Chapter 46

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Jason and Jin were sitting in their balcony gazing at the night sky. Jason looked at Jin and thought it was the right moment to start the conversation.

'Jin' called Jason.

'Hmm' hummed Jin not taking his eyes off from the night sky.

'We need to talk' stated Jason and Jin became alarmed.

'About?' nervously asked Jin.

'Jin, can you do me a favour' hesitantly spoke Jason. Jin nodded his head confusedly, as yes.

'I have some things to say and I want you to not ask any questions until I finish. Can you do that?' spoke Jason with hopeful eyes. Jin nodded his head.

'As you know I wasn't the one behind Taehyung's incident I am also not the one behind your parents death. Yes, I agree that I am the Mafia King now and at that time my father was the one. I didn't know what was going on. I just knew that you had turned against me.

You broke all the ties with me when you beat the person who tried to harrass Taehyung. But, trust me that person was not me. Did you see his face clearly? No, right, because he was covering his face completely. I found out about that video when I went through a CCTV fotage. I wanted to tell you everything and I came near your mansion only to witness your mother's dead body' started Jason and stopped after mentioning about Jin's mother. Jin couldn't hold onto his tears and he let them flow remembering how he was only a teenager when he lost everything.

Jason immediately scooped him in his arms and soothed him. Once he was sure that Jin was calm enough to listen he continued.

'I tried contacting you, I tried talking to you but you brushed me off everytime and the day you slapped me in the school hallways blaming me for your mother's death, I gave up on us'

Both of them sat in silence for a few minutes letting the words digest.

'But, the constant urge to prove my innocence got me into hacking your mobile and I analysed your entire phone. I went through your messages and found the blackmailing messages and I don't blame you because the one who blackmailed you used all the information only I knew, like calling Taehyung tiger, calling you with the nicknames I give you and other.'

Jason was trying to keep an eye on Jin and continue his point of view.

'I was so close to finding your mother's murderer but my father passed away during a mission at that time' said Jason and tears left his eyes. It was really the worst time of his life with no one to take care of him. His father was no more and his love had left him due to crucial misunderstanding.

Jin gasped, he didn't know Jason's father passed away. Jin turned around to get a look at Jason and felt his heart clench. For the first time since he met Jason, had he ever seen him crying. Jason always was the dominating one and he always took care of Jin that Jin never got to baby Jason.

Jin hugged Jason and Jason softly backed away giving a soft smile assuring that everything was well.

'I then heard that your father committed suicide and I really went back to your place and Yoongi threw me out warning me to not come anywhere around you. I left, Jin and I really hoped that I had not. I would have cleared all the misunderstanding and Jungkook wouldn't have been kidnapped' said Jason and Jin got to know another truth that Yoongi had thrown Jason out. He never knew about that.

'I looked into the car crash of your mother's and  did some digging and found out that the one who harrassed Taehyung, threatened you and killed your mother was none other than.......David' Jin was utterly shocked at the mention of David's name. David was Jason's bestfriend.

'Think Jin, who other than us both know about Taehyung's nickname. He was the only one who knew about us dating at that time. He was the only one I shared all the secrets with and he used the same secrets to manipulate you into believing that I was the one behind everything. I was searching him for so long and couldn't find him because his family was backing him up, not to mention he is the second most powerful family after ours' said Jason. Jin just couldn't believe everything he was hearing.

'I kept an eye on your family since then. I got to know about Jungkook's kidnapping and tried to intervene but you were involving in the underworld using my name so I had to slow down to not let things escape and also control you to not become the target in the underworld. The CEO, whom you killed was the one who kidnapped Jungkook and he deserved that death, but he was only the pawn. The real player was David.

Finally, I was able to find him. He is in the basement if you want to see him. If you don't want to then I can finish him up. He was the one blackmailing Jungkook and making him believe that he was adopted and Taehyung would sell him off. His eyes were on Taehyung and  luckily I caught him at the correct time when he was about to touch Jungkook and keep Taehyung for himself. He was eyeing two things.' explained Jason. He finished off the entire incidents which occured and led to this situation.

Jin knew David was in the basement. He wanted nothing than to run in beat him to death and that was what led Jin to barge into the basement. Jason followed close.

Jason witnessed how Jin whipped his bestfriend till Jin's hands were aching. Jin was close to lose himself. Jason intervened and manhandled Jin to their bedroom.

'Baby, I need you to calm down. Shh.....shh' consoled Jason and Jin dozed off in thoughts, worries and hundreds of things in his mind. Jason was relieved after so long. He felt like he had moved a big rock which he was carrying all the time and was free of all the blames.

Hey guys!!!! I am not really happy with the writing in this chapter but, bare with it.

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