Chapter 95

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Everyone read the words Jimin wrote and looked at him in confusion.

'MT Industries' wrote Jimin and held it up as everyone's face filled with curiosity.

'What about them?' asked Hoseok not knowing that they were the cause for the sales to lag in their own company.

'MT Industries, are trying to copy us' stated Namjoon. Jimin nodded.

'Deal' wrote Jimin.

'You signed a deal with them?' asked Namjoon and Jimin nodded.

'They threatened me' wrote Jimin as his hands were shaking vigorously. Jason took his hand in his and rubbed his back.

'What did they do?' asked Jin calm but anyone could tell how angry he was. Jimin shuddered back and Jin's face softened immediately.

'Hey, hey it's okay. I am not angry' softly spoke Jin and Jimin nodded.

'I did something' wrote Jimin.

'What did you do?' asked Yoongi and Jimin looked down.

'I went to a club and I got drunk' wrote Jimin and started sobbing.

Jimin looked at Yoongi and Yoongi picked him up immediately. Yoongi held him as Jimin clutched his shirt and began sobbing his heart out. He reached towards the book again and started writing.

'I didn't know what happened and the next day I had signed a deal with them. The terms of the deal would harm our company. I couldn't believe, I did something like that. I went back to talk to them but he...he' broke out Jimin and Yoongi was quick to push the book aside and concentrate on Jimin.

'Jimin, Minnie. It's fine, you are good. Nothing will happen to the company. Shh!!' consoled Yoongi as Jimin was trying his best to stay strong.

'He pinned me to the wall and started touching me. I pushed him away and he said that he would harm our company. He forced me to give all the inside designs, structures about the new products and I have him. He then said that he would dissolve the contract only if I listen to him and that consisted of him asking me every night to meet at some place and force me into doing things I didn't like. I am sorry..' wrote Jimin with wobbling handwriting as everyone were shook with the truth.

Jimin ran upstairs and Taehyung was quick enough to run behind him. Taehyung forced open the door and embraced Jimin as Jimin cried out trying his best to push Taehyung away but he couldn't.

'Minnie, you need to eat something' reminded Taehyung as Jimin shook his head. Jungkook came to their room with a plate of food and settled beside his hyungs. He started feeding Jimin and Jimin just ate with shameful eyes. He was ashamed of himself.

Taehyung was controlling his best to not burst out laughing looking at his bunny struggling to feed Jimin. He cooed and held Jimin properly as Jungkook fed him. Jimin fell asleep shortly after taking his medicines and Taehyung and Jungkook headed down.

Hoseok was nowhere and Yoongi and Namjoon were leaving for the company.

'Hyung, it's past 10' said Taehyung and Namjoon sighed.

'We don't have time to waste Tae, we need to look into that deal and find something. Jin hyung will stay here to look after Jimin. You go sleep' said Namjoon and urged Taehyung to leave but Taehyung was Taehyung.

'I will come with you' stubbornly said Taehyung and reached out to wear his shoes. Yoongi chuckled and held his shoulders lifting him up.

'Go wear a jacket first ' warned Yoongi and Taehyung hurried off.

'Kookie, go sleep. It's late. You have school tomorrow' said Jin and Jungkook pouted.

'Hobi hyung?' asked Jungkook and Jin sighed.

'He had a surgery' said Jin and Jungkook pouted more.

'What does me bunny wants?' asked Jin and Jungkook giggled

'Your bunny wants roasted marshmallows' said Jungkook. Jin sighed.

'Jiinie, he with Jimin I will prepare the marshmallows' said Jason and Jin sighed.

Jason and Jungkook had a fun time roasting the marshmallow and filling it into the chocolate sauce and gobbling it up. That night Jungkook couldn't sleep due to the sugar rush and as a reslut Jason ended up beinga wake playing video games being damn sure that he would get a scolding of his lifetime by Jin.

Yoongi on the other hand was stressed. He couldn't find any mistake in the deal they signed. He couldn't find anything against the company. He was scared for the company, Jimin , Alex. Everything was stressing him soo much and he couldn't handle the stress.

He sent away both Namjoon and Taehyung away telling he wants time for himself while his secretary glared at him.

'Dont you see like that. I will get you fired if you say a word out' threatened Yoongi and the secretary sighed.

Yoongi then reached to his draw and pulled up a packet and took one of the stick and lit it up and inhaled it. Yoongi was smoking and that was easing the tension in him. He walked towards the window and looked at the sunrise with a smile lightened on his face as it looked beautiful.

Yoongi looked at the cigerate in his hand and sighed. He had been smoking a lot nowadays. It was his fifth stick in mere two days. He only smoked in office and never at home.

He sighed and plopped another stick to calm himself completely and sat back to look again at the contract signed to find anything possible to sue them.

His secretary entered to find the ash tray close to the window. She sighed and took it to clean it up.

'Sir' called the secretary and Yoongi glared at her.

'This is not good' mumbled the secretary looking at the ash tray and Yoongi scoffed.

'Just keep quiet, if you love your job' said Yoongi an dthe secretary was hurt. She took care of them when they were kids and that is what she got in return?

It was too stressful and Yoongi plopped another stick in his mouth and Taehyung opened the door and stared at Yoongi in shock.

Hey guys!!! The truth is finally revealed. What do you guys think of it?? Also, Yoongi's reaction was a suggestion from YAYA_UR_LESBIAN. Sorry, it took so long to add your request.
Sorry guys, I was out with my friends and it took so long to check on this. This isn't proofread so please bear with it🥺

Also shoutout for Saxx_148_army for being the first to comment last time!!

20 comments = next chapter!! (Next chap is of Yoongi getting trouble maybe or may not be🤭)

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