Chapter 106

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Jin didn't seem to stop anytime soon. He had already gone above 30 with the belt all while Yoongi was screaming and crying. The hits were very harsh and Yoongi's bottom was all read, bruised a bit purple. By the 30th hit Yoongi gave up on even trying to stop his brother.

Jin halted a second and Yoongi thought it was done but they were very far to be done.

'Open your legs, Yoongi' stated Jin coldly as Yoongi shook his head.

'' cried Yoongi in horror knowing what his hyung was up to.

Jin had no patience as he pushed Yoongi's leg apart and wacked him targeting his inner thighs. Yoongi was screaming.

'Start counting' ordered Jin as Yoongi meekly nodded.



'Ahhh!!!! F.... Five'



'Wack, wack wack'

'thirteen, fo...fourteen, f....fiveteen'

Finally Jin stopped, but the damage was already done by the cane as Yoongi had a few bleeding spots.

'H...hyung, sorry don't enough, sorry' mumbled Yoongi managing to let out barely any sane words.

Jin didn't stop there as he then took hold of the cane he punished Jungkook from and aimed Yoongi's calves.

'Count, and apologise' was all Jin said as he stroke Yoongi's both calves harshly with the cane.

', I won't smoke' whispered Yoongi.
'F...Five, no'

'T...ten, Smoke nwooooooo' screamed Yoongi in pure pain as Jin put his entire might on the last hit. Yoongi was barely breathing properly as he was gasping for air.

'Stand up' ordered Jin and Yoongi was scared to oppose it so he did stand up with wobbling legs.

Jin bought a piece of soap and tapped Yoongi's mouth as Yoongi hesitantly opened it. Jin shoved it harshly. Yoongi was scared at the moment.

'You ain't allowed to talk and you are going to keep that soap in until I tell you to take it out. And, that may be after a year!' Yelled Jin to scare Yoongi and Yoongi literally shuddered in absolute fear.

Jin pulled him towards the corner and left Yoongi there as he sat on the bed. And once he did the realisation came pouring through as his eyes were filled with tears for hurting his brother. How could he? He was angry, when he punished Yoongi! He let his anger take control of him! How could he do that!

Jin was having an internal battle, but hus eyes gazed at Yoongi who was struggling to stand. Yoongi didn't deserve this, he did smoke but he could have taken care of that in a different way! He didn't have to punish him so brutally.

Just as Jin woke up to approach Yoongi, Taehyung walked inside with sobbing Jungkook who just forwarded his hands towards Jin.

Jin's worry for Yoongi was immediately replaced with worry for Jungkook.

'Tae, you can leave' said Jin being sane enough to send Taehyung out.

After an internal battle he decided to take care of Jungkook first and then approach Yoongi.

Jin was whispering soft words to Jungkook and cooing all while Yoongi craved for it and broke apart. He was beating himself up for smoking and fat tears kept rolling down his face. He couldn't handle the punishment he was receiving, he couldn't stand. He couldn't breathe.

Jin on the other hand, was able to put Jungkook to sleep and laid him on the bad sitting next to him and patting him to sleep.

Yoongi was fearing for the worst. He remembered, when Jin punished him in his office and left him after the punishment. He remembered how Jin chose Hobi over him while they both got punished. He remembered how Jin left him kneeling on the ground to tend to Jimin and now Jin was choosing Jungkook over him. Does Jin hate him? Does he not deserve his brother? Was he do bad? Was Jin going to leave him? So many thoughts were clouding inside Yoongi's head and he screamed.

He screamed in pure agony as he clutched his head and went straight to the ground on his legs.

Jin was shocked and he left Jungkook's side in an instant and went towards Yoongi. Jason barged inside with worry as Taehyung had already left for company to help Namjoon.

Jin gently took off the soap from Yoongi's mouth and hugged him tightly. Yoongi was still in a daze. His body was getting cold and Jin and Jason immediately rubbed his palms and feet to warm him back.

'KIM YOONGI!!!' Yelled Jin as Yoongi halted and Jungkook woke up. He wanted Jin and he cried. Jimin came rushing worried what happened.

'Jason take Koo out' said Jin and Jason was quick to do that with Jimin too.

Jin pulled Yoongi on his lap and embraced him as Yoongi clutched tightly on Jin's clothes. Yoongi was still sobbing and coughing as he choked on his tears.

Jin held onto Yoongi tightly against his chest as he whispered sweet words to Yoongi and calmly regulated his breathing and broke the hug when Yoongi was not gasping for air and was able to breathe properly on his own.

Slowly when Yoongi calmed down he came to the revelation that his hyung, his Jin hyung was there right next to him. His hyung, loved him. He was also important for his hyung.

Jin had other plans as he lift Yoongi in his arms and walked towards the washroom. He helped Yoongi clean his mouth as he held onto Yoongi. Yoongi was clinging more and more on to Jin and Jin was completely fine with his cling bubby.

Jin treated his wounds and dressed him up as he still carried Yoongi and walked to and fro until Yoongi's breathing was regulated back to normal.

'Alex' whispered Yoongi and Jin pecked his forehead. Yoongi loved Alex and he was scared to lose his brother again. The last time, Alex left him Yoongi took months to get back to his usual self and Jin was worried what the future held for them.

'Shall I call Alex?' Asked Jin as Yoongi vigorously nodded his head.

Guys, is it a triple update? I m sleepy guys!!!! And, Jin is in trouble with Jason. Are you guys up for some sexual punishment between them or just disciplinary one?

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