Chapter 125

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The air was thick in the dining table as Hoseok seemed to make himself small from Yoongi's gaze. Yoongi's eyes were set in Alex who looked everywhere else other than Yoongi. Everyone waited for someone to break the silence.

'Hyung, why are you all silent. I am finally back from a month long trip from school and you didn't even miss me!' whined Jungkook as his pout got bigger and bigger.

Taehyung made eye contact with Jin and Namjoon and then looked back at the whining maknae.

'And, seriously hyung. You know I don't like this, then why did you prepare this? You guys are meanie you forgot me right? So bad' yelled Jungkook in agony as he whined more and more with the pout deepening and tears clouding his eyes.

'Aww, Kookie baby. This boring dinner is just for hyungs. Your Tata hyung didn't tell you? We are going to that restaurant you always wanted to visit.  We were just kidding baby. Come on, we will go there' said Jimin immediately coming to an abrupt solution as he beckoned Taehyung and Namjoon to get up and join them.

Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin made sure that the youngest believed the lie they said because they didn't want their maknae be sad. Things were hectic in mansion but they could always make their bunny happy at any cost.

Back at the mansion, Yoongi looked at Alex once and walked to his room as Hoseok followed closely.

Alex looked at the duo and looked at their retracting figure in confusion.

'Hoseok is going to recieve his punishment' voiced out Jin as Alex just made an o shape in his mouth and nodded understanding the things.

'Did you and Yoongi make up?' asked Jin as Alex just looked dow avoiding the question.

'Jinnie, have it!' demanded Jason as Jin kept on pushing the vegetables away. Jin shook his head and turned away. Alex slowly slipped away from the table leaving the couple alone.

'Kim Seokjin!' called Jason as Jin halted in between his little tantrum and sulked finally accepting his fate and eating the vegetable. But, later Jason leaned in and pecked the youngers lips earning a giggle from Jin which satisfied the older's heart. Jin could just kill him with giggles and Jason would die without any complaints

The couple finished the dinner and headed to the living room and joined Alex as they fell into a relaxing silence and gazed at the T.V ahead

In Yoongi's room Yoongi had Hoseok sat on his lap with Hoseok looking down as they both sat in silence waiting for someone to break the ice.

'Baby, is there anything else you are hiding?' asked Yoongi as Hoseok shook his head.

'You framed Alex only because you were jealous, sweetheart?' softly spoke Yoongi as Hoseok again nodded.

'Why did you feel jealous bud?' asked Yoongi as Hoseok sighed.

'It was always me, but then as soon as Alex came in your life you forgot about me. You started going on night drives with him, you smiled a lot around him, you always protected him. And he started calling you hyungie, which only me and others called. And, I just don't know, you liked him more?' said Hoseok and ended with a question as Yoongi shook his head.

'Hobi, I love all of you. My love for Alex is different from my love for all of you bud. You are my brothers, my dongasaengs whom I will care for my entire life but Alex is someone I want to share my entire life with. Someone, who makes me happy, light, carefree and just special. I love him loads but that doesn't mean I don't love him, so baby don't ever think like that. Hyung loves both of you, and next time you are jealous you will talk to us, okay?' explained Yoongi as Hoseok nodded in understanding. He also got a lot closure from the things Yoongi explained. He was grateful that Yoongi and Alex were no longer angry at him.

'Now, you do deserve some punishment right?' asked Yoongi as Hoseok nodded like a kicked puppy.

'Roll your pants and bend against the wall' said Yoongi and urged Hoseok to follow. Once Hoseok did Yoongi took hold of the thin cane which Hoseok hated the most.

He positioned himself behind Hoseok and rested his left hand on Hoseok's back comforting Hoseok in the process.

'Count' ordered Yoongi.

Yoongi then lift his right hand and bought it down on both his calves hardly as Hoseok uttered one. Yoongi aimed at the same spot the entire punishment. Halfway through the punishment Hoseok was begging to be forgiven. Yoongi tightened his heart and bought the cane again on the same exact spot hurting Hoseok more.

'Last one, count' uttered Yoongi as he put his entire strength in that spank

'T...ten' uttered Hoseok broken as Yoongi let go of the cane.

He scooped the younger in his arms and settled on the bed with Hoseok on his lap.

'Shh! Baby, you are forgiven. Hyung love you a lot, lot and lot. Shh!' consoled Yoongi as Hoseok slumped more into the older and Yoongi held him tightly.

'Promise hyung that you will never do anything like this. And if you are jealous you will talk to hyungs first' asked Yoongi showing his palm as Hoseok covered it and whispered a soft promise.

'Shh!' cooed Yoongi and wiped the tears and snot on Hoseok's face and held him until Hoseok dozed off on his chest. Yoongi softly pecked his forehead and lied him on the bed as there was a knock on the door.

'Come in' uttered Yoongi as he turned around to make an eye contact with Alex.

'I took the decision. I decided to......

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