Chapter 107

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Jin dialled Alex and asked him to come to the mansion as soon as he could. Jin continued uttering sweet nothings to his brother as Yoongi slowly dozed off on Jin's shoulder. Jin still stroked his hair and held him not quite ready to let his brother go.

Alex on the other hand was living in a dumpster after being rejected by the hospital to take him as the doctor. He was an exceptional doctor but his records went flying away when the Kims intervened it. Jin never realised that, Alex can't find a job because he was blacklisted by them. Yoongi didn't seem to think about how Alex earned all these years of he didn't spend Jin's pocket money.

Alex somehow made himself presentable and ran towards the mansion not having enough money to take a cab or even a bus. After a run for about 30min, with nothing in his stomach for two days he reached the Kim Mansion. He took a deep breath and calmed his breathing.

He was allowed inside by the guard and Alex for sure knew Hoseok wasn't there. Alex was guided towards Jin's room where Jin still had Yoongi on his lap. Alex gasped at Yoongi's bruises all over his legs, butts and things. Tears clouded his vision immediately.

'H...hyung, what did he do?' Asked Alex and Jin sighed.

'Smoked' answered Jin and Alex sighed. He knew Yoongi wasn't good at taking stress and somewhere he blamed himself for being on of the reason for Yoongi to stress.

'Jin, we need to talk!' Stated Jason, his voice void of any emotion as Jin instantly knew he was in trouble.

Jin gently laid Yoongi down and pecked his forehead.

'Alex, treat him and stay with him. He asked for you. Also, don't open the door unless it's me. And, if Hoseok knocks just call me immediately' instructed Jin as he left Yoongi with Alex.

The second Jin was out Jason had him in a bruising yet gentle grip and dragged him towards his own room as Jin's room was occupied by Yoongi and Alex.

(I couldn't decide whether to write sexual or disciplinary so, I don't know what this exactly is but yeah!)

Jason locked the door and Jin was immediately regretting all his life decisions.

'Do you even know, what you did?' asked Jason as Jin shook his head not exactly realising what he did wrong. He went overboard, yes! But, why was Jason reacting like this?

Jason unbuckled his belt and hit it on the ground. The sound which echoed scared Jin to the core and he jumped from his place in fear.

'Do you remember leaving Yoongi unattended, last time you went to punish him?' Asked Jason as Jin immediately had a devastating realisation. He now understood, why, Yoongi was being so not him during the entire punishment. The second he understood Yoongi he was regretting the way he punished Yoongi! He regretted everything.

'Jin, I might love you but I treasure Yoongi a lot! A lot more. I can't see anything happen to him, you know that too! Yoongi is someone who is very important to me, if he wasn't there that day I would have never been alive!' Yelled Jason.

Jin nodded his head as tears started pooling his eyes and to his cheeks and to the harsh cold floor.

'You screamed at him, yelled at him all while he was scared. He was scared of you!!' Yelled Jason as Jin just lost it when he realised that Yoongi was indeed scared of him.

'Just because, Yoongi is elder than everyone else doesn't mean that you ignore him most of the time, Jin! You always worry about someone else, give them your entire attention whenever they are sad but what about Yoongi? Don't he deserve the same love and care from you? Why have you taken him granted, why?' Asked Jason, his tone still high and strict as each words of his affected Jin in a bad way.

'You chose to stay with Jimin while you left Yoongi in middle of his punishment. I found him scared and terrified. You left him for more than hours Jin! Just now, you poured your entire attention on Jungkook just because he was crying what about Yoongi who was silencing his cries? You asked me to give his tablets just because you could deal with Hoseok when he was acting up, did you ever realise he doesn't want me, but you?' Lectured Jason as Jin realised each and every mistake of his. He wasn't doing it intentionally but he definitely took Yoongi granted most of the times. He tend to overlook Yoongi hoping that he was old enough to take care of him, but he never thought was imprint left in his baby's mind.

He messed up big time!

'I won't lecture you anymore. I am starting your punishment now. You do know the safe word right?' Asked Jason.

'' mumbled Jin and Jason nodded.

'Strip!' Uttered Jason and Jin knew there was no way he could escape from Jason when he was this disappointed and angry at him. He seemed cool but Jin knew how Jason was burning behind that cold look.

Jin was scared to the core. He had been through this intense punishment once with Jason and he swore to never make any grave mistake to land him back there. The last time he received this was when they were studying and Jin thought it as a good idea to make Jason jealous by flirting with someone else. And, Jin had to limp for a month straight.

'I said strip!' Demanded Jason as Jin shook with utter fear.

'You better make that fast, because I sweat if I have to do it, it won't end well......'

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