Chapter 162

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Days had passed and Namjoon's discharge was just around the corner. He was fit and fine. With the good news the anxiety of knowing the complete truth remained. Jin was scared of everyone's reaction, especially Jason's. He didn't want to harm or upset his love anymore. He had already cut ties with him but a tiny part of him cared a lot.

Just like any other night, Jin was feeding Taehyung who was still upset and angry at everyone for ignoring him. Jin was promising and whispering sweet nothings and slowly coaxing him to believe that they loved him just as much as others.

Once done with dinner, Jin packed the bags to stay another night in the hospital with Namjoon but gladly Yoongi came to the rescue.

Yoongi, forced Jin to just lie down on the couch telling him that he was tired and he needed rest. Jin, stubborn did not comply but Yoongi's promise of just lying down for 5 minutes made Jin lie down on the couch. Within seconds, Jin was out like a light

'See, told yeah. He needed rest' Yoongi spoke looking at Alex as all others nodded.

'Hyungie, come on let's sleep' Jungkook pulled Taehyung with him as they both fell asleep soon enough.

'I will take him to his room' volunteered Hoseok while picking Jin who seemed so light weight in his arms.

'I will stay the night with Joonie'  Yoongi said and made his way to the car as Alex volunteered to keep him company.

Jimin, left alone decided on sleeping too. Rather than sleeping alone he squeezed himself in between the maknaes and fell into a much needed dreamland.

At the hospital, at around 1 Namjoon woke up to use the washroom. He didn't expect to find Yoongi and Alex taking care of him. He shrugged off the thought, and finished his business. As he came back, he wanted to drink water and the glass slipped his hand waking up the other two in process.

Namjoon sheepishly smiled at them as Yoongi and Alex panicked on what went wrong. They sighed after knowing that Namjoon was just being clumsy.

Alex helped cleaned the floor while Yoongi poured water to another glass and helped Namjoon.

They say for a while and Namjoon couldn't fall asleep, Yoongi and Alex obviously observed it and decided on just conversion not wanting to overwhelm the poor guy anymore.

'Namjoon, you excited for coming home tomorrow?' asked Alex as Namjoon's eyes shined in joy.

'Yasss!!' squeaked Namjoon showing off his dimples as Yoongi chuckled at his happy baby.

Yoongi, couldn't container the curiousity anymore as he asked the question which Jin had forbidden everyone from asking.

'What happened' Namjoon didn't understand the question and Yoongi continued.

'Tell me about RM'

Namjoon's throat went dry, he didn't realise that he had to tell them the entire truth. Shit, how would he start it?

He sighed but decided on letting it out, it had been stinging him since days anyway.

'It all started with Nancy. I met Nancy during my business deal. I was attracted to her, I didn't know that we had about 7 to 8 years of age gap.  I wanted to impress her. And that is why I started trying to get in touch with her as much as I could. Finally, I gained her attention but later on I realised that she was married and had a kid, my heart shattered and that is when I went to abroad for the deal. You remember, where I was arrested for over speeding? Apparently, she was also on my mind during that. She was the one who bailed me out and later on I discovered that she was Jason hyung's sister in law.

It was a shocker for both of us but later on she sweettalked me into being a spy and harming a mafia gang. I didn't want to do that, since I know that you hated when Jin hyung was involved in one. I tried to open up with you, Jin hyung and even Jason hyung but she always convinced me not to.

I followed her footsteps and she asked me to kidnap Jason's brother. I wanted her to be happy so I did, later on I realised that the one I kidnapped was considered dead in real world. I really wanted to tell everything out when Jason hyung tried harming himself but against he told me it was for his own good. And I believed her. That is what everything is about. '

Never in his dreams Yoongi thought Namjoon's connection with Mafia would be like this. Heck he didn't think this through, he didn't know how to react.

'Make sure you leave all this and just focus on the company and your life' Yoongi spoke after thinking for a long time, he couldn't blame Namjoon in this, love makes you do weird stuff and that's why it's called blind.

'No!' yelled Namjoon. Yoongi looked at him in shock.


Namjoon yelled in desperation and that just made Yoongi tremendously angry at the younger. He lost his senses, he hated when his loved ones argued about that mafia stuff, he absolutely hated it.

He didn't realise what he was doing in anger until it was too late.

'You won't leave the mafia stuff? Then let me remind you, years back a car crash happened where our mom died. Do you remember how her body looked? Not moving and stagnant? That's what I will do to your dear Nancy, if you try going back to her. Haha'

Yoongi had gone maniac as he scared the poor soul with the trauma Namjoon had.

Alex was speechless, when he couldn't stop Yoongi from scaring Namjoon he frantically called everyone.

'KIM YOONGI, get away from him!'

Hey guys! I know most of you wanted punishment, but wait a little more. Things needed to be sorted out before getting everything back to how is it! Also, how is it? Is Namjoon's explanation worth it?

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