Chapter 113

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Everyone of them left the hospital with saddened faces. Jungkook laid on Taehyung and Jimin. His face on Taehyung's lap as Taehyung caressed it softly while Jimin held onto Jungkook's leg.

Jin was driving with Yoongi in the passenger seat who was playing with his fingers clearly tensed and worried about something, but was still holding it down to not worry others.

Hoseok and Namjoon were sitting in the middle seat. Namjoon worried about Hoseok as all Hoseok did was stare out of the window.

As the buildings kept passing by, Hoseok's thought kept on exhelerating to the peak. He wanted to come clean. He wanted to confess his crimes and he decided on doing that the second they reach home. As soon as he made up that decision, all of a second he felt like a bid blunder was shifted away from his shoulders and landed somewhere far. He was finally relieved and felt peaceful for the first time in years.

He took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for the truth he was finally letting out and looked to his side to find Namjoon staring at him worried. Hoseok, softly smiled and pulled Namjoon towards himself and bought him a gentle hug.

Hoseok needed some comfort and he was happy to be able to receive it from the younger as well reassure the younger that he was fine.

Sometimes somethings are just too late!

As everyone got down and entered the mansion with Taehyung carrying Jungkook, they were met with something unexpected.

Hoseok felt a blow on his face and before he could react, he was on ground gasping for air as he was getting repeatedly punched by someone.

It was Alex who had attacked Hoseok and Yoongi used his entire strength to pull Alex away from Hoseok as Alex was currently running on adrenaline.

Alex was immediately humbled when he met Yoongi's angry red eyes which clearly stated many things that shook Alex to the core.

Yoongi just held onto Alex softly and pulled him to the room all while Alex was still fuming in anger but was trying to contain himself in front of Yoongi.

Yoongi took Alex from the mansion door and left his hand there as he gently closed the doors of the mansion. Alex who took a second to understand what was going on was now left on the steps of the mansion banging repeatedly to open the doors as this time he wasn't heading back from Yoongi anymore.

He suffered enough, and he won't let his love for for something which he never did. He regretted his undone actions for years. He parted away with Yoongi for years. He stayed guilty of something which he never did. He listened to all the courses for something which was never his fault.

Alex wasn't going to head back and so he kept on banging the doors of the mansion with all his might. Yoongi stood strong on the other side hearing to the commotion Alex was doing. He gazed at Jin who helped Hoseok to the couch and checked on him. He gazed at Taehyung and Jimin looking at Jungkook who was still asleep because of the mesicines. He gazed at Namjoon who was giving him a pitiful glance. He gazed at Jason who was just tending to Jin.

He finally looked down and slowly sank to the ground and Alex's strength also dropped as he fell on the ground. His hands were bloody from the amount of knocking he had done and Yoongi's eyes were teary from everything going on.

Hoseok who was okay, and wasn't injured seriously walked up and open the mansion doors enlightening Alex and allowing him to enter inside.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok's actions stunned as Hoseok just wiped his tears and sweat.

'I lied' mumbled Hoseok and looked down for the criticism but all e found was confused gestures and a betrayed look from Alex.

'I lied. was ne..never A..Alex hyung! I paid them create a s.. situation make sure Alex hyung was gu.. guilty. It was me!' whispered Hoseok as all the face was now stunned at the unknowing confession.

It was silent for a moment and he could see, Alex being held back by Jason. He slowly lift his gaze towards Yoongi and all he was met with was a vulnerable face which held so much emotions but he was stopping himself from breaking down.

'Why' tiredly rasped Yoongi. Hoseok was ready for yelling, punishment, punches and anything else but not the given up why.

'WHY!' screamed Alex holding onto Hoseok's collar and ready to throw fist again.

'WHY! WHY! WHAT DID I EVEN DO?' screamed Alex as he sunk and fell on Hoseok's feet completely tired and work out with everything.

Yoongi slowly made his way towards Hoseok and Hoseok was ready for whatever the consequence he would recieve but all he got was his hyung bending down and picking up a worn out and wailing Alex.

Yoongi felt sorry for Alex. Alex had lost everything and he could barely imagine what Alex might be going through after knowing that all his years of self loath was never him at all.

Yoongi turned around to walk away from Hoseok but Hoseok softly held onto Yoongi's shirt like a kid.

'I ...I was jealous. have him more t..time than me. H..he was stealing from me....' spoke Hoseok finally accepting his deeds but Yoongi just walked further away after listening to him and Hoseok's hand remained hanging in the air waiting for it to be caressed and forgiven.

Taehyung and Jimin left once Yoongi left with Jungkook and Hoseok remained surrounded by  Namjoon, Jin and Jason with dissappointed faces.

Hey guys! How was it? Did you guys expect it?

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