Chapter 75

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Hoseok asked Jin's doctor to let Jin stay in the hospital for a few days until he was fine enough to walk around. He knew Jin wouldn't rest back at home so he requested Jin's doctor.

As a result, Jin had to stay back and he wasn't very happy about it. There were no other rooms available in the hospital resulting in both Jin and Taehyung staying in the same room.

It was midnight and no visitors were allowed other than one. Taehyung's secretary stayed over and Jin was shivering and whimpering in his sleep. Taehyung's secretary woke up and was confused to find Jin shivering.

She was conflicted but shook Taehyung up as he was asleep with the influence of medications.

'Wh..what?' asked Taehyung tiredly looking at his secretary.

'Jin sir, is shivering' informed the secretary. Taehyung got down to check on Jin and sighed as Jin's temperature was high.

'Call the doctor' rasped Taehyung and the secretary left immediately in search of the doctor. A duty doctor checked on Jin and called Hoseok.

Hoseok and Jason immediately arrived and Hoseok confirmed it to be just a slight fever and it would reduce by tomorrow.

Jason was adamant on staying and taking care of Jin. Taehyung's secretary left knowing that there was his hyungs to take care of him.

Jason stayed keeping an eye on both Jin and Taehyung. Taehyung just looked at Jin and looked like he was about to cry.

'Tae' called Jin.

'Is it because of me'?  mumbled Taehyung and Jason was quick to get up and sit beside the younger

'It's because of me? Right hyung?' asked Taehyung a bit louder than before.

'It isn't entirely because of you Taehyung. Everyone was wrong to let Jungkook decide your punishment which resulted in you being here. It was that guilt which hit him and he tried his best to get away from the reality, that is to cook. He wasn't entirely in his sense which resulted in this' explained Jason. Taehyung just looked down deep in thoughts.

'You know something?' asked Jason and Taehyung shook his head.

'Jungkook will respect you the same way he did before. He will search for you everytime he is in trouble or in pain. He will still treat you as your Hyung. You will still be his favourite hyung. You wil still be the same hyung whom he was always fond of' said Jason as Taehyung's tear dropped down.

'B..but' stuttered Taehyung not able to talk because of his overwhelming feelings.

'Shhh' consoled Jason and side hugged him as Taehyung hugged him tightly and cried. It was needed afterall.

'I..I c..can't f..fa...face h.. him' stuttered Taehyung.

'Its okay, it's okay. Calm down' comforted Jason. Taehyung took his own time to calm down and Jason was patient with him.

'I ca..can't face him. I can't look at him' broke down Taehyung yet again.

'Yesterday, he mumbled your name all night when asleep worrying us more. He blamed himself for your condition.' stated Jason and Taehyung felt guilty. Was he overreacting? Was he making up things? Was his pride not hurt?

'He loves you Taehyung. Jin loves you and everyone else does.' pointed out Jason.

'W..want m..mi..minnie' stuttered Taehyung holding onto his sobs.

Jason pulled him closer and embraced him.

'It's late, buddy' softly said Jason and Taehyung's sobs increased. Jin woke up worried and looked around to find Jason hugging Taehyung as he cried. Jin tried getting up but stumbled and fell again, twisting his ankle. Jason left Taehyung and rushed towards Jin and picked him up.

He called the nurse and she sighed looking at the swollen ankle. She wrapped it up and injected with painkillers and Jin was knocked out on his bed.

Taehyung was still silently crying and Jason was getting frustrated. He called Jimin.

'He..hello' groaned Jimin.

'Hey Jimin, Taehyung wanted you for some comfort' said Jason and Jimin just hummed and cut call. He fell asleep as he was too sleepy but a second later he woke up with a gasp and checked his mobile and realised he wasn't dreaming. He rushed out to the hospital in his PJ's.

He was there at the hospital in no time and ran towards Taehyung he found Jason hugging Taehyung, but when Taehyung saw him he jumped on him. Jimin managed to maintain his position and walked towards the bed.

Three of them sat in silence. No words exchanged just some comforting gestures. They heard slight snores and chuckled realising Taehyung fell asleep. Jimin managed to lay him down and tuck him in.

Jason yawned and made himself comfortable on the couch. He just fell asleep when he was woken up by Jin. Jason took care of Jin like a baby while Jimin faked as if he was sleeping.

Unknowingly tears flowed down his eyes. He thought he had moved on, but he hadn't. Jason observed it but didn't make it obvious. Jin had to use the restroom and Jason guided him through. Jin slept again but this time he pulled Jason with him on the bed. Nothing was stopping them now. Finally, they could be together.

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