Chapter 58

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Jungkook had finished writing 100 times while sobbing. He shakily showed it to Namjoon who nodded his head in return. Jungkook waited for further instructions and his butt was hurting way too much. Yoongi, didn't really go easy on him.

'Stay in your room and start studying, Hobi hyung will check on you. And, you better study Jungkook, I am gonna ask you questions' sternly warned Namjoon and headed out.

Jungkook, in his room start studying and his butt was really hurting. The friction between his pants and his butt was increasing the pain which was hurting him too much. The fact that, none of them consoled him after the spanking hurt him more.

But, the thing which killed him was the fact that his Jin hyung cried because of him. HE MADE HIS HYUNG CRY!! That broke him in return.

Only if he had not sneaked out! Only if he stayed! Only if he just slept! Only if he asked his hyungs! Only if he hadn't drunk! Only if he had got permission! Only if he had just celebrated in the mansion! Only if he had given importance to his hyung! Only if he had not been so SELFISH! Only if......

Jungkook had been thinking all of it and at the end he couldn't bear it and started pulling his hairs in frustration as angry tears rolled down. Everything was hurting him. It was the heat of the moment where he thrashed everything which was present on his desk.

The glass bubble which Jin had bought him was angrily trashed and it fell directly on the hard, luxurious floor and broke making a large THUD!!

Jimin and Taehyung was in the other room and they rushed in hearing to the commotion. Jimin rushed towards clueless Jungkook who was holding his hair in frustration as angry tears rolled down his face.

Jimin held onto Jungkook's hand as Jungkook was so into holding his hair that he just stayed there as the glass poked his leg and blood flowed. None of them noticed it and Jungkook was so out of himself to feel the brutal pain on his leg.

Taehyung was calm but not when he noticed the blood. He ran to the duo where Jimin had Jungkook straddle him on the bed.

'HYUNG!!!! HYUNG! Hyung' screamed Taehyung which echoed the entire mansion. All others came running including Jason.

Taehyung lifted his hand and slapped Jungkook as harshly as he could. Taehyung hand imprinted on Jungkook's left cheek as Jungkook finally came back to his senses.

Everyone gasped witnessing Taehyung slapping Jungkook. Their gaze then fell on the younger's leg and Hobi ran to find his first aid as Jin made his way towards Jungkook.

Jin moved Jungkook to his own lap and calmed Jungkook down who was now panicking and crying because of his foot which was hurting him.

Once everything was settled and Jungkook was no longer crying, all others sighed in relief.

'Koo' tried Jin but, Jungkook just didn't respond rather rudely ignored him. Taehyung, was burning with anger at the moment.

'Hyung's, leave. He needs a god damn lesson' uttered Taehyung clenching his teeth.

'Tae!' called Jimin.

'Hyung, leave' coldly said Taehyung. Jungkook shuddered at the thought. Jackson and Yoongi kind of realised Taehyung's anger but, they weren't ready to leave Jungkook with him.

'Hyung, trust me. I won't hurt him and he needs someone to show him the reality. I beg you, please leave' spoke Taehyung. Namjoon and Hobi were the first one out, followed by Yoongi pulling Jimin. And Jackson, convinced Jin and got him out holding onto Jin's waist protectively. Jimin glared at that in pure jealousy.

Taehyung locked the door and walked towards Jungkook who was now looking at his hyung in pure fear. Taehyung took a deep breath to calm himself.

He didn't say anything as he pulled Jungkook on his knee being careful about his foot. He lowered down the pants and Jungkook started struggling knowing that he was getting yet another spanking in less than 3 hours. Taehyung had no patience left.

Taehyung lifted his hand and laid it directly on Jungkook's right thigh.

'Quiet down' demanded Taehyung and Jungkook just went limp not having any energy to fight. He gave up to receive whatever he would get.

To his surprise, instead of a harsh spank he received his hyungs hand on his butt massaging the sour muscle. Jungkook's tensed body relaxed. Taehyung, then took a cooling cream and gently applied it. Jungkook, felt instant relief at that.

Taehyung, slowly layed Jungkook down on the mattress on his stomach.

'Don't you dare move' coldly warned Taehyung and walked towards the younger's closet. He took the most lose shorts the younger had and carefully made the younger wear that.

Jungkook had not let any sound escape from his mouth. Taehyung slowly and gently turned Jungkook around and checked for any other injuries and was glad when he found none.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook to the washroom so that he can freshen up. Once, Jungkook got freshened up they both sat on the bed with Taehyung leaning against the head board while Jungkook sitting infront of him.

'Jungkook, are you hungry?' asked Taehyung. Jungkook was clearly not expecting this and looked confused, but nevertheless shook his head.

'I hope you are not lying' replied Taehyung and Jungkook was embarrassed. Taehyung sighed,

'You are?' questioned Taehyung again. Jungkook sheepishly nodded his head.

'But, I don't deserve to eat hyung. I should not. I dissappointed all of you and also Jin hyung cried because of me. So i will punish myself. I am not eating until Jin hyung forgives me' said Jungkook with confidence in his voice. Taehyung just stared at Jungkook for a second with shocked eyes.

'What are you talking Jungkook? Are you even in your senses' yelled Taehyung, genuinely concerned.

'What's wrong, hyung?' innocently asked Jungkook.

'Jungkook' frustratedly yelled Taehyung not liking the younger's thought process, and he would at any cost make him understand what is good and what is bad.

Hey guys!!!! Where do you think Jungkook came up with such things to punish himself?? Anyway, how have you guys been?

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