Chapter 110

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'' mumbled Jin to himself not expecting Jason to be there.

Jason who heard that went in a spiral of shock but immediately calmed himself down, knowing that he had to take care of Jin and he can't do that if he is going to panick.

Jason simply carried Jin to his cabin as others took care of the lawyer and continued the meeting as Yoongi asked them to. Yoongi, already had figured it out as he wasn't asleep in the car before. He knew what had happened or atleast he knew a few things about it.

Jason laid Jin down in the room in his cabin as Jin held onto Jason tightly with tears piring from his eyes as he wanted nothing other than to feel safe and get rid of the pain.

Jason undressed Jin again and Jin didn't ever protest. He just let Jason have his way knowing that he was safe, now.

Jason first took off the vibrator and slowly untied the tie. He then gently stroked Jin's length enough to make Jin cum, but he noticed Jin was holding himself back.

'Cum for me, baby boy' softly said Jason and Jin's entire body shuddered at the impact as he came for the first time that day. Jin was having his euphoric feeling and slowly Jason guided him down through it.

Once Jin's pleasure faded his body hit to the bottom as his body involuntarily shit down because of all the strain, stress and everything. Jin went limp in Jason's hold as Jason lovingly pecked Jin's forehead.

'I love you baby, you did great my baby' uttered Jason as Jin was far away in his dremland.

Jason softly picked Jin up and bathed him for the second time that day in his own cabin and dressed him in some comfy clothes. He changed the sheets and laid Jin down as he stepped out to get the younger something to eat.

Jason was busy choosing the treats in the cafeteria with some other foods as Yoongi approached him.

'You punished him?' Asked Yoongi as Jason simply nodded.

'He used his safe word?' Asked Yoongi and again Jason nodded now paying for the food he got.

'How is he?' Asked Yoongi sighing.


' Why?' Questioned Yoongi as Jason sighed.

'Yoon, don't interfere between us baby' softly said Jason.

'It was because of me right?' Asked Yoongi as Jason embraced him.

'It was because of him. It was because of his choices. It was because of his mistakes not u!' Said Jason as Yoongi nodded enjoying the warmth of his favourite hyung after years of resentment he finally enjoyed the hug.

Jason and Yoongi walked towards Jin's cabin and to the room. What they saw shocked them!

There was Jin crying brutally with his entire body shaking violently as he uttered sorry repeatedly. Jin held his head and cried loudly.

Jason cursed himself for leaving Jin alone.He immediately rushed towards Jin and scooped him in his hold.

'Shhhh! Shhhh! Jinnnie, my baby. My baby boy, you did great. You were so good. It's all done baby. Shh! Shhh!' consoled Jason all while manhandling Jin. He held onto Jins hands to stop himself from pulling his hair out and tightened Jin's body in his.

Jin's struggled stopped being physically weak as he slumped over Jason. Jin then pulled Jason shirt as Jason smiled.

'Yoongi, close the door please' requested Jason as Yoongi took his cue to leave and left while closing the door.

Jason took his shirt and took of Jin's shirt too. He let Jin draw shaped on his packs as Jin softly hugged him and slumped over. Jason then started gently feeding things as Jin simply chewed on it.

After an hour, Jin again dozed off on Jason's lap as Jason wore his shirt and covered Jin in the blanket.

Jason walked out to meet Yoongi and all others in Jin's cabin.

Jason looked at them with questioning eyes.

'Where is Jin hyung?' Asked Taehyung

'He is asleep. He is tired bud, that is why he is sleeping. You guys continue with your work he will join you guys later' said Jason as others simply nodded being stressed enough.

Jason asked Yoongi to stay back as others left.

'Yoon' called Jason and stretched his arms apart as Yoongi dived into the inviting arms.

'I..I missed you' uttered Yoongi as Jason oecked his head.

'I am going to propose Jinnie' confessed Jason as Yoongi nodded.

'He deserves it! He deserves the world hyung. Make sure, my hyung lives happily. And don't make him cry ,ok? ' said Yoongi in tiny as Jason nodded.

'Yoon, you will always be our first baby. Don't ever doubt that and won't you help me in selecting the ring?' Asked Jason as Yoongi nodded with new tears.

'He deserves everything hyung, I am sorry for parting you both. I love you hyung' said Yoongi as Jason nodded.

Jason walked back and carried Jin to his car to his mansion where he cuddled with Jin and both slept till the next morning. Jason, treated all the wounds on Jin's body. Jin was in pain and Jason made sure to take care of him properly.

Jason and Yoongi finally chose the ring. The ring wasn't expensive but it held lots of memories. It was the same ring , Jin had sold to make sure his brothers were eating and healthy when their parents died. When, Jin was about to lose their company Jin sold off the only ring he had as a posession from his parents for his brothers.

It wasn't the same ring, but Yoongi made sure to dig out that ring and have it custom made for his only hyung.

Jason knew Jin didn't want anything big, but just something simple and intimate.

That night as Jin and Jason watched their favourite movie, and as the lead hero went on his knees to propose his girlfriend Jason showed the ring in front of Jin's face and Jin gasped.

'Will you be mine?' Asked Jason and Jin straight went for a hug and mumbled out a yes. Jason then put the ring at its said place as Jin gasped at the design.

They both leaned in for a kiss and got carried away.

Hey guys! Fourth update in a day! Finally, Jin and Jason became one! 💜
Last update of today, and u know I have 6 experiments still to write. I had 50 pages to write and somehow I am left with 14 more pages to go. Ughh! I wanna cry!!!!!🤧🥺

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