Chapter 40

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Jason woke up only to find Jin in his arms. Jason lovingly gazed at him and checked his temperature. Jin's fever was high like yesterday. Jason then observed how red Jin's face was and also Jin was whimpering a bit.

Jason put a wet rag on Jin's forehead and headed to fresh up. After freshning up he called the doctor to get an appointment for Jin. Luckily or unluckily Hoseok was the doctor they got the appointment for.

Jason sighed and quickly made some soup for Jin and finished his breakfast as quickly as he could.

Jason then headed towards his room where Jin was sleeping and found Jin whimpering in his sleep. Jason slowly patted Jin's cheek to wake him up. Jin woke up with a groan and glared at Jason annoyed. Jason just cooed and pecked his forehead.

'Come on sleepy head, get changed' said Jason as he attempted to pull Jin out of the blankets. Jin just shook his head and retreated his hand from Jason's grip.

'There it goes' thought Jason. Jin didn't know what was wrong but he felt irritated at everything. Even at the slightest things. Jason was calm and had been able to get Jin to brush his teeth and wash his face and get him dressed up all while Jin whined.

Jin had seated on the chair leaning against the table as he rested his head in tiredness. Jason slowly patted Jins head to wake him up and put a bowl of soup in front of him. Jin shook his head.

Jason proceeded to force Jin to take a few bites of the soup which just increased the irritability Jin had. Jin didn't know how or why he felt so frustrated that he pushed Jason's hand. Jason stumbled and the entire bowl of soup fell on Jin's hand.

Jin didn't have a reaction for a few second but when the pain registered he yelped and cried out. He didn't know what was happening, he felt hot, he felt irritated, frustrated and angry. The sudden burn on his hand just increased the weird feeling he was having since he was down with fever.

Jason ran to take some ice cubes and came back to cool down the sensation but Jin didn't co-operate, rather pushed Jason with his other hand. Jason was calm, but Jin was pushing him to his limits.

'Seokjin, quiet down' ordered Jason and Jin seemed to go silent but that was only for a minute. Jason groaned and pulled Jin on his lap. Jason gave five harsh spanks and Jin seemed to be crying in pain.

Jason sighed in pain and lifted Jin and locked him in his hold as he treated Jin's hand. Jin was too tired to even struggle and he just went limp. Jason then touched Jin's forehead only to gasp at the burning sensation.

Jason carried Jin to his car and sat Jin on the passenger seat as he drove towards the hospital. Jin was sulking and didn't get down from the car when Jason asked him to. Jason parked the car and manhandled Jin into carrying him into the hospital.

The nurse called Jin inside and Jason had to physically drag him in. The nurse informed them to wait as the doctor was currently on rounds.

Jin was making it too difficult and Jason didn't really wanted to punish him knowing very well that it was the fever causing him to act like that. But, Jin was being too difficult.

Jason sighed and was losing his patience, but the doctor entered and greeted Jason without looking at the patient. The doctor sat down and gasped.

'Jin Hyung' said Hoseok startled.

'Hoseok, we can keep the formalities for later, I would love if you check him' calmly stated Jason. Hoseok just stayed silent and checked on Jin.

'We need to admit him. And, Jin hyung is never easy to treat when he is ill' said Hoseok as Jason nodded. Hoseok called the nurse to the further proceedings.

Jin was admitted and was asleep with an I.V hooked. Hoseok wanted answers and most importantly wanted to know who Jason was? But, that could wait. His hyung's health was more important.

Yoongi happened to come to meet Hoseok and he followed the nurses instructions and knocked on Jin's room. Jason opened to meet face to face with Yoongi.

Yoongi was red in anger looking at Jason, before he could react,

'Hyung, I was about to call you' spoke Hoseok. Yoongi looked at Hoseok and then at Jin who was sound asleep.

Yoongi immediately went towards Jin looking at his hyung lying on the hospital bed with an I.V. He couldn't help but blame himself.

'Yoongi-ah, he will be -' tried Jason to reassure Yoongi, but was met with a punch on his face. Hoseok looked at them with shocked face and immediately held Yoongi back. Jason was done with everything.

'Yoongi, you can leave' coldly spoke Jason.

'I don't take orders from you' sassed Yoongi.

'As far as I know, I am Jin's Guardian and I have all the rights to decide who will meet him and not' calmly worded Jason.

'Jin doesn't need a guardian. He is old enough to take care of himself.' argued Yoongi.

'Yoongi, don't test my patience. Just leave'

'Why should I leave? So that you can-'

'Kim Yoongi, leave. NOW' stormed Jason and Hoseok pulled Yoongi away from the room as Yoongi gave a death glare to Jason.

Jason sighed and sat near Jin while carressing Jin's face and a few tears fell from his eyes. Jason hurried to wipe off his tears and washed his face and sat next to Jin again waiting for him to wake up.

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