Chapter 77

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Taehyung wasn't heartless. He knew the younger very well. He was standing right outside the door keeping an eye on Jungkook through the key hole. He sighed when he saw the younger crying on the ground.

He hurriedly went down and went past all his hyungs who looked at him with questioning eyes. He took a plate of food and made his way upstairs.

He headed inside the door and kept the plate on the desk.

'Did I ask you sit down?' coldly asked Taehyung and Jungkook just cried hard. The burning in his butt was not helping with the pain either. He could only remember how he had treated the elder and let him wander off. That resulted in a few more heart breaking sobs.

The soap was bitter and Jungkook crying so much wasn't helping with holding onto that. He remembered how he left the older walk away without comforting him and at present he just craved to go back to his hyung's arms. He craved to let his hyung take care of him, but then reality struck when he realised Taehyung's words from earlier.

Wasn't Taehyung going to comfort him? Was Taehyung going to leave him alone? Would he be left alone? There was so many things running inside Jungkook's head that he didn't realise when Taehyung was crouching down right next to him.

Taehyung couldn't witness the younger broken and deep in thoughts like that anymore. He was never going to leave Jungkook without comforting him. He just said that to scare the younger.

Taehyung gently held Jungkook's chin and lifted it up. Jungkook then, came out of his thoughts and looked at the older. Taehyung stretched his hand in front of the younger's mouth.

'Spit it' softly said Taehyung which resulted in a few more sobs from Jungkook. He proceeded to spit it out on Taehyung's hand as Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and pulled him with him to the washroom.

He threw the soap and washed his hand. He helped Jungkook get rid of the bitter taste. He wiped off the cream from the younger's butt and picked Jungkook all of a sudden startling him.

Jungkook relaxed in a second and hugged Taehyung tighter. He laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder and sobbed loudly. Taehyung rubbed his back in a circular motion whispering calming words and continued roaming around here and there for a few minutes until he noticed that the younger was no longer crying. He realised that Jungkook was about to fall asleep.

'Bub, you need to eat' softly whispered Taehyung as he sat down with the younger straddling him. He forcefully parted the hug as Jungkook whined. Taehyung chuckled at that and started feeding him. Jungkook ate without any tantrums.

Both sat in complete silence as Jungkook fiddled with the older's shirt while Taehyung was busy checking the emails while his one hand rested on Jungkook and patted softly. He was trying to get the younger asleep but Jungkook just didn't budge. He was too sleepy but he fought his sleep. Once, Taehyung finished checking his emails he got up with the younger and laid him down on the bed with himself.

'Don't wanna sleep' whined Jungkook as Taehyung covered both of them with blanket.

'Why bub? Is something in that mind of yours?' gently asked Taehyung. Jungkook's tears spilt again.

'I am sorry' mumbled Jungkook as Taehyung kept quiet.

'Hyung, I am sorry. I shouldn't have spanked you. Even, if I did I should have taken care of you after that, I shouldn't have let you leave. And, I shouldn't have spoken like that today in front of everyone. I am sorry hyung, I really am' spoke Jungkook genuinely feeling guilty and managed to not stutter even once. Taehyung looked at his dongsaeng in adoration. His Jungkook, was growing up and that thought made him emotional.

Taehyung didn't answer rather pulled Jungkook to his embrace and pecked his forehead.

'Forget it like a nightmare, bub' said Taehyung and started singing. And, Jungkook slowly but surely fell asleep clutching onto Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled at the younger's sleeping figure.

'I know it's hard on you too, Kook. Hyung is sorry. Hyung wasn't there for you when you were in pain. I know, that it was hyungs who gave you permission to spank me and it wasn't your fault. Don't be guilty for not comforting later. You didn't know how important that is, I know bub. Sleep tight. Hyung is here to take care of you. And, about that day I need to talk to hyungs. We are all good bub' thought Taehyung and leaned in to peck the younger's forehead again.

He tried getting up but Jungkook wasn't letting him. He sighed and reached towards his laptop and continued checking his last work and indulged himself with work.

Jimin came to their room to check on both of them and smiled when he found Taehyung so concentrated looking at the screen but he still had his one hand cuddled with the bunny. Jungkook was clinging onto Taehyung's right hand and Taehyung was working with only his left hand.

'Just, give a chance buddy. Hyungs didn't mean to hurt you. It was a very impulsive decision.' thought Jimin and silently closed the door as if he never came there to check on them.

In the hospital, Jin had thrown a tantrum which resluted in Hoseok speaking to Jin's doctor and letting Jin discharge early.

Jin and Jason came home and Jason helped Jin with all his daily work. Unaware, that Jimin was breaking each time. Jason though, had an idea of something going on with Jimin and he couldn't figure out what was going on. He was sure that, that the talk he had with Jimin had cleared out everything and Jimin was supportive of his love. He needed to talk to Jimin but before that, he needed to check on Yoongi.

He went inside Yoongi's room to check on him but found all the medicines thrown to the dustbin. Jason was confused.

'Why did you throw the pills' asked Jason and Yoongi just looked away.

'Just leave' said Yoongi.

'Yoongi, what's wrong?' tried asking Jason slowly approaching the younger. Yoongi pushed him off of him.

'Everything is wrong. I am a freak, a freak who takes pills to sleep.' screamed Yoongi and Jason wasn't impressed. Not even a single bit.

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