Chapter 24

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         It was the next day Jungkook was still asleep. Jin had been in the company stressing over a very important deal working his best even if that meant not going back home to his brothers.

The left were having breakfast while Hoseok was so tired and dozing off on the table. Others were worried looking at Hoseok because he looked too tired.

'Tae, get ready we will head to the company. Chim, be with Jungkook' instructed Namjoon while nodding his head at Yoongi silently having a wordless conversation about Hoseok. The others left as instructed. Namjoon and Taehyung headed towards the company while Jimin made his way to the maknae's bedroom where Jungkook was still knocked out because of the meds.

Yoongi sighed and took Hoseok on his lap. Hoseok was too in sleep to notice that he was just shifted over his hyungs lap. Yoongi kept hold on Hoseok to make sure that the younger doesn't doze off while he slowly fed the younger with his other hand. Once he completed feeding the breakfast Yoongi carried the younger to his own room. He changed his work clothes and tucked him to sleep.

Jungkook was back to being energetic and Jimin was happy to have his maknae back. Jimin headed towards the company after informing Yoongi. Everyone were well aware that Jin and Yoongi were ignoring each other to the extent that if one was in home the other left and if the one was in company the other didn't enter the company that day.

It had been a few hours and Yoongi had already informed the hospital that Hoseok would be taking a week off. Hoseok finally woke up in the evening. He didn't think much and went downstairs to fetch something to eat as he was too hungry. On the way he gave a quick checkup to the maknae.

He witnessed Yoongi on the sofa working. He didn't acknowledge the presence and went towards the kitchen to eat. Yoongi scoffed at the younger and followed Hoseok where he saw Hoseok searching for something to eat. He sighed.

'Sit down' coldly rasped Yoongi. Hoseok shrugged off the tone and made himself comfortable on the chair. Yoongi prepared ramen and served it to the younger. Hoseok finished it as quickly as he could and let out a satisfied hum. All this time Hoseok was unaware of the cold angry glare the older was giving. Once, Yoongi noticed that the younger had completed eating he smirked.

'Kim Hoseok. You want to talk in the living room or my room?' questioned Yoongi. Hoseok was caught off-guard by the question. He confusedly looked at his hyung only to gulp at the gaze. He didn't know what it was about but it surely didn't mean well.

'In room h.. hyung' answered Hoseok as he meekly made his way to the elders bedroom and Yoongi followed him. Yoongi didn't miss how Hoseok was tensed just by the way he was walking, but Hoseok bought this upon himself.

Yoongi sat comfortably on the bed and Hoseok stood in front of him.

'Do you know why you are here?' coldly questioned Yoongi to which Hoseok hesitantly shook his head. Suddenly, Hoseok yelped at the stinging pain he felt on his thigh where Yoongi had just pinched. Hoseok frantically rubbed to ease the pain.

'Hands off' stated Yoongi. Hoseok felt a shiver run down his spine as he nervously tied his hands behind.

'Why are you here, Hoseok' asked Yoongi yet again.

'I..... Don't kn..know hy..Hyung' softly responded Hoseok.

'Where were you last night?'

'At the.... hospital' answered Hoseok confusion laced in his tone.

'When was the last time you came home' Hoseok shuddered at the question finally realising what this was all about. He didn't want to be difficult and get in a worse situation than he already was. Yoongi amusedly chuckled when he realised  Hoseok caught up on the conversation but stayed quite to know what the younger would say.

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