Chapter 121

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'OR WHAT? YOU WILL LEAVE ME? THEN GO AHEAD LEAVE, WHO THE FUCK IS STOPPING YOU FROM LEAVING MR.KIM YOONGI? WHO! LEAVE I SAID LEAVE!!!!!' screamed Alex worrying everyone outside who was currently eavesdropping. They didn't mean to but they couldn't help it even.

Yoongi on the other hand was confused. He couldn't realise why, Alex was so angry. Why was Alex talking about leaving him. What was going on? Did he miss something? Did he do something? Yoongi was genuinely worried but witnessing the confusion in Yoongi's face Alex raged more and more in unsaid anger.

'Leave' yelled Alex again and this time Yoongi faced Alex maintaining eye contact.

'DON'T ACT LIKE, YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND A THING, YOONGI! This time it was Hoseok, your brother next time it will be someone else. You will choose them over me, you will trust them over me, you will leave again! JUST LIKE LAST TIME!' yelled Alex as he took a few breaths to calm himself from the yelling he was doing which was straining his throat.

'I HATE YOU! Did you ever ask me, what I went through? Did you ever apologised for your actions? Did you even try to talk to me? You ain't the only one part of this fucking relationship, I am too! You ain't the only one calling calls here, I matter too. Just cause once you say, I love you doesn't make me your boyfriend and the very next second someone blames me, it's not only upto you to break my relationship! Did you even question, how I wanted to deal things? You punished Hoseok, did I ever have a say in it? I wanted nothing but a simple apology from you, a very simple sorry but what did I get? To watch you again tend to Hoseok even when I was tired? Even when I wanted that!' let out Alex as Yoongi just heard to each word with tears glistening his eyes more and more.

'I am not jealous of Hoseok, but....but...but.' loudly sobbed Alex not being able to complete his words.

'But, I just want to be noticed too! As much as I love you, I can't help be scared....scared of los ..losing you' uttered Alex and subbed out. Yoongi tried approaching Alex but Alex shook away and moved far away from him.

'Leav....leave please' whispered Alex as Yoongi listened. He slowly walked towards the door and looked back once to confirm Alex wanted him to leave. His heart hurt witnessing Alex suffering so much and he just decided to walk away.

He opened the latch on the door to witness his brothers, especially Hoseok who had his head low. He didn't want to meet anyone's eye and he just silently made his way out of the mansion.

Hoseok realised many things. He felt even him being guilty was not enough for the deeds he did. It was really a childish, stupid mistake he committed in jealousy of losing his brother to some stranger. But, little did he know that, that stranger was someone who lit up his brothers entire  world.

He decided to walk away and distance himself from the couple blaming himself for many things and he didn't know what else to do. He slowly left towards his room and locked himself there.

Yoongi drove to the office and indulged himself with more works to do just to get his mind off from things which took place just before.

'Keep an eye on Hobi and Alex. I will go to Yoongi' informed Jin and rushed towards office having a strong guy that he would find him there. He just prayed, Yoongi to be there.

Reaching office, he rushed in and took a sigh of relief when he found Yoongi's cabin the only cabin with lights on. He rushed in to meet Yoongi's professional face but seen clearly one could say how much hurt the younger really was.

'Yoon' called Jin.

'Hyung, can you please check that file once? I am thinking of approaching the Russian client and take on their idea. Their proposal opening is tomorrow so if we finalise it now, we can pitch in tomorrow. I will take the responsibility of this deal and form a team and lead them. Don't worry, no harm will be done to the company' professionally explained Yoongi giving a clear indication that he didn't want to talk about anything which took olace at home.

Jin wanted to protest but he knew if he did then the younger will find ways to send him away and close up on himself. Atleast, now his dongsaeng was right in front of him.

'Pass the file, Yoongi' said Jin and took the file while he was cut off by a yawn clearly indicating how tired and sleepy he was.

'Hyung, you can check on it tomorrow. Go home and rest I will finalise this report and create a presentation and then it will be all set' informed Yoongi as Jin shook his head. He knew the younger tends to make presentation by scratch when he just wanted to get away from things.

Yoongi always enjoyed making the presentation and it was a good distraction from everything and Yoongi just wanted that.

'Nope, I took a nap at evening. Will evaluate the file and then leave' replied Jin as he took the file wanting to stay close to the younger.

Jimin knocked and entered Yoongi's room to meet Alex staring at the night sky.

'Hyung, can I stay here?' asked Jimin as Alex just hummed.

'Hyungie, do you see that star? That's so beautiful right..' pointed out Jimin as he smiled heartfully with his eyes melting in between his cheeks and forehead being all amazed at the twinkling star.

'Hmm' hummed Alex.

'Hyung, can you umm you know umm' whined Jimin not being able to ask what he wanted.

'Whats wrong Jimin?' asked Alex as Jimin calmed down mentally.

'Can we umm sleep? I am scared and everyone are asleep and I wanna cuddle' mumbled Jimin  with his pout adorning his face and Alex couldn't say no.

Jimin mentally did a victory dance as he did what Yoongi asked. Yoongi had earlier texted him to get Alex sleep knowing that Alex was in pain since morning and he was still kind of weak from within.

'Should I??'......

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