Chapter 118

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Hoseok eventually gained his consciousness and looked around trying to comprehend things. He finally was able to stand on his legs which barely supported his weight. In the past days he had uncontrollably lost weight. All of a sudden fear engulfed him when he realised he had no one to lean onto, talk to or even tell someone that he wasn't well.

He waddled towards the door leaning against the wall and finally walked outside. He looked around to find one of the junior doctors on the bed asleep. He sighed and walked towards the canteen hoping to eat something but as usual the canteen was closed.

Hoseok couldn't control his tears as he cried and sobbed in the canteen getting strange looks from the nurse and others.

He hastily woke up and dialled the only number he could lean on.

'Hello' groggily answered the person.

'H...hello h.hy..hyung. H...hungry pl...please' sobbed Hoseok failing to make up the correct sentence as the phone fell down from his hand to the hard ground scaring the poor souls on the other end.

'Hello, hello!' yelled Jin in worry and concern as he shot up from the bed. He walked out with Jason trailing from behind  and banged Yoongi's door hardly as Yoongi and Alex came out.

'Hyung, what happened?' asked Yoongi annoyed.

'Hobi, hobi. H...he called. He said he was hungry and and' Jin couldn't say anything more as Jason engulfed him in a comforting hug.

Yoongi was angry, yes but his younger one was hungry? How? Only if he could realise that he himself had ceased all his cards and his own boyfriend was tormenting him everyday.

Jin ran to the kitchen and heated the leftovers as Jason was already in the car and the other two joined as they drove towards the hospital.

Jin waited for none as he barged in followed by others and finally spotted Hoseok in the canteen, head on table, figure shaking, foot tapping against the ground and sounds of little sobs emitting from the figure.

Jin's throat was stuck with a cry of concern as he rushed towards the younger and pulled him in a hug. Hoseok took a moment to realise who it was and when he did the sobs increased as he clutched onto the elders clothes and cried his might.

After 30 whole minutes of calming the younger, Hoseok was a bit better. Jin forwarded the spoon of leftover rice to the younger's mouth and Hoseok hastily allowed it inside his mouth with tears streaming down his face. After three bites he could no longer eat as he shook his head and buried his head in his hyungs shoulder.

Jin was confused but let younger seek the comfort he wanted. Just in a second Hoseok was on his legs and made an attempt to run but before he could he threw up the just ate food all over himself, and the canteens white tiles.

Jin and Jason rushed forward. Jin rubbed the younger's back while Jason hels onto the younger, taking up his entire weight to make sure that the younger won't fall.

Jason carried Hoseok to the first bed he found and Alex checked on Hoseok and sighed. He injected an I.V and left from the room leaving Jin and Jason to talk with the younger.

He found Yoongi sitting at the same place in the canteen staring at the white tiles as he sighed and approaches his boyfriend.

'Hyungie, I guess it's enough' whispered Alex as Yoongi nodded with understanding.

'Dont beat yourself hyung, go embrace him. He is waiting for you, only you' worded Alex softly. He was disappointed with the older for many things but he never intended to seperate the brothers.

Yoongi walked towards Hoseok holding onto Alex's hand silently seeking comfort.

'Hyung, can I talk?' asked Yoongi as Jin excused both himself and Jason as Alex also walked out with them. Giving both of them the privacy and time needed.

'H.. hoba' called Yoongi as Hoseok looked at him with more tears filling his eyes.  Yoongi stretched his hands and scooped the younger up making sure to settle the younger on his lap and be aware of the IV.

'Hyung is here. Shh, bud. Shh, little one. Stop crying baby, hyung won't leave you ever. Shh' spoke Yoongi as Hoseok sobs increased more and more.

Hoseok didn't utter a word but held onto Yoongi so tightly that Yoongi smiled knowing that he genuinely regretted the decision he took.

Yoongi then took hold of a blanket and covered both of them up as Hoseok pulled onto Yoongi's hoodie. Yoongi smiled and took off the hoodie leaving himself with a grey oversized shirt. He then made the younger wear it as Hoseok drowned in the hoodie. Yoongi continued to put the good on and tie the strings below the younger's neck.

Yoongi leaned against the headboard and Hoseok settled himself on the older's chest with blanket covering both of them as Yoongi slowly patted the younger into a blissful and much needed sleep.

Witnessing the younger slowly slipping into his dreamland Yoongi chuckled remembering how the younger would seek him when he was reprimanded by their mother.

Hoseok would search for Yoongi's hoodie and wear it and settle on Yoongi and doze off. The time he would wake up he would have forgotten all the things and would be happy as before. Only if he could forget this too, thought Yoongi.

He called the others in and waited for the IV to finish. Once done he carried the younger to the mansion and directly to his room as Alex followed them. Jin and Jason moved towards their room to get some sleep before the sun rise.

Yoongi settled Hoseok on the middle of the bed and then tucked him in. He stared at Hoseok and wiped off the angry tears as Alex held his hands softly.

'Let it out' whispered Alex as he hugged Yoongi and could feel the older's tears staining his shirt. After a few minutes, when Yoongi was no longer sobbing, Alex pulled back and wiped away the lasts tranded tears and pecked Yoongi's lips taking Yoongi by surprise and slowly led him towards his side of the bed.

Yoongi got in and pulled Hoseok towards himself as Hoseok clutched more into him in his sleep as Alex visibly sulked.

'Come here, baby' uttered Yoongi as Alex walked towards Yoongi's other side and Yoongi hugged him with one hand and pecked his crown.

'Don't sulk baby. I love him more than you always' said Yoongi and winked at the younger as Alex's eyes bulges in shock and then anger as he harshly slapped the older's hand away.

'I hate you!' whisper yelled Alex as Yoongi chuckled.

'And, I love you' replied Yoongi and pulled Alex towards himself again.

'I can't lose any of you baby' whispered Yoongi as Alex pecked his lips again and Yoongi smiled at the gesture.

'Dont start what you can't finish sweetheart' deeply spoke Yoongi and Alex was weirdly excited and nervous about it. But he visibly giggled.

'Your baby is here, you won't do anything' again giggled Alex and pecked Yoongi's lips twice more and ran to his side of the bed and fake slept as Yoongi's chuckles echoed the room.

He switched off the bed lamp and closed his eyes knowing that his two babies were safe and sound right next to him.

Hey guys!! Do let me know your thoughts down! More comments pleaseeee 🥺

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