Chapter 130

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Alex woke up to find Yoongi sitting on the bed leaning against the headboard with a serious gaze as he continuously typed something on the laptop. Alex looked at Yoongi with love as Yoongi turned around.

'Baby, you woke up?' questioned Yoongi as he pecked the younger's forehead. Yoongi then climbed down from the bed and picked Alex up and took him to the washroom and landed him on his feet. He then handed toothbrush to Alex and walked away closing the door.

Yoongi waited for Alex to be out as they headed downstairs for breakfast.

Alex met eyes with Jason and softly smiled as he mouthed a thank you to Jason to which Jason smiled in happines. He then looked at Yoongi's face which shined and Jason and Jin, both were relieved.

Hoseok looked at both and immediately turned away somewhere still blaming himself for everything. As the couple sat down to eat, Hoseok abruptly stopd up.

'Hyung, I just remembered I have to go to the hospital' rambled Hoseok and rushed out. Everyone just shrugged it off.

Yoongi fed the breakfast to Alex as Alex wasore than happy. Yoongi was literally putting efforts to make things right, and if Yoongi continued this then it wasn't very far from Alex forgiving him completely.

'Hyung, where is Joonie hyung? He said he would help me with my English assignment' asked Jungkook to no one in particular as everyone just looked around wondering if anyone knew Namjoon's whereabouts.

'I am not sure Kookie, he will help you once he is back. If not any one of us will help you okay?' convinced Jin as Jungkook nodded his head.

'Boss, RM is back'

Jason read the above message as his blood boiled in anger. RM, was his soul enemy and he has been waiting to get his hands on that bastard RM. Jason's face reflected a smirk ready to kill this particular RM who had been nothing but a cunning spy.

Jason had met lots of people underground but never met anyone like RM. RM, was a spy so intelligent that Jason was never able to get his hands on him completely. But, it seems like this time RM was gone and Jason was about to win the unannounced battle going on between them.

Well, he had to oversmart RM in order to teach him the lesson Jason desired. What RM didn't know was that Jason had already planned everything and as expected RM was out. Last and crucial step before RM would be in Jason's hands. Jason smirked at that and continued eating his meal.

Hoseok rushed in and found Dale pouting in the canteen.

'What happened?' asked Hoseok as Dale just pouted more.

'Hyungie, why am I poor?' asked Dale all of a sudden as Hoseok was confused.

'Huh?' questioned Hoseok.

'See, they increased the price of cream bun. I want cream bun and and and I am broke' whined Dale as he cried out loud getting attention from everyone around.

'Go sit there' said Hoseok pointing to the empty table as Dale shook his head and whined more.

'Hyungie will buy it for you now go sit there bud' said Hoseok as Dale walked away with dropped shoulders. Hoseok bought the cream bun and walked towards Dale and kept it in front of him as Dale's eyes shined but he immediately looked away.

'What happened?' asked Hoseok again and weirdly he himself didn't know why ha was talking so sweetly with someone other than his brothers.

'Not mine, it's yours' said Dale as Hoseok was confused. Dale reminded Hoseok of Jimin when he would throw tantrums to get some attention when everyone would be spoiling Taehyung's nd Jungkook. Hoseok chuckled at that.

Hoseok took the cream bun away and unwrapped the wrapper and bought it to Dale's mouth as Dale immediately started chewing on it and finished it right after.

'Hyungie you the best' exclaimed Dale and hugged Hoseok as Hoseok just chuckled. Two loud members being together just increases the chaos more.

'Now, we need to check on the patients' reminded Hoseok as Dale again pouted.

'Hyungie, my legs ache' whined Dale as Hoseok chuckled.

'Dont laugh, give me piggy back ride' asked Dale as he pouted more and batted his eyes to gain a bit of sympathy from Hoseok. Hoseok turned around and bent down and hoisted Dale on his back while the staff was amazed at their ex-owner being so lovely dovey with interns.

Hoseok had never called himself hyung while comforting others except his younger brothers. Dale was for sure making a place in his heart. A special place to be exact.

Alex who watched the entire thing chuckled and softly smiled which soon turned into worry

'Uff, Yoonie is not here or else he would have pulled Dale's head out' thought Alex.

That is when he remembered the initial days of their dating when Hoseok was proposed by someone they knew and Yoongi was so mad that he had punched the poor guy until he forgot Hoseok's name.

Alex chuckled at the fond memory as he made his way towards his cabin.

'Jin, it's show time' smirked Jason as Jin looked at him for further explanation.

'RM, I caught him. He is currently in my basement getting rewarded with some lashes for his work. I finally caught him! I am so damn excited to show him who the real boss is!' spoke Jason as Jin smirked listening to his lover.

'He finally got caught? Amazing babe' congratulated Jin as Jason smirked again and embraced Jin.

'Let me check on Namjoon. Guess he is busy in some files again, he ain't recieving call and he didn't come back last night' uttered Jin backing away from the hug and rushed towards the company.

'Dale, why are you crying?' asked Hoseok worried as Dale just launched in Hoseok and hugged him for dear life and cried his heart out.

'Dale, you gotta tell hyung sweetheart. What's wrong?' coaxed Hoseok only to meet Dale's sobs.

Hey guys! Who is RM? And where is Namjoon? Comment down your thoughts!

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