Chapter 164

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Namjoon descended down the stairs and witnessed Yoongi barely balancing as his face was filled with droplets of sweat as it flushed a deep red in pain and sufferings. He trembled remembering the words Yoongi uttered just before he lost consciousness. Yoongi's eyes travelled towards his younger brother who awkwardly stared at him with nothing but fear.

Just on time, the others entered the living room completely satisfied with the delicious meal. Namjoon's gaze halted at Jason and he trembled more in fear that he would again be captivated by him and tortured more.

Jin rescued the day by pulling Namjoon towards the couch and giving a reassuring look as he bought a plate of food to feed him.

'Get up, and come to the dining room'

Jason's voice resonated as Yoongi unwillingly tried his best to lift the heavy books and keep it aside. His legs tremendously trembled in pain and he lost his balance but found no help other than a few stoic faces stuck at him.

Finally, he managed to walk towards the said place where he found Jason serving him his food. He had no appetite but he also knew that there were no excuses for him to deny food. With a heavy heart he took his first bite, followed by next and until he finished it. He didn't feel well but that was something unimportant at the moment.

Jason headed back with Yoongi and alls ettled on the couch. Jason decided to take the lead and sighed to calm himself down.

'Namjoon, can you please explain in details everything that took place?'

Namjoon knew it wasn't a request and honestly he just wanted to let things out. With one reassuring look from Jin, he continued.

'Nancy, was my friends target. I never really tried anything of that work but my friend was a trained spy. I remember he showing me a picture of Nancy as his next target and of being involved in child trafficking. He trained me with his skills for emergency purposes and I aced it. I never really intended to use it on you or in reality life but I had just a bit of training in the desired field.

He didn't return even after a month. I waited and waited but there was no response and we had a pact. If any of his mission gets more than a month then I should consider that he is no more and accept the reality. I did that and grieved his loss. The reason why I had lots of panick attacks before I left to abroad for the project.

After reaching there, I met Nancy as my rescuer. Her picture reminded of my friend and later on I realised that she was your sister-in-law. Something about that didn't seem well and I decided on investigating. My first plan was to look into your matter and I gave myself the name RM, which is actually my friends. RM was never me, it was him!

I just used his identity to protect myself and to easily access myself to gain more information about Nancy. I did get to know that he was working against you and was escaping from your plans and that taught me to be more sneaky than ever.

But, Nancy blew my cover easily. She knew I wasn't the real RM, but I couldn't help but be attracted to her. I knew she was wrong, she was the reason RM died but I couldn't help but fall for her beauty. Before I knew, I was her pet doing everything she wanted me to do. She not only played me but you too. Remember, how she blamed everything on you for your brother's death, that was actually her plan but Jin hyung saved you from taking your life and her plan failed

That exact day, I realised that she was just leading me on and I should do what was right. I hatched a plan with your brother to end her and everything was going smoothly until you intervened and here we are now.

She doesn't know anything about this, so please act like none of you know nothing. I will take care of her, just gimme some time. For all of you, I am just RM who apparently is your younger brother too.

Jason hyung, Your hyung knows the truth and don't worry he will protect you and he is alright. He loves you a lot, everytime I go to serve him his food he asks about you and talks a lot about you. You are very lucky to have him as your hyung. And trust me, he just wants you to be happy and nothing else.

He never intended on Mafia king's position and he just played along with Nancy. He loves you a lot but for now give up that position because Nancy is behind power and she wont let anyone take it from her. Not even her own husband. Yes, your hyung is in danger but I promised him that I would keep you safe so please give me just 2 weeks to end all this.

Nancy will get caught in her own play. She plans on killing your hyung tomorrow by spiking her tea, but don't worry he already has the antitode potion for that and the servant will serve her the remaining poision sneakily with her food. It's a bit risky but this is all we got. Don't worry, I promise to bring your hyung back, safe and sound but for that I want you to promise me that you will never let my hyungie cry, ever....'

There was pin drop silence. It was a lot to digest. All of this was just a big tornado in its own self, it was a loop with no end.

'And, Yoongi hyung.....I am sorry. I lied but not entirely, the reason was because Nancy had her  men place a recording device in the hospital room. I just portrayed myself as mad in love with her just as she knows me, but don't worry I am a smart person with high IQ'

Namjoon chuckled trying to lighten the environment but was it really that easy as he explained?

Hey guys! How is this???? Let me know your thoughts love ya!

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