Chapter 115

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It had been 3 days since the incident. Jungkook was doing well and was healthy as before. But, the Kim household was not doing great.

Jin and Jason put their wedding preparations on hold in order to take care of their younger ones who were knotted up to such an extent that coming out of it seemed difficult.

Yoongi was conflicted, he loved Alex truly and he loved Hoseok more than anything. Hoseok's reasoning to harm Alex was wholly based on Yoongi. Hoseok felt Yoongi was being with Alex and that was why Hoseok did things he did, so was it Yoongi's fault?

Alex was betrayed. His years of self hate was found to be nothing but a bigger play he was a part of. He couldn't understand his emotions. He loved Yoongi but Hoseok also was a major part of his life. How could he forgive the younger?

Jimin was going for therapy and that helped it for some extent. He always relied on Alex nowadays when he felt his feelings getting overwhelmed.

Taehyung and Namjoon were abroad due to some business things.

Jin was stuck between addressing Yoongi or Hoseok, but he decided that he would talk to both Yoongi and Alex and arrive at some conclusion and wholly addresss the entire situation.

Jin called Yoongi and Alex to his room and he was graced with their presence. Jin asked them to sit down and all three got comfortable in their positions.

'Yoongi-ah, Alex we need to address the situation' said Jin not beating around the bush and wanting to end the matters as early as they can.

Yoongi and Alex looked at each other with year striken faces.

'Hyung, I want Hoseok out of the house. My Alex is not comfortable around him and Alex is not going anywhere else, he is going to stay here as my love' worded Yoongi with such coldness that Alex and Jin both were shook.

'Is it your both decision?' asked Jin not expecting them to throw Hoseok out of the house.

'No hyung, Alex has no take in how I am punishing him. It is just my decision alone and if you try to stop me hyung I will leave the mansion with Alex for good and never be back' said Yoongi and Jin was not expecting anything like this.

'What is your take on this, Alex' asked Jin still maintaining his stoic look and not giving out any information about how he felt about kicking Hoseok out.

'I..I want to have my job back' meekly answered Alex for which Jin nodded.

'Hoseok needs to be demoted and has to be Alex's assistant till I see fit and his hospital should be taken away from him and needs to be at the level of intern under Alex' spoke Yoongi shocking the other two yet again.

'Yoongi!' called out Jin but it ad no effect on Yoongi.

'Hyung, he harmed me and Alex. I would like to punish him on my own. I really respect you but I don't want you to interfere in thisatter hyung. He needs to be taught a lesson. He hurt me and he should know that he needs to straighten up his behaviour in order to stay in this mansion. Alex had to quit his profession because of him and the least he can do is serve Alex in the hospital and gain his forgiveness back' explained Yoongi and Jin had to agree to him.

'Make sure you don't hurt him much' informed Jin and walked out of the room to explain Hoseok a few things and to let him know that Hoseok still had them when things would get heavy.

Jin's words pushed Yoongi to a deep thinking of trying to figure out of he was making any mistake or no. How much ever he thought, he still felt Hoseok's punishment was less.

Alex and Yoongi walked to Hoseok's room just in time Jin would get there as Jin decided to make something for Hoseok and then break the news.

'Come out' spoke Yoongi as Hoseok walked out and followed them terrified of the entire thing.

Jin just gazed at Hoseok walking behind them like a kicked puppy and held in his tears and abandoned the tray of food on the table as he walked down.

Everyone, had gathered there except Namjoon and Taehyung who was out due to business issues.

'Kim Hoseok, I and Alex hope that you realise the cost of your actions. As a result I would like to punish you so that our younger ones know that every mistake will have its own consequences. As a result , Alex will be joining back and you will be demoted as an intern in your own hospital under Alex'. Your hospital will be signed off to Alex as his who was the original owner of the hospital. You will be treated as an intern and there will be no special needs awarded to you. Secondly, for pushing my love away from me you will have to leave this mansion once and for all' announced Yoongi as Hoseok's world came crashing down.

With teary eyes he looked around to meet shocked faces of everyone except Jin and he instantly knew that Jin knew all these before hand. Unknowingly he felt betrayed by the elder.

'N...nooo I won't leave' cried Hoseok with nothing but pain and pain and pain.

Yoongi didn't budge slightest by looking at Hoseok's upset face.

'Hyung, please nooo, n..noo, h..hyung pl.. please' begged Hoseok by holding onto Yoongi's leg but Yoongi just roughly pushed Hoseok away.

'H..hyung please' still pleaded Hoseok on the ground, gaze fixed at Yoongi all while others just held tears within them. No one dated to help Hoseok scared of Yoongis cold smitten face which clearly said a lot of things.

'Hoseok will you go out on your own or no?' Asked Yoongi giving Hoseok a final ultimatum and being least interested to witness Hoseok's drama.

'H..hyung' Hoseok couldnt complete that sentence as his breathing was getting agitated and he could no longer breathe on his own as he struggled to draw in air.

'Hoseok, I am not falling for your pranks of having a panick attack' coldly mentioned Yoongi.


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