Chapter 92

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Taehyung picked Jungkook back from school and Jungkook was raging. He straight up ignored Taehyung and Taehyung let him have his way.

He barged open the door and threw his bag and made himself comfortable on the couch receiving a few glares and confused faces in return.

'Jungkook, don't you even dare to act up' threatened Yoongi and Jungkook picked his bag and sulked all the way upto his room.

'Jungkook, come down for dinner' called Hoseok and Jungkook threw an entire fit and it was a hustle for Hoseok to bring him down without punishing him.

Their bunny was upset, but why was he upset?

'Jungkook, finish the veggies' warned Jin and Taehyung slightly pinched his arms to get him eating. Jungkook sulked and finished the veggies.

'Jungkook, how did you do your test today?' asked Namjoon and Jungkook just lost it.

'Why should I tell you?' yelled Jungkook.

'Jungkook' called Taehyung with clenched teeth.

'As if you people say something to me!' stormed Jungkook and Taehyung realised what it was all about while others were worried about how to get Jimin to eat and other stuff.

'Bunny, answer to hyung' calmly spoke Taehyung not wanting others to get angry at his bunny.

Jungkook though, threw the fork he was holding as tears streamed down his face.

'I won't say! My test, my wish, however I do!!' yelled Jungkook as all others tared at him in shock. Taehyung was fast to pull Jungkook with him.

'Hyung, I will take care' said Taehyung taking Jungkook with him. He soon realised that his baby wouldn't walk with him so Taehyung wordlessly carried him like a koala and headed to his room.

He sat down with Jungkook on his lap and flipped him on his lap. He bared Jungkook and laid the first spank as Jungkook yelled. Taehyung brought down his hand for the second time and Jungkook cried out more. Taehyung continued till he reached 10 and Jungkook's butt was shades of red.

He proceeded to take the scale lying on his desk.

'Count' ordered Taehyung.







'Smack' 'Smack'

Taehyung immediately scooped his baby up.

'Shh. Shh. It's done hyung is here . Hyung is here' consoled Taehyung holding onto Jungkook.

'Bunny, we didn't mean to hurt you buddy. Hyungs were just busy. I know I ignored you morning and you felt left out. I know, we are hiding something, but you are too innocent to know baby. But, I know we should have said you, so Jimin hyungie was....hmmm....touched by a bad man and Jimin hyung is sad because of that. The cops were there to ask hyung about the bad man to punish him.' explained Taehyung slowly. Jungkook wasn't young, he knew what rape was but his hyungs were just too protective of him. They could kill as well as die for him.

'Hyung, is fine?' asked Jungkook and tilted his head. Taehyung cooed and nodded.

'How you k..know?' whispered Jungkook now feeling embarrassed about his outburst and slowly clinged onto Taehyung. Taehyung massaged his butt.

'I am your hyung' said Taehyung and held onto his bunny.

'Now, let's go downstairs and you will apologise to everyone and answer to Joonie hyung' strictly said Taehyung and Jungkook nodded. Taehyung dressed him up and carried him downstairs.

'Hyungs, kookie wanna say something' said Taehyung and everyone looked at them.

'I am sorry hyung' apologised Jungkook.

'And, I didn't know the answer of one question hyung' said Jungkook looking at Namjoon. Namjoon patted his lap and Taehyung placed Jungkook there.

Namjoon picked up the spoon and fed him the remaining food as Taehyung looked at his plate, then at Jungkook and then at Namjoon. He was jealous. Others who saw this chuckled.

'Tae' called Jin and Taehyung walked towards him. Jin pulled him on his lap and Yoongi fed him while cooimg and making Taehyung giggle.

Hoseok was done so he had left already to check on Jimin. As expected, Jimin was still knocked out.

Their moment was crashed when they received a message. Yoongi went pale reading that. He immediately left to the hospital and was glad to find Alex there staring at nothing as tears flowed. Someone had pranked him!

He ran and squeezed Alex in his hug as Alex broke down.

'Hy..hyung' cried Alex.

Yoongi couldn't take it and lifted him in his arms and settled him on his lap gently. Alex hugged him and cried out all his feelings while Yoongi himself was in tears.

'Hyy...hyung' cried out Alex. Yoongi's didn't speak as he reached towards the glass of water and held it so that Alex could sip on it. Once he was sure that Alex had drank water he kept it aside.

He looked at the dustbin and found tablets there. Ugh!! Why does he always come across all people who hate to swallow tablet.

Yoongi, harshly pinched Alex's thighs and Alex yelled in pain. He slid him off of him and went towards the prescription and sighed. He took the pills needed and held it.

'Open your mouth' coldly ordered Yoongi and Alex was too scared to disobey. He hesitantly opened his mouth.

'It isn't beer!' sarcastically mentioned Yoongi and Alex's eyes watered more. Yoongi was gentle while popping the tablets to the others mouth and gave him water to help him swallow it.

Alex looked at him with longing eyes.

'Next time, you throw the tablets you will meet my belt. Just because you hid from me for years doesn't mean that I don't know how to straight you up!' coldly said Yoongi and motioned him to lay down.

Alex, laid down and Yoongi started wiping him.

'Close your eyes' stated Yoongi and as soon as Alex closed his eyes Yoongi's eyes softened. He slowly wiped his body and broke down once Alex slept.

Hey guys!!! How is it???? New chapter= new comments! Sorry, it's not proof read. I have guests over and I am too sleepy to even type this but I know you guys would be waiting so yeah!! Please adjust guys!! Sorry!💜

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