Chapter 143

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'I am leaving, I am leaving this internship and going to back to my place to help Dad with the business!'

'Why?' asked Hoseok genuinely confused about the decision taken by Dale as Dale really loves this entire thing. And, Hoseok had never seen someone put in so much effort as Dale has.

'Hyung, there is nothing to hide. As you know the condition of my place I can't really leave my parents alone there. They are sad themselves and it's my responsibility to take care of them. I gotta go hyung! For my parents, I have to go...' Dale expressed his sadness as Hoseok felt this weird feeling in his chest which he couldn't comprehend.

He couldn't understand why he was feeling sad like he just had a breakup. He didn't know, why ? Maybe, he was attached to Dale a lot? Or maybe because he just helped Dale with his family stuff.

'Ohh' was all Hoseok let out as Dale's hands slipped away from Hoseok's slowly.

'Then, be successful in your life' Hoseok spoke and walked away. He didn't mean to do that but he didn't understand his own feelings and he wasn't ready to confuse himself more in front of Dale.

As he walked away, he realised something had changed. Dale had changed. Where was the childish, whiny kid? Where was the innocent Dale? Dale speaking to him is talking about responsibilities and a lot of important things and the Dale Hoseok knew was crying over cream-bun.

Whar changed?

Hoseok unknowingly came to the canteen and couldn't resist himself from buying all the cream-bun they were selling. With utmost love and care he packed it firmly in a paper bag with a note attached to each.

He knew Dale would leave at night as there is no train till then. He wanted to stop Dale, tell him not to leave but he didn't know why he felt that. In his entire profession he has seen a lot of them who gave up on their profession in between but with Dale it was something different.

He waited till the end of his day and finally just as he expected he spot Dale trying to find the cream buns in the canteen. Hoseok walked in and handed the entire bag to him as Dale looked confused not knowing what was inside.

Before Dale could talk Hoseok walked away. He didn't mean to but his overwhelming feelings made him cry and he didn't want to cry infront of the younger

Dale opened the bag and tears filled his entire eyes as he saw many cream buns there. He looked at Hoseok's drifting figure and he couldn't stop him or let him go.

Maybe, they both weren't meant to be. A poor and rich? Together? That's a thing to think!

Dale with tears filled eyes left the hospital bidding a final bye to it as he boarded the train and munches on the cream buns to stop his sobs.

It was an untold break up! With no promise of being back....

Taehyung, in the other hand was zoned out in all his works. It was almost thevtime to pack up but he stayed on the chair gazing at the file which was yet to be opened and reviewed.

He was disturbed by his secretary and his secretary sighed. She didnt know what was wrong but she could feel something different with her boss today. And unknowingly, she was worried for the wellbeing of her boss.

'Sir, how about we call it a day?' asked the secretary as Taehyung just hummed.

'Sir, then let's leave?' questioned the secretary and again Taehyung just hummed and that was when she realised that Taehyung was just going to humm anything she say and not mind about her words.

She knew, she had to inform any of his brothers. Starting with, she dialled Yoongi to not have Yoongi pick the call up. She dialled Jimin and Jimin's calls never went through. Apparently, Yoongi and Jimin were out in order to make Jimin more comfortable around him and Yoongi had confiscated Jimin's phone and put his own silent.

She dialled Jin and Jin's phone kept ringing as Jason looked at it and ignored. Namjoon's calls never went through and Hoseok's phone was switched off.

The secretary sighed. She didnt know what to do. Who could help her. And that is when she remembered about Jungkook, Taehyung's younger brother.

She called him and within a few things Jungkook picked up the call and answered.

'Good evening sir, I am Taehyung sir's secretary. I would like to inform you that Taehyung has been spaced off from a long time and I was wondering if anything is wrong. Also, I tried contacting others but none recieved the call so can you please help me with him, sir' The secretary spoke as Jungkook hummed and cut call.

'He and his brother' the secretary sighed as both were just humming.

In a matter of few minutes, she spotted Jungkook rushing towards Taehyung's cabin and before she could say something Jungkook was vanished inside the cabin and the door was closed.

'Hyung' called Jungkook and all he recieved was a hum. Jungkook tried for another 2 to 3 minutes and still held recieved a hum in return.

Jungkook had enough and he pulled Taehyung from his chair and that was when Taehyung looked at Jungkook.

'Oh! Kook, when did you come?' asked Taehyung clueless and Jungkook looked at him with a done face.

'I have been calling you from past 5 minutes and you are seriously asking me when did I come? Are you even fine!? What is wrong with you?' angrily spoke Jungkook as Taehyung let out a long tired sigh and looked away.

His eyes fell on the clock and noticed it was past 11 at night and then realised why Jungkook was there.

'Lets go's late' excused Taehyung and picked up his bag and stuffed the laptop in it and walked out waiting for the younger to follow.

Hey guys! Can u let me know if I have missed any topics in between in the last few chapters? Thank you for the help.

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