Chapter 145

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After a few long hours, Namjoon's doctor walked out with a saddened face. Jin and Yoongi immediately walked towards him trying to know anything about their baby brother.

'He is okay, but we are not sure about him. He might gain consciousness soon or he may not. The amount of blood flowed from his body is nowhere near healthy and it is also noted that he has puked out blood. The reason to that is not yet identified, we are waiting for him to gain unconscious to ask him for further more details and come to a conclusion. You can see him but make sure to be silent and not to disturb the patient and if he wakes up please inform one of us immediately'

The doctor bowed and walked away, as Jin and Yoongi barged in with nothing but worry clouding their faces. Looking at Namjoon's peaceful face residing on the pillow much different to the face they witnessed few hours ago calmed down a little.

Jin limped closer and pecked his forehead as tears adorned his eyes. Yoongi stayed next to him trying to control himself, but he couldn't as he broke down into huge sobs

Listening to that Jin clenched his teeth, an attempt to silence his sadness as he pulled Yoongi to his embrace. With great difficulty he walked towards the couch and sat down with Yoongi on top of him. Jin shushed him slowly and calmly letting Yoongi blabber away all the doubts, sadness, worry, concern, scared everything.

In just a few more minutes, Yoongi was asleep on Jin. Jin was heavily tired and he tried moving Yoongi from him but he failed to even move his arms. Jason, who observed this helped Jin to move Yoongi on the adjacent couch as Jin uttered nothing.

Jason then ordered one of his guard to get a plate of food and sat closer to Jin as Jin didn't react.

Jason scooped some food and bought it closer to Jin's mouth as Jin shook his head and looked away.

'Jinnie, you should eat something please baby, for my sake, please' begged Jason shocking all the guards present there as Jin looked at him, staring directly at his eyes

'How can you even think that, I can swallow a grain of food while my baby is lying like that in front of me? Huh, how? And for you, I am sorry to pull you out of your delusion, I am breaking up with you'

Jin took off the ring from his finger and softly placed it on Jason's lap as Jason's eyes leaked tears while Jin controlled his.

'Jin...' tried Jason but Jin looked away in nothing much but betrayal.

'He just saved you Jason, saved you and if saving you can cause that big of punishment then I don't know living with you might cause what!' Jin uttered again as this time Jason abruptly stood up and walked away in anger.

Jin closed his eyes for a second leaning on the hand rest of the couch as he got up to reach for water when his legs gave up and he abruptly fell down in utter pain. Jin couldn't stop a scream which emitted out in pain causing Yoongi to wake up.

Yoongi slowly helped him up and knew exactly why Jin was in pain

'Hyung, you need to rest. I am sure you haven't eaten anything, please have something. Is your back hurting yoo much? Shall I call Jason hyung? He might make you feel safe?'

'Safe? Jason?' sarcastically chuckled Jin as Yoongi looked at him in confusion and then realisation hit him like a truck.

'D...don't say me he force you!' asked Yoongi with curiousity and terror mixed as Jin could no longer hide that fact as his eyes already uttered everything.

'H..Hyung....' Yoongi uttered and pulled Jin closer as Jin finally felt a bit safe.

'Hyung, let it out hyung. I am here, I am here with you' uttered Yoongi but Jin shook his head.

'I am fine baby. This is not important right now. We need to inform all others about this. And shift Namjoon to our hospital from here' said Jin as Yoongi sighed knowing that Jin was never going to talk it out, but the amount of anger he felt towards Jason was wordless.

'Yoon baby, call Alex and Hoseok and inform them and get themselves ready to check on Joonie and inform Jimin to come to the hospital' Yoongis face saddened at that which Jin noticed.

'What happened?' softly asked Jin as Yoongi broke down.

'Minnie is scared of me' Jin softly rubbed his back to calm him down and urged him to continue.

'I...I punished Jimin like normally but I forgot that my punishment can recoil his thoughts towards his ra...ra...' Yoongi didn't continue as Jin pulled him closer. He for sure knew how that might have felt on Jimin after going through it himself. But the only upsetting fact was that, Jimin was given time and love to cope with that but Jin on other hand still couldn't face the fact that he was forced.

'Shh! Bubby stop crying my baby. I know Jimin will never be scared of you. I will talk to him ok?

Yoongi's cries died down as he just did as Jin asked. Jin and Yoongi were now in a luxurious car taking them to the hospital with Namjoon lying next to them with an oxygen mask and lots of wires keeping him alive.

Hoseok, Alex and Jimin were teary eyed and their heart clenched looking at Namjoon like that. Jimin immediately cried and found himself hugging Yoongi as Yoongi has always been his safe place.

Once Namjoon was taken away by Hoseok and Alex checked and settled in a room, Jin knew he had to talk to Jimin. These things can not be delayed.

'Min, come here' cooed Jin as Jimin confused walked towards Jin as the remaining eyes followed them.

'Were you scared of your Yoongi hyung baby?'

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