Chapter 28

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      Jin finally reached the mansion after a month staying at the company. He looked through and found himself in a bone crushing hug from his two maknae's, Jimin and Taehyung. He gladly hugged them back but he realised how their bodies tensed all of a sudden. Jin looked back to know what was wrong and he saw Yoongi glaring at them. Jimin and Taehyung scurried away behind Hoseok and Namjoon hiding behind them while Hoseok and Namjoon were staring at their eldest hyung in surprise.

Jin observed Yoongi, he glared at others but Jin could clearly see Yoongi behind his mask. Yoongi may look strong but behind that facade was a baby who was craving for his hyung. Jin could look through his tiredness and how worn out Yoongi looked. No one spoke scared of the after math while Yoongi moved and sat on the couch with a huff turning on a random movie and indulged himself in it.

Jin lightly chuckled to himself as Yoongi hated the movie which he had played. Others just made themselves comfortable on the couch starting to watch. Jin prepared dinner and called everyone. As expected everyone was present except Yoongi and Jungkook.

Jin served them and they finished the meal in seconds finally getting to taste their eldest hyungs food after one long month. Jin put on a plate and went towards Jungkook's room. He knocked and entered the room. Neither did Jin initiate a conversation nor did he force Jungkook to. He just sat there as Jungkook completed his food.

Once, he did Jin put Jungkook to sleep and tucked him in. He lovingly pecked his forehead and went downstairs. He found the dining table clean, the dishes done and all others again cuddled to one another watching the movie while Yoongi sat alone on the single sofa.

Jin waited for a few minutes contemplating how to start the conversation. Not to mention the air was getting awkward and making everyone uncomfortable.

Jin just walked towards Yoongi whose eyes were fixed towards the T.V while others watched their eldest hyung in confusion. Jin scooped Yoongi up and made him straddle him. Yoongi and Jin were facing each other. The strong grip Jin had on Yoongi made Yoongi difficult to get out of the grip. Not to mention, he was tired and weak.

Yoongi was angry and started speaking,

'What are you doing, let me go!!' yelled out Yoongi struggling violently in his hyungs hold.

'Stop it Yoongi' coldly replied Jin in his dominationg voice. Yoongi's struggle died down involuntarily hearing to his hyung.

Jin next pushed Yoongi's head towards his chest and held him there. Jin was manhandling Yoongi but if that was the only way to sort everything out then let that be.

'Let everything out, bubby' very softly whispered Jin. Everyone could hear it as Namjoon had turned off T.V and were looking at the two eldest hyung anxiously.

Before anyone could react they were met with a heartbreaking sob from Yoongi. All of them had to double check if it was really their Yoongi hyung sobbing.

Yoongi's cries intensified as time went on but Jin didn't make any efforts to stop Yoongi. Yoongi was now loudly crying hiding himself in his hyungs chest and tightening the hold on his hyung. Jin sat there giving all the comfort while steadily holding onto the younger's waist and rubbing soothing circled on his back.

Everyone looked worried because Yoongi was crying too much. They were worried Yoongi would get himself sick. Hoseok tried to calm Yoongi noticing that Jin made no efforts to but he stopped once Jin shook his head as not to.

Jin, out of everyone knew very well what would happen. He himself was scared because he has witnessed Yoongi crying before but this was too different. Yoongi was sobbing so much. Jin was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a stinging pain on his right shoulder.

Everyone let out a few audible gasps. Jin hissed in pain but smiled when he realised that Yoongi had just bit him on his shoulders. Finally, Yoongi was back. Even though Yoongi had been the complete role model to others for Jin he will always be a baby. It was one of Yoongi's old habit to bite on his hyungs shoulders when his cries would intensify. Yoongi was never a fan of loud noises and he definitely didn't like hearing to his own loud cries, that was why he would bite on his hyungs shoulder to silence his cries.

Jin rubbed his back and felt the younger let go of his shoulder. The stinging was worst, he was worried if the wound would bleed. Heck, it would. Jin didn't scold or react to that, he just sat and rubbed soothing circles encouraging Yoongi to let everything out.

It was the first time after their dispute had Yoongi broken down to such an extent and Jin was somewhere happy to be and comfort the younger.

It had been more than a hour when Yoongi's cries died down to sobs then to sniffing. Jin turned around and signed one of them to get food. Jimin immediately left to the kitchen.

Yoongi then slowly backed away from the hug and Jin let him. Yoongi then lifted his head to look at his hyung. Jin cooed witnessing the younger's red, swollen, cute face. His eyes were swollen, his nose was red and his face was covered with a pink hue. Jin lovingly wiped his tears and bopped his nose with the youngers red ones. Yoongi giggled at that. The giggle sounded so comforting.

Jin smiled at him while others burst in light giggles as Jimin bought back the food. Jimin missed such a nice moment. Yoongi turned around to witness everyone looking at him. Yoongi was embarrassed and immediately went back to hiding in his hyungs chest as his ears let out a dark pink hue. Yoongi visibly whined as Jin stroked his hair to comfort him. Others giggled again.

'Everyone, back to your rooms' Jin faked a stern order to others while he himself smiled at them. Others groaned and left knowing Yoongi needed some privacy. Well nothing was private now.

This time, Jin pulled away from the tight grip of the younger as younger very slowly looked around. Once he found no one he sat with a bit of distance from his hyung, still straddling his lap.

Jin cooed and bought a spoon of food to the younger's mouth which Yoongi accepted. Jin continued feeding and Yoongi ate silently as new set of tears dropped from his eyes. Jin noticed it but did not acknowledge knowing very well that he was right there to comfort his dongsaeng.

Once finished, Jin picked Yoongi and carried him to his room. He helped Yoongi change and tucked him to bed. Yoongi clutched the elders sleeves, too embarrassed to ask what he wanted. Jin pecked his forehead.

'Hyung, will be right back' whispered Jin. But, Yoongi's hold tightened.

'Hyung will be back just in a second' assured Jin as he pecked all over the younger's face making the younger giggle. Jin cleaned up the plate, changed into his pajamas and laid under the covers with Yoongi.

Yoongi himself put an arm around Jin's upper body and burried his head in his hyungs embrace and sobbed out. Jin let him be as he started singing Yoongi's favourite song and Yoongi dosed off.

Once Yoongi slept, Jin very slowly replaced a pillow in Yoongi's hold and went towards the bathroom to get a glimpse of himself. He took of his shirt to witness an angry red bite mark with dried blood.

'Another, T.T injection' groaned Jin and stumbled towards Hoseok's bed room. Hoseok was awake and looked at his hyung and the wound as Jin didn't bother to wear a shirt. Hoseok chuckled and treated the wound and prepared the injection. He injected it and Jin softly hissed at the slight pain. He had nearly forgotten how painful these injections are because he and Yoongi had drifted apart and also the last time Yoongi had bit him was during their mother's death. That was years ago.

He thanked Hoseok and went back to his room. He gazed at Yoongi and smiled but his smiled flattened when he realised that Yoongi would be whiny, clingy, and a baby the next day. Also, he would have a terrible headache, fever and moody.

Jin groaned yet again knowing very well he would have to deal with his egoistic baby and now he had only one thing to worry about, Jungkook, his one and only maknae. With that Jin drifted off to sleep.

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