Chapter 31

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Jin was not ready to pull away from the hug and neither did the younger tried to back away. He knew he had to come clean, but he didn't want to, not infront of all his hyungs especially infront of Taehyung. So, he decided to only speak with Jin.

Jungkook forcefully pushed his hyung away gently and grabbed Jin's hand and took his thrown mobile and rushed towards his room. Jin followed without any questions. Jungkook could no longer control himself.

He closed the door not bothering to lock it and jumped on his hyung. He snaked his arms around his hyungs neck and his legs around his waist. Jin stumbled but didn't fall and held onto his maknae. Jungkook broke into huge sobs.

Jin held onto him and sat on the bed while leaning against the headboard. What they didn't know was that everyone were out eavesdropping on them.

Jin carressed Jungkook's head and patted his back and whispered a lot of comforting words, successfully calming the younger down. Jungkook pulled back and looked at Jin with teary eyes.

Jungkook jumped up and rummaged through his draws to find the first aid kit. Once he found it he rushed to treat his hyungs hand. He was not a professional but he still managed to do a pretty good job. The only thing was that Jin's palm size was double his usual size as Jungkook had innocently wrapped the entire bandage on his hyungs hand making it the most bulkiest. Jin wanted to laugh at that but he softly gazed at his maknae who was so innocent and didn't have to go through all of that stuff because of him.

Jin couldn't help but blame himself for all the events happening. Only if he had not approached the CEO. Only if he had not convinced the CEO into having a deal. Only if Yoongi's secretary had not come on time. Only if he didn't cancel the deal. Only if he had accepted to sign the deal as ransom. Only if, was all going through Jin's head.

Jin came out of his trance when Jungkook shook him hardly. Jin then let out a sheepish smile. Jungkook decided it was the time to talk.

'Does Tae hyung hate me?' meekly asked Jungkook, head down and hands fiddling with eachother as he abused his lower lip.

Jin straightened up at the question. He couldn't understand what was going on, how did Taehyung come in all this mess.

'No' genuinely answered Jin. Jungkook shook his head as if denying the answer. Outside, Taehyung trembled at that question. He wanted to run inside and tell how much he loved his bunny, but sadly his bunny was ignoring him.

'You don't have to lie hyung, I know' Jungkook replied trying to again distance himself from evryone and was so close to aborting the whole conversation.

'Jungkook, none of us hate you. All of us love you a lot. Your Tae hyungie loves you too very much. When you were missing Tae had cried so much that I was worried about him getting sick. Kookie what is going on in that little head of yours. Tae loves you a lot. He doesn't hate you. He is a bit strict, I agree but he doesn't hate you.' explained Jin trying to be as calm as he could even though he lost his patience at the beginning.

Jungkook shook his head vigorously in denial of every word his hyung said.

'Nooo!!!' screamed Jungkook.

'You don't have to lie' accused Jungkook pointing a finger at his hyung and standing up with a Thud.

Jin stood up trying to reach his maknae but Jungkook moved back till he hit the wall. Jungkook fell down on his knees.

'I know I am adopted, stop hiding the truth' screamed Jungkook with all his might as he pulled his knees towards him and silently cried.

Jin stood in shock. What in the world was his maknae talking about. Everyone stilled outside. They were bought back by the cries of Jungkook whose cries intensified second by second. Jin tried to comfort the younger but Jungkook wasn't cooperating.

Everyone barged in hearing to the cries. Yoongi went towards Jin and stood next to him as if giving a silent support. Hoseok and Namjoon just stood there calming Jimin who was in tears.

Taehyung harshly wiped his tears and lovingly approached Jungkook only to be brushed off rudely. His only younger brother was crying creating all kinds of stuff in his head. He couldn't bear to see that.

'Kim Jungkook, stand up' Taehyung coldly voiced out. Voice dominating which made evryone stand straight. Jungkook felt a shiver run down his spine hearing to his strictest hyungs dominant voice. He instantly stood up.

'Tae, what are you doing?' whisper yelled Jimin walking towards Taehyung.

'Tae stop' Yoongi suggested.

'Tae-' Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon tried but,

'Hyung, stop I will handle this' responded Taehyung, void of emotions and glared at the younger. They stopped themselves knowing very well Taehyung hates when someone interferes between him and the maknae.

'Jungkook, stop biting your lips' coldly said Taehyung as he gently stopped Jungkook from doing so.

'Heads up' commanded Taehyung and Jungkook followed in an instant.

Taehyung gently wiped the younger's tears and held out a tissue to wipe the snot running down. Jungkook visibly shivered at the contact.

Taehyung sighed and picked Jungkook up or more like forcibly threw him on his shoulders and walked out.

'Do not follow' said Taehyung before leaving.

Jungkook didn't struggle. Taehyung carried him all the way to his car and made the younger sit on the passenger seat and put on the safety belt. He then started the car and drove all the way down towards a restaurant.

Taehyung walked out and took a take away and came back while, Jungkook sat in the exact position without moving an inch worrying the elder. Taehyung tore open the packages and fed Jungkook. Jungkook ate while staring blankly.

Taehyung started driving again and Jungkook had dozed off, all the crying, tiredness catching up on him. Taehyung finally arrived at his destination and it was night.

Taehyung shook the younger up while the younger flinched and woke up with a gasp. Taehyung again carried Jungkook inside the building and walked towards his hotel room which was at the top floor.

Jungkook stayed silent even when Taehyung fed him his dinner. Taehyung was starting to cry in worry because the younger wasn't reacting.

'Jungkook' Taehyung called but Jungkook didn't respond.

'Bub' no response while Jungkook just stared.

Taehyung had enough he pulled the younger on his lap and gave a series of harsh spanks as he himself cried while Jungkook remained unresponsive.

Taehyung continued and he pulled down all the protection at 15th spank and finally, at 25th spank Jungkook let out a whimper. Taehyung continued until Jungkook started struggling at 30th.

'Stop, No I am sorry Hyung. Stop stop' vocalised Jungkook. Taehyung stopped immediately and pulled him on his own lap making Jungkook straddle him.

Taehyung let Jungkook cry and he carried him towards the balcony. The cold wind giving goosebumps while their bodies keeping each other warm. He sat on a chair with Jungkook in his hold. The night sky was beautiful. The starts shining make it gleeful.

'Bub' whispered Taehyung.

'Hmm' whined Jungkook clutching onto Taehyung's shirt and wiping his face on the elder's shirt dirtying it in the process.

'Now, will you explain hyungie everything from the start till the end. No more keeping things. No more secrets. Hyungie promises whatever is there we will take care of it. And, who told you, you are adopted? You are not. I love you a lot bub. Really, I do. I love you bub.' encouraged Taehyung.

Jungkook nodded his head and began,

'I got in the car.......

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