dr.Alex, and direct his patients to another doctor. Thank you for your hardwork' sincerely spoke Yoongi as the nurse nodded knowing who Yoongi was.

'And, you mister, get up and follow me' commanded Yoongi to which Alex shook his head.

Yoongi sighed, he walked towards Alex and picked him up in one Swift move as Alex withered around in his hold to get free.

'Quiet' stated Yoongi in his deep tone but Alex didn't seem to listen to that as he continued thrashing around.

Yoongi sighed, he really had to reach home before Hoseok woke up and Alex was just straight up being difficult. Yoongi tightened his hold on Alex and let Alex have his meltdown and once Alex stopped, Yoongi glared at him.

'Done?' sarcastically questioned Yoongi to which Alex didn't reply. Yoongi didn't seem to bother about the lack of reply and he continued carrying him out.

Yoongi gently settled Alex on the passenger seat and put in the seat belt and closed the door and locked the car to avoid Alex from getting out. He then slid into the driving seat and again locked it as he could hear silent sobs of the younger.

He held Alex's hand in his and walked him inside to their room to find Hoseok awake and tears clouding his vision. As soon as he witnessed Yoongi, he stretched his hands wanting to be held and cradled.

Yoongi gently lifted Alex's hands and pecked his hand as he softly let it go and moved towards Hoseok and picked him up. Hoseok's fever has gone down and Yoongi was glad about it. Alex moved forward, and checked Hoseok's fever and took away his hand but Hoseok clutched on it as Alex looked at him with confusion.

Hoseok pulled Alex towards himself more and snuggled closer to him. Hoseok's arms around Alex waist as he hid his face in the older's stomach and before they knew Hoseok was sobbing

'Hyung, sorry. Hyung sorry, sorry, sorry please don't be angry. Punish me all you want hyung. I will be under you my whole life hyung, I will create as many reports as you want hyung. But, please, please forgive me hyung. I am sorry, sorry. Please please' cried out Hoseok in agony and guilt. Hoseok started choking on his words and tears as Yoongi was fast enoug to shush him down and pull him away from Alex who was too surprised at the sudden apology.

'Alex, come on baby. Come here' cooed Yoongi as he called Alex to the other side while holding Hoseok on his lap who was now sobbing in Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi pulled Alex such that Alex's head was was on Yoongi's shoulder as he continued patting both of them. Alex though, recovered fast and pulled away from Yoongi.

'Hobi-ah, won't you get well? There is a heart transfer surgery waiting for you, won't you do it? You love it right?' asked Alex as Hoseok pulled away from Yoongi and blinked his eyes as he looked at Alex with confused eyes.

'Wont you do it?' asked Alex now showing off a sad expression as Hoseok jumped from Yoongi to Alex. He softly wiped away the remaining tears on Alex's eyes and shook his head.

'I will' let out Hoseok as his eyes sparkled with shine of performing a surgery he waited all along. Hoseok always talked about wanting to perform a heart replacement surgery but never got a chance until now, and Alex knew about it too well.

Alex gently cupped the younger's face and wiped away the tears.

'Then stop crying, if you don't then you won't get well and then no surgery for you' pointed out Alex as Hoseok nodded his head.

All three fell in a complete silence. Hoseok staring at his hand which he was fiddling and stayed on Alex's lap as Yoongi just stared at the two with heart eyes.

Yoongi fetched some food for both his babies and fed them. He could notice a strange aura emitting from Alex and he just prayed that it wasn't nothing serious. Wasn't nothing fearful.

Hoseok dozed off in between the two as Yoongi tried approaching Alex but Alex straight up ignored him all along. Yoongi's patience was running thin and he himself didn't know when he would erupt. He sighed and let the younger have his way.

At dinner table, everyone were assembled and things took a wild turn there where Alex yelled loudly at Yoongi with nothing but anger when Yoongi accidentally knocked a glass of water on him.

Alex walked towards their room with nothing but anger as Yoongi followed him concluding that it was time to teach the younger some lesson.

Yoongi held onto Alex when they were in their room as Alex strongly shook his hand away from Yoongi's grasp and glared at him.

'Cut that damn attitude Alex!' stated Yoongi with a calm, deep voice which scared the younger but he was raging with anger and pain that, the words didn't affect him much.

'Or what!' Yelled Alex loud enough to have all others run towards Yoongi's room.

'Alex!' Yoongi roared.


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