Chapter 38

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Jason still had Jin laid on his lap. It was like a warning. If, Jin decided to act out then Jason would spank him right then and there. Jason softly rubbed Jin's butt to sooth the pain.

'I didn't harass Taehyung' Jason spoke and he could observe how Jin was trying his best to not react.

'Jin, tell me why did you suspect me?' asked Jason.

Jin didn't speak, not because he wanted to go against him but because he didn't know what to say.

Jason spanked his ass again.

'Jin' warned Jason.

'I..I' stumbled Jin. Jason gently rubbed Jin's back to give him a slight comfort.

'Jin, baby go on speak' encouraged Jason, nickname spilling by accident.

'I don't kno...know. A..a lett..letter was in t...the' Jin spoke. Jason looked relieved a tiny bit.

'You are missing something Jin' said Jason in his cold tone. Jin whimpered and tried moving and getting up.

Jason tightened his hold and spanked Jin 10 times until Jin was begging him to stop again.

'Will you try to move?' questioned Jason. Jin shook his head and Jason was back to rubbing his butt gently.

'Continue' rasped Jason.

Jin was contemplating whether to tell or not and Jason could clearly see through him.

'Jin, baby I want you to tell me everything don't even miss a single thing' softly warned Jason, this time using the nickname to encourage Jin.

'Tae...Tae was cr..crying and Y..yoon comforted him. I..I didn't kn..know wh..what was wrong . Th..the next day I..I fo...found the letter an..and read it. had ment..mentioned y..your name c..clearly.' Jin took a breather and Jason stayed silent to let Jin continue.

'I..I didn't be..believe it. I..I ca..came to and heard te..telling how wanted T...Tiger un..under and call T..tae tiger' cried out Jin. Jason still rubbed his back soothingly, while all he could think of was when did he say those words.

'Jin, do you remember when and where?' softly yet sternly asked Jason.

' the aud.auditorium' answered Jin.

'Do you know with whom I was talking?' asked Jason to which Jin shook his head as no. Jason sighed and started playing with Jins hairs to comfort him.

They both sat in silence for a minute when he suddenly remembered something.

'Jin, I was talking about the picture. I wanted the tiger as in the real tiger under me to show off that I was sitting on a tiger' sincerely spoke Jason. Jin was contemplating whether to believe him or no.

'Th..then what about the b....blackmailing' asked Jin in a tiny voice.

'It wasn't me' truthfully said Jason.

' can I believe you?' said Jin with anger lying in his voice. Jason was quick to spank him twice to get Jin back into hearing to him.

'I don't have any proof for you to believe me but I didn't harass Tae' spoke Jason. Jin didn't seem to believe it.

'Th..there was a t..tape with the le.letter' voiced out Jin.

'Do you have it with you?' asked Jason.

''s in my' answered Jin. Jason nodded to himself and bent down to take Jin's mobile from the table.

'Password?' asked Jason. Jin didn't want to answer that question. Jason spanked him once.

'412412' rasped Jin. Jason didn't answer and unlocked the phone. He knew Jin well and went towards the hidden files, that needed a password again.

'Password' again questioned Jason. Jin really didn't want to answer this one. Jason sighed and gave 5 harsh spanks on Jin's thighs. Jin yelped in pure pain.

'131113' said Jin. Jason looked at Jin in shock. It was his birthday date. Jason's eyes filled with tears at that but he was fast to control himself. Jason pretended like that didn't have any effect on him but it did have a very major effect.

Jason opened the file and looked through it and finally found the video he wanted. He played the video 5 times in a row and he himself believed that the person was him. The dressing style, the body fit, the voice, everything was similar.

After 30minutes Jason finally found a clue. He looked through the glasses Taehyung was wearing to look cool. That reflected the culprits image and it could clearly be seen that the culprit had no beard while Jason maintained his beard really well. Jason pointed out that and showed it to Jin without letting him up and Jin parted his mouth in shock.

'Does that clear that I am not the one who harassed Tae?' asked Jason and the hurt was clearly visible in his voice. Jin wanted to apologize and tell him how guilty and angry he was on himself that he believed something else than the one whom he love.

Jin tried to get a clear look of Jason but was stopped by Jason's tight hold. Jin nodded silently giving the message that he believed Jason.

'W..who blackmailed and k..killed e..eomma?' asked Jin and he broke down remembering the horrifying incident. Jason didn't know the answer to those questions.

Jason bought Jin into his embrace and held him there. He rubbed Jin's back hoping that it would calm down Jin but it didn't. Jin was crying his heart out and whimpering loudly. Jason was scared at the amount of screaming and crying Jin was doing. Luckily, his cabin was sound proof.

Jason had tried all. Jason had rubbed his back to calm him. Jason had played with his hairs. Jason had massaged his head. Jason had hummed a light song but nothing was calming him down.

Jin was busy taking care of everyone and managing everything that he never had the time to mourn for his parents death. Jin had even not cried during their death. And, all of that was catching up, and now Jin wasn't able to control himself.

Jason could only think how much was Jin in pain all this time. Jason knew one thing which would calm Jin but he was slightly hesitant to try that. But, Jin looked he would make himself sick and Jason didn't want that.

Jason with thousands of questions in his mind pulled away from the hug and took off Jin's shirt slowly making him completely naked. Jin who knew what was going on didn't resist. Jason pulled off his baggy hoodie and wore it with Jin inside of the hoodie.

The skin to skin contact did calm Jin down. Jin had his head rested on Jason's shoulders while Jin had his legs snaked around Jason's waist. Jason sat there until he could feel Jin's breathing return back to normal. He looked at Jin only to witness Jin sleeping in his hold.

Jason softly pecked his head twice and gently pulled himself out of the hoodie. He then dressed Jin up and carried him to his car shooting off all the weird stares he was getting from the employees. Jason laid Jin down on the backseat and drove the car to his apartment.

Jason tucked Jin and slept beside him.

'This is going to be a very long conversation and tomorrow will be the longest day' half sighed and half groaned Jason and pulled Jin into his arms and drowned into his peaceful dreamland.

Hey guys!!! Double update for you guys, because you deserve it!!! Yayyyy!!!!!

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