Chapter 5

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            Taehyung's cries intensified once he heard his hyungs gasped. Jimin let out sweet nothing's to calm the younger which worked to a certain extent. Jimin signed others to not question anything as others followed. Jimin sat on the couch next to Hoseok and made Taehyung sit on his lap.
               Hoseok immediately checked Taehyung up and down and left to get his first aid kit.
       'So Tae, when was the last time you ate?' sternly questioned Jimin. Taehyung visibly gulped at his hyung's question and looked down at his lap. This took all the hyung's attention.
         'Tae..' called Jin in a warning tone.
        'Morning, breakfast' answered Taehyung in tiny. Jin sighed and went towards kitchen to prepare something.
        'Hyung... I want ramen' whispered Taehyung looking at Yoongi with adorable puppy eyes. Yoongi groaned annoyed but nevertheless went to prepare ramen while Jin sat down trying to calm Taehyung.
       Hoseok came back with first aid kit and started treating Taehyung. Taehyung whined, kicked and struggled in Jimin's hold. Namjoon stood up in front of Taehyung and glared at him which caused Taehyung to halt his movements. He looked down at his lap like a kicked puppy while Hoseok treated him. Taehyung whimpered and groaned everytime Hoseok applied ointment on his bruises, which led Jimin and Jin to console Taehyung. Namjoon stood stern knowing very well that if he didn't Taehyung will create a ruckus and let no one touch him.
        Everything was going smoothly until Hoseok took out an injection. Taehyung looked horrified. He is scared of injections or to be honest he has Trypanophobia. Everyone sighed knowing this won't go in a easy way. Yoongi was back with ramen. All the hyung's decided to let Taehyung finish a bowl of ramen and then give him his shots. Were they making a mistake? Yes absolutely!. Jin ended up feeding the whiny baby who gulped up the meal in seconds.
           Without any notice Jimin flipped Taehyung holding him down on his lap. Jin slowly pulled down his pants and Hoseok then rubbed an alcohol wipe to cleanse the area. Taehyung who realised what is happening took off. He pushed everyone and bolted up the stairs. Everyone was startled and when they came back to their sense they could only think 'from where did he get so much energy' .
      'We should have first given him shot and then fed him' facepalmed Yoongi at the realisation to which Namjoon nodded. Yoongi sighed and walked up. Luckily he found Taehyung crouching in front of his room door. Yoongi coaxed him and succeeded in bringing him downstairs which took a total of 10 minutes.
         Taehyung whimpered when he was again laid down on Jimin's lap. He whimpered and started struggling.
          'Tae bear it's going to be fine. Hyungs are here. No need to worry baby.' said Jin.
         'How about two ice creams? Tae' encouraged Namjoon.
          'Tae, Kookie's gonna see you' teased Yoongi a bit which calmed Taehyung. Everyone silently chuckled at how Taehyung still wanted to maintain his strong facade in front of Jungkook.
        'Kookie's gonna tell how strong his hyung is' exaggerated Jimin which caused Hoseok to silently cleanse the area. Taehyung again flinched at the contact. Jin started singing to calm Taehyung. Namjoon on whom Taehyung face was rubbed his head gently to let him calm down. Jimin was holding onto Taehyung so that he doesn't move rapidly and cause any problems. Yoongi crouched down and cupped Taehyung's face as he made funny faces to distract Taehyung and wiped his tears. Hoseok injected the injection which caused Taehyung to gasp and start struggling, but everyone were fast enough to hold him in his place, at the end Taehyung fainted afraid of needles.
         Hoseok sighed, while others gasped and tried waking him up.
     'Its okay, let him rest. He fainted because he was scared. He will be alright Hyung' assured Hoseok.
        Taehyung woke up after a few minutes. He was a bit confused. He saw that all the hyung's were working and Hoseok was being scolded by Yoongi for something which he couldn't figure out. He could feel a hand play with his hair. Jimin noticed Taehyung's moment and kept the file down to lift Taehyung up. Taehyung just mumbled and kept his head on Jimin's shoulder. Hoseok quickly checked his pulse.
        'Hyung, Kookie' mumbled Taehyung.
        'Do you wanna sleep with Kookie, Tae?' questioned Jimin to which Taehyung gave out a slight nod.
          'It's okay chim, I will take him' said Hoseok as he picked Taehyung and walked upto Taehyung's room where Jungkook is sound asleep. In reality Hoseok wanted to escape from Yoongi who was scolding him for overworking.

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