Chapter 135

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Jason smirked as he entered the basement and found his enemy RM on the verge of passing out. As instructed RM's face was covered by a black cloth and his upper body was littered with various whip marks. His head leaned on one side with no energy as sweat glistened his body.

Jason had a weird smile playing on his lips.

'Take off the cloth' instructed Jason as one of his men moved forward and took the black cloth off.

Once Jason saw RM's face Jason nearly fell down. He didn't expect it to be the person he was looking at. How? Where? When? And What? Jason's disappointment was visible enough to tremble his men worrying that they did something wrong.

'Who are you?' questioned Jason as the man in front of him whom he had never seen looked at the shocked gaze and chuckled with every ounce of energy he had.

'RM' the man uttered with a face full of confidence and boldness.

Jason didn't wait a second longer to take any weapon he could reach out and inhumanely beat him up. The man screamed and cried at the harsh hits but never satisfied Jason by begging.

Jason was nearly held back by Jin who couldn't contain his curiosity and had driven towards the basement being excited to know who RM was.

'He isn't RM' yelled Jason and finally gave up on beating him as the person was unconscious.

'Treat him, get something in his system. We need him for questioning by another hour' ordered Jin and pulled Jason out.

'He is not RM' again said Jason disbelief clearly noticeable on his face.

'Leave RM, where is Namjoon?' asked Jin and Jason shook his head.

'RM is Namjoon!' let out Jason and expected Jin to hit him or scold him for blaming his Joonie but all he got was a smirk in return

'You knew?' asked Jason.

'Yes, that is why I didn't search for him. I am his brother, I have seen him from when he was born. I am smart enough to connect the dots and figure things out. I knew RM is Namjoon' spoke Jin as Jason nodded knowing that Jin was equally skilled as him in all the fields.

Jason and Jin bought fell into silence as they waited for the man to gain conscious.

After an hour thean was finally awake and lost in front of torturing methods by Jason and uttered out the hide out where RM stayed.

Jason and Jin immediately rushed to find RM. A feeling of nervousness in the pit of their stomach worried if RM really was Namjoon of they are just brewing stories.

When they reached the place they found someone they didn't expect at all. It was Jason's sister in law. Jason was shocked along with Jin but the most startled one was Jason's sister in law, Nancy.

'Ja...Jason what are you doing here?' asked Nancy worried and tried manipulating the couple to leave immediately as she had her own set of secrets to be shared.

Jason didn't answer to that question as for a fact he knew that Nancy was hiding something. He barged in like a mad man and fell to ground at the person in front of him. It was his brother, tied up and held hostage.

'Hyung!!!' yelled Jason and couldn't comprehend whether he was dreaming or was he wrong all along about his hyungs death?

He could think of all those later for now his hyung was important, he immediately rushed towards his hyung to tie him open but was stopped by a loud gun shot which echoed the place.

He looked around, hands sliding towards his waistband to pull out his own weapon, eyes fixed at Jin making sure Jin was well while he covered his hyung with his body to protect him.

But, who shot the gun?

Jin and Jason looked at the stairs to find Namjoon descending down the stairs with a gun aimed at Jason to stop him from untying his hyung.

Jason saw red as he immediately fired the shot and Namjoon barely managed to get away. Nevertheless he did get away and in panick, he shot at Jason's arms as Jason hissed in pain and dropped the gun due to the immense pain of the bullet skinning through his skin.

Namjoon trembled and rushed towards Jason in worry as Jin looked at him with betrayal.

'Hyung, Hyung are you okay? Guards, treat him immediately' yelled Namjoon in panick as everyone acted according to his words. Jason remained silent than hurting Namjoon only because Jin shook his head. He waited for Jin to approve his revenge against Namjoon and bring his hyung back to the real world where he wasn't dead.

As Jason glared at Namjoon, Jin was right next to him with teary eyes worrying about Jason's shoulders where the bullet was stuck. The doctor was successful in removing the bullet as Jason hissed loudly.

'Hyung' tried Namjoon but Jin just glared at him with stern and cold look.

'I will ask you only one question Kim Namjoon, are you RM?'


'That ain't the answer to my question!'


It was silence a silence which was very difficult to digest. Jin never thought RM would go to such an extent because of his hatred for Jason the mafia king.

'Wh..why?' Was allJin uttered as Namjoon looked away ashamed.

'I-I will answer to that question' stepped in Nancy as Jason just looked away.

It wasn't just Namjoon who was betraying him but also Nancy whom he took care as his own mother. He could believe his eyes.

'Take him to the basement' ordered Namjoon as the guards swiftly took Jason's hyung away.

Jason was ready to yell back but was cut short by Nancy.

'We won't hurt him.until you know the entire truth...........'

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