Chapter 13

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         'Kim Jimin speak up' roared Yoongi. Jimin was trembling in fear and looked down. Yoongi pulled him and caged Jimin in between his legs. Jimin's fear worsened to the max. He was so close to crying. He really was scared of his brother, Yoongi.

'Eyes on me, and answer' said Yoongi sternly. Jimin took a second to gather himself and answer because he definitely didn't want to leave his hyung hanging knowing very well the last time he did that he wasn't able to sit for weeks.

'Hy..hyung, I was che....checking on T..tae about Choi. H..he hadn't finished his work' stuttered Jimin and took a breath to continue. Yoongi rubbed Jimin's arms up and down to slightly comfort him.

'I...I was ang...angry so I ask..asked him to inf..inform the hy..hyungs. I then ch..checked Mr.Choi's sc..schedule and found o..out that h..he was fl..flying and was at the ai...airport. I..I immediately left but ha..half way thr...through I was in...inf..informed th..that his plane t...took off' stuttered Jimin and a drop of tear rolled down his cheek. That was just the start.

'Why did you lie Jimin.' asked Yoongi. Jimin dreaded that question.

'Hy..hyung, I di...didnt want Tae to ge..get punished' spoke Jimin.

'Kim Jimin we have talked about this. If Tae does a mistake he will get his punishment. If we don't teach him what's right and wrong then who will? You can not always protect him. He needs to grow. He needs to be independent. He needs to face his mistakes. He needs to know that whatever he does has consequences. You shouldn't clean up his mess Jimin' sternly explained Yoongi. Jimin nodded his head, and Yoongi spanked Jimin's thigh. Jimin shrieked and rubbed his thighs.

'Ye..yes hyung, I will not protect him' said Jimin.

'Jimin this is what you said me, last time too' pointed out Yoongi.

'How can I believe you if you keep on continuing the same mistake' asked Yoongi. Jimin felt guilty.

'So..sorry hyung. I will n..not re..repeat it' stuttered Jimin.

'Pants off and on my lap' ordered Yoongi which Jimin followed. He had his protection removed and knew that his butt is in for some ride.

Yoongi lifted his arm as high as he could and bought down on the younger's left cheek. Jimin screamed and bit down his lip to stop screaming. The other spank landed on his right cheek and Jimin just trembled. No sound was heard. Yoongi looked down to witness Jimin biting his lips. Yoongi sighed and pulled Jimin's lip out of his teeth.

'The next time I see you trying to silence your screams you will have to face consequences Kim Jimin' coldly mentioned Yoongi. The screams helped the one punishing to know whether they were crossing a limit or no. They wanted them to be verbal during discipline.

Just like that Yoongi gave out 20 spanks alternating between the two butt cheeks. He then picked up the ruler and started spanking.

'Hyung sorry. No hyung....stop' screamed Jimin as he thrashed in the elders hold. Yoongi sighed and put his one leg over Jimin's leg to keep him down.

The next two spanks were on his thighs as a warning.

The spanking continued and Jimin was a crying mess. He was screaming so loudly that Hoseok was worried hearing to the younger. He had entered the room and was met with Yoongi's cold glare which bought Hoseok out of the room and to his own.

Jimin's butt was red by now and Yoongi had just started. After giving 20 strokes from the ruler Yoongi stopped. Jimin continued apologising and pleading. Yoongi unbuckled his belt and landed two strokes on Jimin's sit spots.

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